It looked like an ultra low budget indie project done for youtube. The acting was so hammy fresh off a 90s WB sitcom. Then the ridiculous corny musical score and awful "Halloween" "70s" wardrobes were laughable.
There was not an ounce of screen that made me believe it was taken place in the 70s
If you ignore all that, and I couldn't, you are still faced with writing that doesn't allow you to escape a minute without some racial reference to every stereotype ever to walk Earth. The sexy sassy strong black woman, the smooth quick witted strong black man to the dopey evil corporate white men and poster love child hippies, this was offensively unfunny.
This movie didn't know if it wanted to be a comedy, drama, TV movie, historical piece of art. It was all over the place.
If you are looking for a cheaply made film, bad acting, writing and directing filled with cliches this is for you.
SKIP IT, Skip it real good.