I must first state that I'm not a US citizen and don't have a " dog in the race". I am an avid historian and have studied totalitarianism for a long time.
30 years ago, I would have probably associated myself with the Democrat philosophy, then the Clinton's came along and, in my opinion, turned the Democrat Party into a money making business. Somehow they co-opted the DOJ, so the media and the FBI. Then the "lawfare" began - ie, the user of the Department of Justice to further their aims. Once Whitewater was not pursued, it became obvious that the Democrat Party had made a Faustian deal with the security forces. America's fate was sealed at that point.
One would have to be blind if they thought that justice is being equally applied in America at the current time.
This movie tries to set out, logically and realistically, what is happening and sending out a warning to the world what will occur if we don't rein in this (literal) police state.
I'm sure Democrats are either happy about what's going on, or are turning a blind eye to things. What they don't realise is that sooner or later, they will get voted out. - Then the reprisals will bite them on the ankles. All my older Democrat American friends are horrified about what's happening. They have seen the effects of Soviet politics. America is deadly close to this kind of oppressive regime.
Watch this movie with an open mind and just keep asking yourselves "Is this really happening?" I honestly believe it is.
Be afraid - not of other countries invading the United States but of the enemy within. The Barbarians are not AT the gate, they are already inside.
This movie is scary, bold and revealing. Please watch it. It is very much a harbinger of the nightmare that may well occur - and sooner than you might think.