Plot : The story revolves around how a village is plagued by an evil spirit, villagers unites to follow a rigorous practice to fight against the evil. Things go south, and now mysterious deaths occur, and Nandini(Samyukta) being the latest victim. The rest of the story revolves around how th protagonist Surya(Sai Tej) fights against the evil to save the village.
The direction and Cinematography is top-notch. The only reason this movie works is because there is no over the top action or machoism. Glad that they didn't go with a mass-hero. Sai Tej does a good job and a convincing one, though the dialogue delivery is sometimes bit off but the strong script holds the story together.
Samyuktha looks elegant and has done justice to the role. It's refreshing to see female leads are given equal screen space and pivotal roles beyond the glam-glam.
The supporting cast, group of tried and tested actors, do their job to perfection. Ajay being a surprise element in the film, with short but profound performance.
The only duh-part of the film is a weak second half and a not-so-impressive climax. Yet the movie is worth to be watched on the big screen. Viewing on OTT might not be that enjoyable.
Overall the movie is entertaining, and the writer-director has nicely assessed the limitations of the cast and has crafted the story accordingly. My only issue with the film is that the first half raises the expectations so high, that a mediocre second half left me with not a Very satisfactory experience.
Verdict - A horror movie with very few jump-scare scenes, but should work with Indian audience. Dont wait for the OTT release, can be watched on big theater. Considering the barrage of mediocre movies that we are fed - this movie must be appreciated.
Rating - 7.5/10.