I try hard to watch and found no storyline has been developed. Every episode consists different type of conversions or argument between 2 women, or a couple, sometimes between the lead actor and detective, big boss and his subordinate etc. The conversation content is incompleted and use of flashback again and again in every moment. The pace is extremely slow. 2 lead actresses are so so annoyed! I can't believe a woman who acts furious when she knows her son is dead and suddenly she shouts out in an awkward way. The next few days she keeps changing hairstyles and wears a green evening gown when confronting her rival in love. She looks like going Paris fashion show rather than a mum losing a son! And the wife is even more worsen, she is in tears in all situations even though the moment when she has affairs with in-law. Her acting is so embarrassed. Plus, everyone's acting is so unnatural and their facial expressions all look like constipation! They can't speak a single word in a minute and just stare each other forever! The setting is so so weird and unrealistic.