15 Reviews
Nothing special
Jackbv12313 November 2020
Another save-the-family-business which also means save the town. It all depends on a secret uncovered in the effects of a recently passed relative, in this case her father. In order to make it work, the leading lady, Emma, has to work closely with her former beau who also happened to take over the company from her father. You can figure out how it turns out, both in business and personal lives. The story has no great highs or lows or surprises.

The chemistry between Kim Fields and Adrian Holmes is good. They have decent screen time together. They spend a lot of time reminiscing.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this movie. It's just like a hundred others showing 24/7 on at least 4 cable channels. But nothing in it really grabbed me either.
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Like the movie, but....
nunnant26 December 2019
Felt like the constant wardrobe and hairstyle changes by the lead character (Kim Fields) overwhelmed the story line. Some of the outfits were a bit much. I look forward to seeing more movies with, and produced by Kim Fields. I think she is a wonderful actress and producer!
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A few extra stars for Kim Fields
rachelibrarian4 December 2019
This movie would have been nothing without Kim Fields. I liked that the other Facts of Life main cast were in the movie is small parts but it was not enough and poor Lisa Whelchel had the dumbest part of all. I really don't like Christmas movies that much because they are all super predictable but this was semi-enjoyable.
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ts-000012 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Was ok movie but why didn't whoever cast have Mindy,Lisa or Nancy playing the hometown friend. Or give parts that didn't feel so short,rushed or with not many lines. If they were too busy,for significant roles .. I'd understand. However for the big deal that was made about a reunion of sorts,felt a bit deceived after watching it. The subtle tributes to Charlotte was pleasant,despite other parts that disappointed.
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Great leading roles!
lyndavanleeuwen5 July 2020
Sure enjoy watching Adrian Holmes! I'll be looking for more of him!
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Really boring Christmas movie.
doctorsmoothlove1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"You Light Up My Christmas" is a hard film to review primary because so little happens that you cannot remember much of it. I watched this film just last night and initially struggled to recall the title. What I did remember was the general plot thread involving a Christmas light company and a bankruptcy in a small town.

Kim Fields and Adrian Holmes portray the leads of Emma and Ben. Emma returns home from Phoenix where she works as a real estate agent. Her colleague has offered her a chance to establish a business with him. At home, her father's business is now being operated by her childhood crush, Ben. The rest of the movie is a series of scenes of Emma and Ben interacting in various locations with various minor characters we learn nothing about. These characters fulfill various stereotypes such as zany best friend, friendly romantic rival and sweet elderly couple.

Fields is an energetic actor with a lot of charisma. She is bubbly even when she is supposed to be sad. Her performance is very fitting for an uplifting Christmas film which this really isn't. Adrian Holmes isn't nearly as good. He appears to sleepwalk through the role while always wearing some kind of toboggan even while indoors. The actor is virile and handsome so at least he's pleasant to admire.

This movie desperately needed a villain or some source of drama. The business partner and romantic rival could have served as villains if the film had wanted to commit to having someone be bad. Instead, each of them is too supportive and capitulates too easily. There is a reference to a competing Christmas light business that gets no character. It's a throwaway reference. Why not have an employee of the CEO of the business show up in a major way? Instead, a new product Emma and Ben create becomes a sensation and saves the town.

The film gives the impression that the script was rushed out the door for the purpose of having another movie to show for Lifetime's 2019 Christmas marathon. Even the required reference to winter storm Megan is just a lazy side bar.
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Didn't light up my Christmas
TheLittleSongbird26 January 2021
'You Light Up My Christmas' is another one of those Lifetime Christmas films to have a rather cheesy and uninspired title, but also have a story that potentially could be quite charming and sweet. There never has been any bias against Lifetime's output, much of it is formulaic sure and some of it has just as much corn and schmaltz of that of Hallmark's but with the right leads and the right amount of charm and heart they can have some likeability. Provided that not too much is expected from it.

Didn't expect a massive amount from 'You Light Up My Christmas' and overall got a film that isn't that bad but isn't really my definition of good. If people think otherwise fair enough and good for them, there are sporadic good things but personally do actually agree with the criticisms that have been cited. As far as the 2019 Lifetime Christmas films (a very hit and miss batch, with most falling somewhere in between) are, 'You Light Up My Christmas' to me is among the worst.

The best thing about 'You Light Up My Christmas' is Kim Fields, who radiates with energy and charm and it was easy to be endeared to her. If it seems like she's overacting, to me she wasn't, it is because unlike the rest of the cast she actually looked as though she was trying.

It is a pleasant looking film, especially the scenery. The music is pleasant enough, and is not as constant or intrusive as with other Lifetime efforts.

On the other hand, 'You Light Up My Christmas' has a lot of debits. A big one being Adrian Holmes, who looks bored out of his mind throughout. The chemistry between him and Fields is at best bland and takes too little time to develop. Lisa Welchel overplays her character and makes her even more annoying than she already was. Emma is the only halfway likeable and interesting character, all the others are dull as dishwater or irritate. The interaction throughout between everybody doesn't come over as natural enough, being both forced and static. The direction is at best only functional and at most points it's leaden.

Calling 'You Light Up My Christmas' cliched sums it up well, both story and characters, and that is being generous. Some familiar (well actually well worn out) story tropes here, all predictably executed. The first portions are slow and quite thinly plotted, uneventful at times, and some decision making seemed contrived. The script lays it on too thick with the corn and slushy schmaltz, not unexpected but it was overkill in places. The film doesn't get off to a particularly good start, very cheesy and quite dull, while the ending is rushed and too tidy and the lack of tension and conflict severely hurts what little there is of the drama.

Summing up, weak but not unwatchable. 3/10
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Not as typical if binge watching this Holiday
cla_1998-529-7582027 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is what set this one apart from all others I binge watched this season (and I watched over 15 Christmas movies). As an added surprise the Facts of Life cast cameos made it endearing to those of us over 45. Kim Fields is a seasoned and natural actress so it felt easy and not staged. Great job Lifetime.
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Meh, but really liked Kim.
ssc72 December 2019
The actor that played Ben acted like he was asleep, very boring. Kim was awesome though, a little overacted at times, but wow she looks great!!! In fact best she has looked in years, not like the other plastic surgery friends. Being a big Facts of Life fan, great to see the old crew, well sort of, won't spoil that. Also love the Edna Edibles nod. Aside from that, the quirky friends were fun, but didn't care for the slow paced story, lack of honest heart, no touching, choking up moment. Sorry not going on my next year's watch list.
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I LOVED this movie!
Hallmarklover2477 December 2019
This was such a cute movie!! You cant expect everything out of this movies. We know they're going to end up together at the end its just how these type of movies end but its the journey to get us there is what's important in a movie and this movie was light hearted and fun. I loved the chemistry between the leading actors. Kim did a really good job. Her character was passionate about Christmas and keeping her families legacy alive. If you just want something that you can just sit back and watch that puts you in a good mood this movie will do it for you. But if you expect there to be a perfect script then you'll be disappointed but the people who love Lifetime movies for what they are this one is so cute! I'm gonna rewatch it again.
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Mini-Spoiler: TFOL cast involvement.
ts-00002 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Decent movie,with Kim as the lead. However was looking forward to,seeing more of the cast. Mindy,Lisa & Nancy got approximately 5 minutes air time combined & in the same scenes. Was hoping to see them,throughout & having more present roles. It felt like they were barely extras,was a let down on that aspect. Otherwise did enjoy it & the tribute to Charlotte despite wondering,when other cast would appear.
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Holiday Spirit
melisandetorres8 December 2019
I loved the premise of finding your holiday spirit. The movie was nostalgic is so many different ways. I really hope that this is the first of many movies with the ladies of FoL in varying storylines.
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Heartwarming Christmas movie
thethriftychickbargains8 December 2019
Great movie to get you into the holiday spirit! Leading actors, especially Kim Fields, were excellent. Kim was beautiful and her acting was on point. A real feel good movie, lighthearted and just the right amount of comedy. Very sweet. Great chemistry between the two leads....loved it!
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Jazzie-too2 December 2019
I just liked it! Warm and cozy. Good actors and relationships!
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Great Hometown Christmas Movie
wineseekers25 July 2021
I love this movie. The characters were selected appropriately for this. I read some of the other reviews and this was a TV movie and it was written well for it. Keep them coming because I enjoy well written Christmas stories...reminds me of family and home!
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