Old Dogs (2009) Poster

(I) (2009)

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Much better than expected...in fact, I sort of enjoyed this
Jackpollins25 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see the new family comedy Old Dogs expecting not to like it. The only reason that made me think it wasn't gonna be garbage was the great cast, so I gave it a shot. I was surprised to say I actually sort of liked it. The film stars Robin Williams and John Travolta as Dan and Charlie, two businessmen and long-time best friends. One day, Dan's ex-girlfriend, Vicki (Kelly Preston) takes him to dinner and says she's going to jail. She tells him of how her friend's gonna to watch after the kids and how he needs to check in on them every once in a while. To further explain this scenario, the kids are Dan's kids. When Dan puts Vicki's friend in the hospital, Dan is forced to watch after the kids with a little unenthusiastic help from Charlie. If this plot sounds bad, then you're on the same page as me. The surprise element of this movie is that it's actually pretty damn funny. It doesn't hurt that a great supporting cast including Lori Loughlin, Justin Long, Matt Dillon, Seth Green, and the late Bernie Mac are in it. Obviously this is not a perfect film, nor should it be, and it's not for everyone, but I certainly found it funny enough. Check it out because you may feel the exact same way I feel about this film walking out of the theater.
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Not too bad - it was funny!
zzzinsun1 January 2010
There were no other family flicks out that my older kids would sit through, so we decided to give Old Dogs a shot. I have to say that we laughed very hard and enjoyed it. This is a kids/family film, and in that context it delivers. It certainly is not a bad film. John Travolota and Robin Williams work well together and make this film worth seeing. I hope they have a chance to collaborate again as they have good chemistry. There were some surprises in the plot, which is unusual for most kid films. This film is not going to be an academy award winner, but it certainly was not a waste of time. I expected to be bored and found myself laughing from beginning to end. I want to thank the producers for making a family film that is worth seeing. The kids loved it and when that happens they develop a loyalty to the actors and trust them to deliver again the in future. I hope that is the case.
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A good dose of spray-on fun
paul_haakonsen22 February 2010
This movie was funny, heartfelt and good. By far one of the better comedies I have seen come out of 2009.

The cast of "Old Dogs" is really good, as everyone have great on screen charisma, and everyone is a gifted actor, so that works well in a great way. I always like Robin Williams, but I must say that John Travolta did a really good job in this movie (and I am usually not a big fan of his work).

The movie is good for fun and laughter, whether you sit down to watch it alone, with your significant other, or with your whole family. There is something in this movie for everyone.

"Old Dogs" have a somewhat sassy story, sure, it was a Disney product after all, but it worked out well anyway. I was thoroughly amused throughout the entire movie, and I was laughing a lot as well. The majority of the movie revolves around comedy, but the drama aspect of the story worked well entwined with the comedy. It came together as a heartfelt wholesome.

I recommend this movie warmly for its good story and laughs, and I say this movie is the type that you will pick up again and watch at a later time.
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Holy god
bradlewis9829 November 2009
"Old Dogs" is simply mind numbingly awful. It's like two hours of being raped in the face by fart jokes. Is it funny to see Seth Green pretend to get hit in the balls? Well then this is totally up your alley. When people talk about how films are getting worse this is what they are talking about. The inexplicable amount of decent ratings for this mess of idiocy kind of explains why the publishing industry is tanking. I refuse to admit I live in a world where those who enjoy this dreck actually know how to read.

"Old Dogs" is an ugly artless stupid film that has been created only to keep your kids quiet for a couple hours; although making them sit through this should legally be on the same level as child abuse. In a couple years we will forget this ever existed.
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Falling totally flat
Gordon-1128 February 2010
This film is about a businessman suddenly having to take care two kids while in the middle of closing the biggest business deal in their company's history.

"Old Dogs" is such a disappointment. The script is terrible and is simply not funny. John Travolta and Robin Williams are both miscast, and most of the time actors over-dramatise that they look so silly and annoying. This film is about the kids and yet they are always delegated to the background. We don't get to know so much about the kids at all. There could have been some touching moments, but there weren't any. The film repeatedly makes fun of older people, but the jokes are more tasteless than funny. The jokes repeat themselves over and over, but as they are not funny the first time, they are not funny the second time either. "Old Dogs" falls totally flat in both the comedy and drama departments. It's a big disappointment.
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Travolta's return to films has a potentially good element to it
MCMAYNERBERRY18 December 2009
When Travolta's son Jett died in January, He had'nt had a film out for a long time. Old Dogs comes out, and the critics feel they needed to pan it because they feel threatened by a good film. Two best friends—one unlucky-in-love divorcé (Robin Williams) and the other a fun-loving bachelor (John Travolta)—have their lives turned upside down when they're unexpectedly charged with the care of six-year-old twins while on the verge of the biggest business deal of their lives. The not-so-kidsavvy bachelors stumble in their efforts to take care of the twins (newcomers Ella Bleu Travolta and Conner Rayburn), leading to one debacle after another, and perhaps to a new-found understanding of what's really important in life. Old Dogs 7/10
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Save your money
kxok63030 November 2009
You worked hard for your paycheck; which is a lot more than can be said for anybody involved with this movie. Like an old dog that needs a bath, this thing stinks something awful.

Robin Williams and John Travolta have done better. Unfortunately, in this outing, neither delivers. It's not enough to prance into camera view, and call that acting. To label their performances as "phoned in" is being too generous. All they do is mug and mechanically recite lines. "Warm and fuzzy" scenes look contrived and phony, "comical" scenes are about as funny as having your teeth pulled out with a wrench and no anesthesia. And no, even anesthesia won't help you endure this movie.

The "touchy-feely" premise is this: two obnoxious swinging single mid-life-crisis guys, are old friends and business partners. Through some dumb circumstances (one has kids he didn't know about-so original yecch), they wind up with two kids to care for. Idiotic? Yes. Original, no. Interesting; definitely not. Writing is flat, the rest of the cast is flat, the plot is flat, and the director should be banned from making movies ever again. The story goes nowhere, and is never involving. The characters are not likable, and the intended laughs are as sparse as igloos in the Sahara desert. It even stoops to the old groin injury bit: sad.

At least the title makes sense. It's all old stuff. And it's a dog.
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Good Pairing, Funny
torstensonjohn28 June 2018
The film is a comedy, family filled fun with Robin Williams at his comical genius. There are a lot of negative reviews for this film but let me put a positive spin on it. The plot is pretty simple; two best friends who are in business together and continuously help one another out. One gets divorced and they head to Miami for fun like the old days. Enter Kelly Preston who plays a minimal but significant part. A fling occurs AND then we fast forward 7 years later when Vicky pops back up in Williams life with two children. Here is where the comedy ensues and Travolta and Williams are at their best. There are a lot of laughs within the film and with co-stars such as Seth Green, Bernie Mac, Matt Dillon, Justin Long, Amy Sedaris the film is enlightend with fun.
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If you liked this movie, you are the part of the reason why Western Civilization is doomed
RakDaddy27 November 2009
This is the movie that has me rethinking the policy of the Cultural Lifetime Pass. If you made a record or a painting or a movie that helped lift up the standards of culture and made the world a better place, even for a brief moment, then I think you should get a pass if you're forced to make dreck to put food on the table.

I was ready to give Robin Williams his pass for "Reality...What a Concept," "Moscow on the Hudson" and "Insomnia." John Travolta had a potential pass for "Pulp Fiction" and "Get Shorty." Seth Green gave us "Robot Chicken." Matt Dillon, Bernie Mac, Amy Sedaris, Ann-Margaret, for God's sake....

Ladies and gentlemen, no longer. I hereby revoke your passes.

This movie was a pile of trite, clichéd garbage. You could have slotted any other actors into these roles, and you would have gotten the same result: a lot of mugging, a lot of canned reactions, and a lot of tired nutshot jokes. This was such bland pablum that I should have walked out, but I was dragged to this flick with family.

So, was the paycheck worth it? Probably, seeing how so many people gave it a 10 rating and are mocking the critics who rightly called out this turd for what it is. More and more people will pay good money to see Seth Green get cuddled by a gorilla or watch Williams and Travolta go through the same list of gay panic jokes (with a little racism thrown in for extra flavor) that was excreted on screen for "Wild Hogs." Keep polishing that turd, folks; it won't change what it is.

Don't force the ones you love to see this movie. Stay home. Read a book. Play a board game. Do anything but see this waste of time. Please, for the sake of the children, I beg you: do the merciful thing and put down "Old Dogs."
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This is Fun!
namashi_16 February 2010
Walt Becker's critically panned 'Old Dogs' is one of those films, that entertain till you are in the auditorium. It's aim is simple: Entertainment, the audience has to enjoy it, calling it as a 'Fun' fare. I liked 'Old Dogs', I laughed & enjoyed it.

Films like these is never meant for critics. Critics are losers, 'Old Dogs' is an out-and-out audience film, and the box office returns prove that. These films are not meant to be remembered, such films comes, earn money, tackle your funny bone, that's it! 'Old Dogs' is a winner... mainly because it's intentions are clear, and it succeeds in it's way!

Becker's direction is not as good as compared to his classic 'Wild Hogs', yet it's passable. Coming to acting, John Travolta & Robin Williams steal the show with terrific performances. Plus, it's a pleasure to watch two legends come together. Seth Green is superb, especially in the climax. Kelly Preston is good. Ella Travolta & Conner Rayburn are lovable. Lori Loughlin does her bit well. Bernie Mac, in a minor posthumous role, is as good as ever. Justin Long is fantastic in a brief role. Matt Dillon is wasted.

On the whole 'Old Dogs' is entertainment at it's best!
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Truly Awful
bigade-692-97149722 March 2010
What happened guys? John... Robin... Seth.... You guys are great, but this movie was truly dire - didn't you read the script before signing up? I'm guessing those that gave this movie a glittering review either put their review on IMDb against the wrong movie or their IQ levels after watching this dross had plummeted to singular figures and they just dragged their knuckles over the keyboard and got lucky.

Young kids will probably laugh at the fart and the whack-in-the-sack jokes, but jeez - when that's all there is...

A steaming pile! Given the choice of watching this movie again or driving bamboo shoots under my fingernails, I know which one would win. Complete PANTS!
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Much better than it perceives to be
UniqueParticle17 October 2020
Old Dogs is quite heartwarming and entertaining despite its flaws! A bit of mess cause it's about having to take care of snotty kids that are destructive. Robin Williams and John Travolta are great together unfortunate they didn't get to do other projects together! Definitely the mindless entertainment type doesn't require much to attention span.
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Why are people so unkind?
erictopp14 March 2013
Don't understand all the hate for this movie. It's a comedy - I laughed.

As a movie starring Robin Williams about a father and his children, it's a lot better than "Hook". Williams and Travolta have great comic timing and no scenes drag.

The supporting actors are fine. The kids are bearable and I liked the fact that a "mature" woman played the love interest.

Some of the scenes and characters are unconventional but I like a movie that isn't filled with clichés. If people have a problem with understanding the plot, they should forget about watching anything more demanding than "Jack and Jill".
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Incomprehensibly Awful
brettster23 November 2009
A friend and I saw a screening of this feeble excuse for a major motion picture right before Thanksgiving, and the look of exasperation we exchanged during the closing credits is one I hope we never have to show one other again. Evidently, John Travolta, his wife, daughter and siblings needed an excuse to take a working family vacation with Robin Williams, and this cinematic open sore is the result. It is an insult to the intelligence of anybody over, or under, the age of 10. Here's an example of the film's logic: Kelly Preston (Mrs. T) plays a mother of 7-year-old twins; on the eve of being sent to prison, she tells Robin Williams that he's the dad. Even so, she is extremely concerned about whether he can live up the responsibility of taking care of them while she's in the cooler. (The irony is not played for laughs.) If you relish stupid situations, potty humor and extreme predictability, this is the movie for you.
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represents a new low in any number of careers
Buddy-5119 August 2010
In the insufferable and unwatchable "Old Dogs," John Travolta and Robin Williams play longtime Manhattan business partners who've been best friends since high school. One's a superannuated swinging bachelor (I'll let you guess which); the other's a divorced commitment-phobe who suddenly discovers that he's the father of two fraternal twins from a woman (Kelly Preston) he briefly married, then got an annulment from, seven years earlier. Now that the kids are in his life, Williams is learning what it means to be a daddy - movie-comedy style, that is.

I guess there must be an audience out there for these dumbed-down daddy-day-care scenarios, featuring grown men who are more childish and immature than the kids they're supposed to be raising, but, frankly, I don't get the appeal. Suffice it to say, the script - a gruesome combination of painfully contrived setups, unfunny jokes, teeth-grinding sentimentality and stunningly desperate slapstick routines - feels as if it were written by a not particularly gifted third-grader; the direction is low-grade and cheesy, and the acting consists of little more than nonstop mugging for the camera. It even has the oldest family-comedy standby of them all: a cutesy dog for cutaway reaction shots that are somehow supposed to make the whole thing even more side-splitting and hilarious than it already is. (And, in deference to their careers, we hesitate to even mention that Bernie Mac, Ann-Margret, and Matt Dillon drop in for some ill-advised cameos, which I'm sure they've since come to regret).

This may not be the worst movie ever made by either Travolta or Williams, but it's certainly right down there vying for the title. An embarrassment for all concerned, the pooch included.
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Good natured hilarity
aharmas29 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
One thing can be said about Williams and Travolta: they're both first rate charismatic stars. If we don't have any more hits and good movies, it's definitely not the fault of these two. They can induce insane laughter and capture their audience with a wink, and one knows that given the right material, the results can be spectacular.

It has been a while since Williams gave such a relaxed and free performance. For a while he has been showing the a restrained man who was delivering "funny" lines a rather "funny" script. Now, he goes back to the basics and uses some silly, physical comedy, throws a few "one-liners" around, and with exciting chemistry with Travolta, delivers more than a couple of home runs. Williams comes across as a good man, without pushing himself too hard, and Travolta might play the eternal teenager but he is just another side of a good soul.

The two bachelors are suddenly facing a new family, and they have to deal with the unexpected side effects of an immediate family. Some of the physical gags are hilarious, and seeing Matt Dillon come in and join the fun ia a riot. Seth Green also shines in a couple of outstanding moments. Overall, the film is a crowd pleasure, not too long, not too cerebral and just doing what one expects, 90 minutes of craziness, around a big heart.

Hope they make a sequel to this.
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Piotr_SBK30 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Hi, I saw this movie 2 days ago with friends and we didn't tough that it was a waste of money we were laughing at at the movie like every single on. There were many funny scenes like the scene in the zoo with the gorilla and then with the superhero on the jet pack. But this movie was far from being perfect because it wasn't a very interesting story and they could put some funnier moments because there were some not very hilarious. Also, I think that i was like some thing that we've already saw so they could make up a new idea and some better stories. So I could say that it is a good movie but not perfect and you should go see it.
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do not waste your money,critics got it right
dancergalchick144 December 2009
basically don't waste your money,i went to see this a couple of days ago, and about 20 minutes into the movie wanted to go home.if your going to take children to see something for the holidays, go to a Christmas carol so much better. the only funny parts of this movie were the previews, the plot of the story was just dumb, jokes were dumb, they were just old stuff, critics got it right for once, usually whenever i hear critics reviews of it. i happen to like the movie and want to see it again and again, but not this one they got it right, save your money,if you want to see it wait until it comes to red box for 1$
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Funny film
lisafordeay5 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Old Dogs starred John Travolta and the late Robin Williams and tells the tale of 2 best friends who discover that one of their wives(Williams character Dan)has twins from his ex wife played by Travolta's real wife Kelly Preston.So Dan and his friend (played by Travolta)end up with crazy mayhem throughout and that's pretty much it.

The comedy moments were hilarious I remember one scene with Williams character who ends up being tanned after a disastrous run in the salon and he comes out looking like something out of Willy Wonka. Both Travolta and Williams were both very good in this and in real life Travolta struck a friendship with Williams.

Overall if you are a fan of Robin Williams and John Travolta than check it out.

Bernie Mac also starred in this alongside Matt Dillon and John Travolta's real life daughter Ella Blue Travolta as Robin's daughter.
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Same Old Crap!!!
dick_james18 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, is there a movie that John Travolta doesn't dance in? And why isn't Robin Williams dead yet? These are questions I seem to be asking myself time and time again, every time I go to see one of these antiques splayed across the screen like a fresh kill on the hunt for mediocrity. Also, why is it the director or producer or whoever made the decision, choose to cast Travolta? he charges like one hundred million dollars per movie because he has to pay his scientology bills or something like that. They could've saved that money to write a BETTER GODDAMN SCRIPT!!! The end can be seen a mile away, Travolta and Williams don't close the deal, nope, instead they be there for the kids. Oh big surprise, in Liar Liar, Jim Carey loses his job at the law firm or whatever, to be there for his son. Or like every other family drama. Why doesn't it show the part where they end up in the poor house because of those stupid kids? What do they know about the real world? Nothing! At least Liar Liar had a good story. But what I really want to see is the gritty reality to these situations, like if instead Robin Williams not only closed the deal and ignored his kids, but then cheated on his wife with Travolta, then sold the kids into the Taiwanese sex trade. It would be raw, gritty, and true to real life. It's time for these whiny kids to bite the bullet and find out the truth, nothing goes their way, because they're just stupid children who watch too many stupid movies. I grieve for the future of America's children, raised in a state of semi-retardation from all of this crap pumped into their heads!
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he hasn't seen Friday the 13th part 2!!!.....
FlashCallahan27 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It's a funny old world being Travolta and Williams. They are capable of making excellent movies, and then they decide to make movies like this.

It's a funny movie though, editing is poor and travolta should really leave the weaves and make up alone and just go with age, but this is charming stuff, and the two leads make it just about worthwhile.

Story is simple Willaims finds out he has kids with Kelly Preston (see what they did?), but she has to go to prison for two weeks, so Willaims has to look after the kids.

Travolta helps out because he is a cool dude and has a nice flat, and there is some sub-plot involving a deal with Japan, but due to the moral of the story, this goes begging, because after all, families come first.

In the process of the film, Bernie Mac controls Willaims in a puppet suit, Seth Green gets a cuddle from a gorilla, Travolta mixes up drugs, and Williams saves the day on a jet pack.

Oh, and Matt Dillon plays a scout leader.

silly, silly stuff, but harmless and fun.
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A weak Disney comedy
studioAT28 June 2015
Robin Williams and John Travolta are both legends of the silver screen so it is such a shame to see them turn up in this pretty poor Disney family comedy.

The premise is borrowed a lot from 'Three Men and a Baby' but this film can't claim to be as a smart or as funny as that film. Too often the stars are reduced to doing ridiculous things in order to score a cheap laugh, and the attempts at sentiment are wasted because we just don't care enough about the main characters in order to do so.

I tried to like this film, I tried to stick with it, but even my admiration for the two stars couldn't maintain my interest.
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Easy to watch
kbwhite28 December 2009
This was a fun family movie. Not too taxing on the brain and plenty of laughs. A few toilet jokes kept the kids amused and a few well placed adult puns made me smile.

I just wish that the television trailers hadn't shown ALL the good bits - which took away all the surprise funny bits and really just left the mushy stuff in between to watch....

Travolta and Williams are living breathing classics and make the movie well worth watching.

I simply can't understand the low overall rating this movie has received up until now - it really ain't that bad....
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Really quite funny.
ashleybrownmedia11 July 2013
Even though it has two huge stars in it I'd never heard of this flick until I happened to watch it earlier this year, randomly. I think it was on netflix or something.

Basically Travolta and Williams are two business partners and Williams ends up having to look after children, which drags the two serious businessmen into a whole host of silly situations.

It's a kids' film, but its one of those kids' films that has a lot of humour that adults can appreciate too. So, if you'd like to watch a film that both you and your kids will enjoy then get ahold of this. It's definitely not perfect but there are some great scenes - particularly the one where the two adults mix up their medication.
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Old Clichés
thesar-210 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Little did I know, when I watched Old Dogs for the first and definitely last time, that I would be seeing a "new" (to me) Robin Williams film that I would be very disappointed in just a couple of months prior his unfortunate passing. Now, this didn't and won't change my opinion as I write this after his death, but it's sad to know this was my last impression of him before the world lost him.

RIP Robin always, but this movie was purely horrifying. It was a comedy that had no comedic moments, a family story with no heart and an unoriginal script that was as random as Mr. Williams' normal schtick. Everything about this project screamed desperation on both stars, Williams and John Travolta and I pitied both of them having to experience such a fall from grace.

Since it's been about four months since I've seen this, I refreshed my memory with watching the trailer online. I actually wish I hadn't wasted those two minutes, even though it reminded me of how awful this movie was. It was just one underdeveloped scene after another with sight gags so bizarre, humorless and edited poorly. Hell, even the OLD plot of "Surprise! You're a Dad!" it took a back seat to terrible characters, uncool kids and depressing setups.

Basically, I've already given the synopsis, but to elaborate, businessmen Charlie and Dan "inherit" two twins as the kids' mother goes to jail and this is during an important deal with "the Japanese." (Their words, not mine.) Of course, chaos ensues, and the real Dad, Dan, must learn to be a Big Daddy. Even if he has to robotically become one. Yeah, that's one of the "gags."

Robin Williams' death aside, which would not take place for years following, this movie was littered with real-life disasters, including Williams' hospitalization, the death of Travolta's own son and Bernie Mac's death. Not to take any of those tragedies lightly, those should've been more than one sign this should've been scrapped. The real reason was in the movie.

Everything failed. Every joke, every visual stunt. Past the predictability level at high alert, the story and believability of the characters never felt like live-action. Williams' Dan was supposedly bad for kids, but the setup scenes didn't work. Charlie was supposed to be a womanizer as Travolta used to be, but here he looked like a botox'ed sick freak who should finally come out of the closest.

The cameos were, and I can't believe I am stating this, worse than any Adam Sandler ones, the stereotypes were not so-offensive- they're- funny and the conclusion completely unsatisfying. No need to see this, even as tribute to the great comedian.

Pick one of his better roles….actually any. I believe, without making a list, this is his worst movie. Even Toys wasn't this bad.

RIP Robin. We will miss you. I will miss you.

* * *

Final thoughts: If you do decide to see this monstrously bad film, at least listen to the How Did This Get Made? podcast. It is one of their best.
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