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Here's a bit of everything, violence and fighting scenes, hi-tech armory, some love and some conspiracy as well.
scobbah14 December 2005
First of all, this piece is brilliantly animated. Combining the visual effects with the sound effects this way makes me think of The Matrix, with fast cuts, some slow-motion sessions and of course a lot of doppler effects. I thought the plot was quite OK, not too original but not too hasty either. It has a good development I thought, and I have to admit that I were a bit worried for a while if it'd be able to sum things up in a good way, which I think it did quite well. Here's a bit of everything, violence and fighting scenes, hi-tech armory, some love and some conspiracy as well. I'll give this a 7/10. I can't say how much in fact the plot has earned these points, but if you like visual effects and fast-paced fighting scenes you're probably going to like this.
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Clichéd, slow and melodramatic, but worth it when it gets going
CuriosityKilledShawn2 April 2006
Appleseed simultaneously suffers from the worst Anime has to offer and benefits from the best animation and production a modern production can have. If you are a hardcore Manga fan (or just occasionally fond of it like me) you'll be aware of the most typical clichés, most of which make up the bulk of the Appleseed story.

So...we have a world set after WWIII, in which a Utopian Society has finally found peace. But there are still some people who cannot help but let their anger and bigotry take hold. Android/Clones with suppressed emotions help balance out Utopia and some even want to be fully-fledged humans. There are humans who hate these Androids and wish them to all die out. And there are some Android who hate humans and wish them to all die out. And finally, there is a big computer who runs everything.

Nothing there you haven't seen before huh? It also takes a while to build up momentum. Though when it does, the plot twists and turns and action scenes are truly exhilarating. The animation quality is breath-taking with seamless blending of hand-drawn, motion capture, CGI and 3D images. Style and plot-wise it is very, very similar to Sky Blue/Wonderful Days. But since they were in production at the same time one cannot accuse the other of plagiarism.

The sheer amount of technology and hardware in the movie will make you drool. There are loads of cool devices, futuristic inventions and awesome weaponry. There is also loads of atmosphere with gorgeous, gorgeous sunsets, storm-lashed oil rigs and wonderfully blue-sky-ed cityscapes with an environmentally friendly amount of trees everywhere.

The Matrix 'inspired' action can be a bit annoying sometimes. We've seen people diving through the air in slow motion will taking out supposedly highly-trained soldiers? And the music is kinda uninspiring. With contributions from Basement Jaxx and Paul Oakenfold one expected it to be a lot better.

When you take the good with the bad, Appleseed still comes out as worthwhile and enjoyable. If your new to Anime then you can forgive the clichés, if your a big fan then you'll be awe-struck by the impressive production values.
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Pretty cool
MrVibrating6 August 2006
With nice cel-shaded graphics and fantastic CGI in a nice blend, Appleseed will not disappoint the eye. There is enormous attention to detail, reflections, shading and other small things. Many of the scenes, especially involving the giant city complex, could have worked as art if you froze the frame.

The story is pretty unoriginal though, which is a shame. I won't tell you anything, but it's likely you'll see references from a wild collection of sources. Characters have varying depth, and some felt like they needed a bit of fleshing out. Lip-sync was so-so and the same goes for most of the voices(in Japanese).

Music is cool and futuristic, with a few surprises thrown in(Basement Jaxx? What the?) and fits the scenes nicely. Sound follows the same pedantic attention-to-detail pattern as the animations. The action is very, very cool, even though it's not a pure action fest.

While the storyline doesn't feel too much like Manga, the animation really is. Manga eyes can be bugging, but it was OK. The transformer-esquire mechs where really cool even though they were very similar(then again, I've never watched Transformers).

So, in closing, is this worthwhile? Sure. It's storyline is not so complex you need to scratch your head, like other anime(Akira or Final Fantasy), and the animation is a feast to the eyes. Give it a try.
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does justice to the source, validates 3D rendering for anime characters, and exceeds expectations
shaidarharan22 January 2005
rating - 10/10 (saw it subbed). I would give it an 11 if I could. After reading a 5.6/10 and watching, the movie far exceeded any expectation I had, that I could have dreamed of. Having read all of the manga and data books, this movie not only captures but adds to them. The 3D style looks better in motion than in screen shots, validating its place in Anime's future (for characters, Ghost in the Shell already displayed the awesome extent to which environments can benefit). The mechanical engineering (just wait until you see the cannons) of EVERYTHING is superlative. The complexity and detail of the city is awe inspiring. Every scene has this attention to detail. And the action? Just watch the beginning of the movie to understand how cool the ride is going to be, because I assure you, it does not let up. Well worth any price of admission.

This is a work of love, a commitment to total quality. I see the score increasing rapidly in the near future.

Thank you Shinji Aramaki, Masamune Shirow (comic)

Haruka Handa (screenplay) & Tsutomu Kamishiro (screenplay)
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Visually attractive, occasionally suspenseful, but derivative, ridiculously exposition-heavy and enough with the overblown melodrama
BrandtSponseller28 June 2005
I should note first that I'm not the biggest anime fan. I've seen a number of anime films and serials, but the genre has never quite clicked with me. If you're a huge anime fan, you might like Appleseed far more than I did.

Not that I hated it. It has some elements that were very successful. The animation is very impressive. One of my past complaints with anime has been that the artistry often looks like cut-rate Saturday morning cartoon fare. None of those low-budget shortcuts are visible here, even if another bothersome, bizarre staple of anime is present--namely that most of the characters look like Caucasians who just stepped out of a Walter Keane painting.

But the animation is all technically sophisticated, highly stylized 3D modeling. It's a bit like a complex video game world, except that the artistry is cranked up to 11. If you're at all a fan of that look, or you like immersing yourself in filmic fantasy worlds, Appleseed is worth a view for the visuals alone. There are all kinds of hip "camera movements". There is a fascinating, regular incorporation of photographic textures and photographic phenomena like explosions, smoke and water. At times, Appleseed looks as much like a computerized version of claymation as it looks like standard animation--the objects and the "people" in the film have that much weight, texture and depth.

But then there's the story. I don't usually believe that derivativeness is a flaw, but here, derivativeness is about all we're given. In terms of tone, and even a lot of very literal references, you'd achieve something like this if you put, say, Blade Runner (1982), Aliens (1986), Terminator I (1984) and II (1991), Star Wars Episodes I (1999) and II (2002), I Robot (2004), and the three Matrix films (1999 and 2003) into a blender and hit "Chop". And the references to other films do not end there. Appleseed director Shinji Aramaki even gives us one character, Briareos (voiced by James Lyon in the English language version), who inexplicably looks like Frank the bunny from Donnie Darko (2001). Of course, as in just about any anime film, there is the constant "Transformers" (1984) aesthetic--that's part of what amounts to a technological fetishism--and there have to be some nods to kaiju (Japanese monster) films.

The actual plot, which was based on manga (Japanese comic books) by Shirow Masamune, concerns a post-apocalyptic society (of course) that has attempted to create a utopia, Olympus (there are a lot of very shallow Greek mythology references). At the beginning, we see Deunan Knute (voiced by Amanada Winn Lee, or "Jennifer Proud", in the English language version) fighting off a bunch of Terminator/Transformer-like robots, Matrix-style. She's captured by a militaristic organization known as "E-SWAT", who take her to Olympus, which she didn't know existed. She learns at Olympus that there is another race of humans, "bioroids", who are genetically engineered clones, designed to "keep the peace". The bioroids cannot reproduce on their own--that was a "safety" feature built into them by humans worried that they'd otherwise take over. There is a Star Wars-styled council of elders (and occasionally congressional meetings right out of Episode II). And of course, there is a rebel faction of humans who are determined to wipe out the bioroids. Deunan ends up in the middle of all of this, partially because she is related to persons who were important in the history of Olympus, but more importantly, because she's an unstoppable, butt-kicking soldier, ala Ripley in Aliens, but given Neo-like powers, after he's had all of the kung-fu and weapons programs downloaded. The plot turns out to be something like a war between the rebel faction and the official government, in a race against time to see who'll survive and how.

As you might expect given a plot like that, Appleseed is a bit heavy on exposition--screenwriters Haruka Handa and Tsutomu Kamishiro have to explain a whole other world, including the intricacies of its politics, social problems, and a lot of technological gobbledy-gook. But you might not expect the exposition to be as heavy as it is. Voice actors frequently have to rattle off very long stretches of explanatory dialogue--this continues throughout the length of the film. They often sound like they're reading, and not much of an effort was made to make the exposition flow naturally in the story. Probably because there's absolutely no way to make such heavy handed stuff flow and not seem like a chore to listen to instead.

But even that wouldn't have to be so bad. I was reluctantly becoming acclimated to convoluted explanations, even if they remained a bit clichéd and hokey. What killed it for me, however, is that the further you go into the film, the more melodramatic it becomes. By the end, every bit of dialogue is delivered as if the fate of the world is resting on characters' feigned, overly serious concern, and annoyingly, they keep saying each other's names at least once every other sentence. I don't think a single one of these characters ever met a sense of humor. That disposition is a hard sell, and it needs far more artistry than a mishmash of genre film conventions in a predictable post-apocalyptic scenario.

Still, even though the story was growing more problematic by the minute, I found myself being slightly wrapped up in the climax. Aramaki is able to build suspense and put viewers on the edge of their seats even if they're annoyed. Imagine what he could do with a good script! I should also briefly comment on the music. Even though the score also tends to be a bit melodramatic and manipulative at times, there are a lot of good songs in the film ranging over various techno/electronica styles. If you're at all into that stuff, don't miss the soundtrack.
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Way of the future.
littlemanheaven7 December 2004
First things first; if you're looking for a literary masterpiece or an anime masterful like the works of Hayao Miyazaki and Mamoru Oshii, then Appleseed is not for you. It's plot is cliché with the overused science fiction premise of struggle between two coexisting races and the flaws and sins of humans, and the general execution of the plot is also in no way an outstanding one of the genre.

What Appleseed truly is, is a technological achievement in 3D animation for Japanese anime. It's animation style is far from Hollywood animation features like Finding Nemo and Shrek, instead it uses cel-shading technology which we've already seen in video games, and takes it up to a very high and polished level. The result is a beautiful movie with jaw-dropping animation, such that one cannot doubt that this style will pave the way for the future of anime movies. The range of emotions expressed through the CG is impressive; and motion capture has worked beautifully into the film, making it a seamless viewing experience. As a whole product, it's graphical presentation rivals that of great 2D animation features.

Other aspects are fairly well done; the music is done fairly well, with the opening song giving it a distinct flavour but later that fades away to the average run-of-the-mill songs that aren't particularly effective in rousing the emotions and senses. The artistic direction is great, with wonderful colors and tones chosen to accentuate the mood from the bleak dark ruins to the pastel colors of the Utopia. Scene execution is also stellar, and the structural development of the movie is natural although inter character relationships are somewhat lacking in development.

As a whole, it's an extremely graphically polished product based on an overused premise.
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Great visuals and sound, but not a good movie
AlainS8 December 2004
This movie astonished me in two ways. First the visuals and sounds are more than breathtaking, but on the other hand I wondered how they can tell the story in such a confusing way. Maybe it was the subtitles, but it just didn't feel right. The storytelling never minded to explain the background a bit more.

The movie reminded me of the Korean anime "Wonderful Days", which also had great visuals but the story just didn't fit seamless.

That said, if you like last generation visual animation, good sound and a lot of action this is *the* movie for you. And the story is not bad, but missing pieces.

Animation: 10/10 Story: 6/10
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The most impressive animè in years
shogun-2023 November 2004
I went to this movie with very high expectations, and after about 30 mins I knew this movie had already delivered.

I won't talk about the story (do a search on google if you want it spoiled) but I can say that the plot is interesting enough to keep the viewers attention. The pace of the movie feels very right, action scenes and slower character building scenes are vow en into each other without any of them feeling forced. Although the movie is not without cliché's, especially in some sentimental parts, they do not ruin the overall experience. I have not read the manga so I cannot comment on if it stays true to the source material.

Technically it's in a league of it's own. The 3d visuals were amazing, even on the low quality cinema I watched it in. The camera swoops in and out of the action and you end up just staring in awe at the screen. Designs and the attention to detail is incredible. What takes getting used to is the cell shading of the characters. Done to mimic 2d animation, the characters are not able to deliver the same amount of personality and emotions as the handrawn ones are. I wonder if it would look better with pure 3d characters ala Squares Advent Children. Sound effects were also excellent, and I thought the industrial techno soundtrack was very fitting.

All in all the most impressive anime movie I have seen so far, that is if it could be seen as an anime? The director was actually present at the screening I attended and he raised this question as well. Seeing as Appleseed was not made and does not look like any traditional anime at all why should it be considered as one? Maybe we are looking at a new genre in animated movies. If so the Appleseed has certainly set the new standards as to how it should be done.
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"Appleseed" - The next stage of evolution... animation
dee.reid11 May 2005
Anime' has come a long way from the days of gratuitous bloodshed and borderline pornography that marked its early notoriety here in the United States.

Part of this massive and successful transition into mainstream American cinema has been due to technological breakthroughs in animation, computer digitization, and detailing. Immediately, you think of the films of Hayao Miyazaki, "Ghost in the Shell" (1995), and Katsuhiro Otomo's "Akira" (1988).

"Appleseed," the latest addition to the list of groundbreaking Anime' films in the last 10 years, is yet another skillful advance in the world of Japanese animation.

This film has a plot that's not greatly different from past adventures: a rebel female soldier, Deunan Knute, is captured at the beginning of the movie after a fierce battle in the ruins of a large city. She's flown back to the city of Olympus, a vast metropolis that looks a lot like "Blade Runner" on a better day.

Human beings (grudgingly) coexist with the Bioroids, human androids, who are slowly becoming the majority, already with one serving as the city's prime minister. Bioroids have a limited emotional range (sound familiar?) and cannot reproduce, nor can they experience feelings such as love or anger.

When the Bioroid generation center is attacked, Deunan, a kind and curious Bioroid named Hitomi, and Deunan's cyborg lover Briareos link the attack to a deadly conspiracy involving the (still human) military and the mysterious 7 Elders, who control Olympus' main control center.

If you don't buy the story, then at least "Appleseed" will draw you in by using its lush, beautiful animation and graphics, which are surely the next stage in the evolution of Anime'. The plot is convincing, if not wholly original, and fans of Philip K. Dick may spot some of the scattered references to "Blade Runner."

Certainly a testament to Anime' and animation in general, "Appleseed" should definitely not be missed.

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DanielJosLeary17 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
My thoughts on Appleseed may be perceived as a bit more negative then the reviews preceding mine, but that is pretty much because my experience with the movie was greatly influenced by the reaction of the audience I saw it with. This was at the U.S. premiere of Appleseed as part of the Boston Fantastic Film Festival which screened the Japanese language, English subtitled print of the film. And it is important to note that the group around me were there because they wanted to be. The BFFF is an all science fiction, horror and genre film festival and is only in its second year. So anyone there was there because they love these types of movies.

Once the film started the reaction was good. Everyone(including myself) seemed stunned by the visuals, and if not impressed at least forgiving of the Matrix style slow-mo shots. But about forty minutes in people began laughing. Unfortunately the laughter was actually coming from the ridiculous nature of many clichéd and over dramatized moments.

The first of which came when the character Hitomi, an emotionally engineered "Bioriod," wonders what it would be like if she was able to love, leading a soft piano chord to swell onto the soundtrack. The entire audience actually burst into laughter. Sadly to say Appleseed has quite a few more moments that caused the same reaction: When the heroine flashbacks realizing that she is the key to the plot, one character dies dramatically in the others arms, it is revealed that the baddies can be stopped if only the failsafe button way up there can be reached, the heroine reaches breathlessly for the button with seconds to go, etc, etc.

And when the movie ended EVERYONE in the theater burst into discussion of what they had just seen. But the conversations I overheard were not favorable. Most people seemed to think they had wasted their money and I even heard one guy in the theater alley afterward saying it was "the worst movie he'd ever seen." I don't feel nearly that feral toward the movie.

Personally, I have to say Appleseed is one of the most groundbreaking animes in the last six or seven years. The visuals are stunning, the action is well paced, and most of the capabilities of this cell-shaded CGI animation are explored, delivering many moments that would be impossible in hand drawn. And I also liked much of the art style and how it called back to all the post-apocalyptic cyberpunk anime and manga of the late 80s/Early 90s. The environments and characters really seemed like living, breathing versions of the ones in Akira and Ghost in the Shell.

But the distracting and embarrassing clichés in Appleseed seem to come from this new art style. With the cell-shaded CGI you are experiencing anime style characters existing in an environment much more like the real world then 2D hand-drawn anime. The characters are bound very close to real world physics in this form of animation. Their heads can't grow big when they yell, a single drop of sweat can't appear on the temple of their foreheads when they are embarrassed and a flashing colored background can't run behind them when they transform or become excited.

But the creators of this new Appleseed movie still kept many of the story elements and character mannerisms that are convention to other anime. Along with all the other over dramatized Japanese sentimentality that have been in so many hand-drawn movies anime fans don't blink twice at them. But they just didn't work in this form of animation.

Ultimately, this movie will have difficulty becoming a classic the way Akira and GitS did, because Appleseed doesn't break new ground in story as it does with visuals the way earlier anime classics have. But it's still a wonderful first stepped toward new possibilities in both Japanese and world animation.
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crutchley7 March 2004
I fought so hard to get tickets to see the World Sneak Preview to Appleseed in London on 4th March 2004 - and the effort paid off. I won a pair in a website competition 2.5 hours before the start of the movie. The event was a media soirée with plenty of media hacks and a few minor celebs swanning around as they dished out free beer and sushi.

Having not seen the original Appleseed I had no concept of the plot or the scenario at all, so i was grateful when the producer gave us an overview lecture (with a flip chart and everything) as it is a little complex.

The second the film started i knew we were witnessing something special. The animation is outstanding. This film has the production values and attention to detail present in films like The Matrix. My jaw hit the floor just as hard with Appleseed as it did with Trinity's opening fight scene in the first Matrix.

The soundtrack is exceptionally well put together with contributions from Basement Jaxx, Paul Okenfold and the awesome Boom Boom Satellites who also performed a live set after the preview.

Often, when you build yourself up too much to see a movie, the reality can do nothing but disappoint. The opposite was true with Appleseed. I went in expecting 10/10... I got 11.

This movie has boldly raised the bar for animation and set a bold new standard by which i believe other animations will be judged in the future. Truly a masterpiece, the highest complements are deserved by everyone involved in this production. Roll on next year's Academy awards!!!
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Stunning animation, average story
mollycat1 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks absolutely stunning, no doubt about it. The cg background works well, and the characters' somewhat artificial look fits in well. The chase scene at the beginning is incredibly beautiful with it's shattering statues and slow motion fighting. The story, however, is less impressive. I have never read the manga, but found it hard to believe that it comes from the same person who has created Ghost in the Shell, a story that is far more involving and clever than Appleseed 2004. With the exception of Hitomi, the emotional link between the Bioroids and humans, the characters are truly awful and uninvolving. The love story between Deunan, the main character, and Briareos, her love-interest who has become machine, is neat in theory, but wears thin quickly. He dies, then miraculously is alive again because the amour that he is has shut down before he dies. The reason why and how the dying man Briareos has been confined to this armour is never touched on, and any questions about existence and self are dropped. At the same time the Bioroids, beings who are supposedly without emotion, appear far more human than the main protagonists. This lack of characterisation and development is almost excused by the sheer beauty of the animation, but only almost. As the plot turned more and more into a standard action movie, i felt my attention slipping, until in the end i was so bored that I was almost glad that it was over. It's a shame, because the story has potential, and the animation is perfect. I can't help but think that a director like Mamoru Oshii would have made more out of it. Having said that, Appleseed 2004 looks so stunning that it deserves a watch, and I feel 6/10 is fully justified.
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What a mess
pauldanielhenrik25 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie would have worked so much better if it'd had a director who actually knew how to properly tell a story. The basic idea behind the narrative is actually an interesting one, but the characters and the background to the story are never properly established. It feels like many of the scenes are presented in the wrong order, which necessitates lots of backtracking where the characters basically have to explain what's going on - i.e. lots of boring talk which could have been avoided if the director had just found a way to let the story speak for itself.

The horribly cliché-ridden "emotional" scenes don't really help either. The same goes for some of the action, like the initial scene where Deutan or whatever her name is does the full Matrix spinning-around-in-the-air-in-slow-motion routine. Not new, not exciting. To continue with the complaining I also found 90% of the music absolutely horrible... some sort of crap techno nu-metal equivalent.

All which, to come to my conclusion, is a shame since the animation is at times absolutely stunning. Granted, the close-ups don't always work very well (I wish they'd taken a more traditional approach to the facial animation in-stead of relying so much on motion capture) but some of the action scenes are among the best I've seen. For fans of traditional anime I suppose this animation method is a bit like cheating (they've recorded real actors' movements, translated these to 3D models and then "cartoon shaded" the models) but when it yields results as good as when the landmates (?) attack the bioroids' headquarter it's hard not to see the advantages.

Long live the cyborgs! But if you let them tell a story it would probably look like this.
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APPLESEED - overdone computerized animation in anime remake
BrianDanaCamp15 January 2005
I have two major problems with the new anime remake of APPLESEED:

1) The characters' faces all look like porcelain masks or mannequin faces. There's very little movement or detail in them. No facial lines, no bags under the eyes, no cheekbones, no variation in the color on the faces. No movement of the eyes. I've seen much more expressive emotion on the characters' faces in "Pokémon." Sure, some of the characters are supposed to be "bioroids," some kind of human/machine hybrid, but I don't think the original manga artist, Masamune Shirow, meant for them to be completely devoid of expression. And besides, this is true of the human characters in the film as well. Either way, it's kind of hard to get engrossed in characters whose faces are completely blank.

2) The backgrounds and other aspects of the design are way too detailed. You can see distinct textures on every surface. You can see every detail on the power suits and the mecha and the costumes. And on the buildings, highways, streets and cityscapes. The human eye doesn't need all that detail. It's not how we see things. We isolate details when we look out at landscapes. Some things are blurred or shaded or unseen or out of focus. Not here. Every detail is in sharp focus. Piling on so much detail is incredibly distracting. And annoying. It's not beautiful, it's cluttered.

One of the aspects of anime design that has made the work of Japanese animators so consistently interesting from an artistic standpoint is the use of suggestion of detail when budgets prevented them from the kind of fluid animation and detailed backgrounds we'd get in a Disney film, for instance. Some bold lines here, a block of black there, a wash of color here, all tastefully and delicately applied to suggest a more detailed setting. I've seen futuristic cityscapes in black-and-white episodes of the original "Astro Boy" that impress me far more than anything in APPLESEED. It's the quality of the detail, not the quantity. It's called artwork and you can see the human hand at work in every frame. When the Space Battleship Yamato sailed across the screen 30 years ago, you could see an artist's hand at work in every movement of the battleship. The crude character designs were more than acceptable given the way the animators could convey emotion through the eyes and the set of the jaw and the coloring of the cheeks. Simple but creative methods. Nothing like that can be found in the new APPLESEED. The hand of the artist is nowhere evident. The soul of anime is slowly slipping away.
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Still good
trevorlitchfield-9355412 October 2020
The story comes through but I think the animation sucks compared to the original
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Appleseed (2004)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain26 December 2011
Humans and a kind of genetic robot race live together in a perfect utopia, while a world war rages on the outside of their city. Of course, like all sci-fi, humans and robots don't get along. There are awkward issues about race, and the violence of man. It's all the same stuff that has been discussed before and in more subtle detail. Of course emotions are what makes humans both great AND evil. Blade Runner analyzed such themes with a lot more maturity. Here, the animation is nice and the action scenes are fairly awesome, even if some cheesy music invades the film at times. It could have served from dialogue being cut. Do we need lines such as "Move and I'll break your neck?" That's fairly obvious from the way you're holding her. I understand the need to explain such creative futuristic worlds, but writers need a better way to explain, instead of relying on dialogue.
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Visuals that'll blow you alway
keius4 December 2004
This cg/cell style anime is the most incredible i've seen. Most of what I can say has already been mentioned by others that have commented. Suffice it to say, Appleseed is worth watching simply for it's eye goggling effects.

The story is decent but not spectacular and has changed just a bit more that i would've preferred from the original premise of the manga.

I rate this an 8/10 because i did enjoy it thoroughly. The -2 pts is for what someone else mentioned...the too typical clichés. Every dramatic moment is something you've seen pinched from some other overdramatized movie.
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Matrix this. Matrix that.
zhixiong28 September 2005
Ignorant moviegoers are still claiming that the slow-motion fighting choreography of Matrix (1999) is original. These sequences were coined as simply 'Matrix' effect. When such said effects appear in Appleseed, they will shout "See! Japanese anime copied the Matrix effect." Ghost in the Shell was produced in 1995. Go figure.

Modeling human-like characters is not an easy task. For example, animated films such as Shrek, A Bug's Life. The audience is unable to judge how accurate or true the characters were modeled because the characters are fictional. In addition, the two most expressive and difficult-to-animate human parts are face and fingers. Hence, the characters in Appleseed (and most animated films) are wearing gloves most of the time. Even if the hands are exposed, it will most likely be a non close-up camera shot.

Mao points: 7/10
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The ultimate expression of Shirow's work
oshram-32 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It was more or less Masamune Shirow's amazing comic that introduced me to the world of manga and anime back in the late 80s, and I've held a fond spot for it in my heart since then despite a really weak film back in 1988. An overhaul was long overdue, and I finally managed to get my hands on a copy today.

Appleseed mostly distills the first volume of the comic, following the story of a female soldier named Deunan Knute and her companion, the cyborg Briareos, as they arrive in the futuristic city of Olympus. Olympus is a haven for the bioroids, genetically enhanced humans who have been designed to live together in peace to put an end to mankind's incessant war. But, as with all utopias, something is fouling up the works, and Deunan and Briareos have to figure out what.

It's sort of a misnomer to call this an anime; like the first talking picture, Appleseed is something new entirely. Yes, it is animated, but not in any traditional sense. Most of the CGI graphics look incredibly realistic, and movements and motions are handled in such a realistic way that it feels more like live action than animation. Eyes blink realistically; they narrow and widen very subtly, and even the swaying of hair in the wind feels much more natural than traditional animation. The character movement is also amazingly smooth and subtle, very natural. At times it is was easy to forget you're watching something created on a computer, it is that believable.

The design work is really top notch. While the human characters no longer strictly resemble Masamune Shirow's artwork (a complaint of mine coming into this), they actually look more human, with only slightly exaggerated eyes and normal-sized mouths. All of the mechanized characters are realized flawlessly, from the super-cool all-white battlesuits the police wear to the sinister robots that attack the SWAT headquarters. And the action scenes, well, they're amazing, blow you out of your seat kinetic, so fast you can barely follow the action and yet, thanks to a wonderful directing job by Shinki Aramaki, you never lose track of what's going on (which is more than I can say for Shirow's comic). The end sequence, where several humongous spider-like battle platforms come to life and wreak havoc on the city, is so well done it feels like you're watching it real time on CNN. It's simply amazing.

I can't wait for an official release of this film on DVD (I'm pretty sure I bought a bootleg; the contrast is so high that in one or two scenes all the white washes out completely, and the English subtitles must have been composed by a roomful of monkeys on typewriters; there's no consideration for tense, grammar, or spelling at all); this is simply a beautiful film, and even with the mangled subtitles it feels like they managed the near-impossible feat of distilling Shirow's story into something intelligible. Appleseed makes a nice statement about the belligerence of mankind as well as just offering us pretty pictures and amazing action.

My only qualm, and this is only something you would hear from a reader of the comic, is that Briareos is given a little short shrift in the movie; it's really Deunan's film, where in the comic it's a lot more balanced between the two. But that's a small quibble in the face of the most impressive and evolutionary Japanese animated film since Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira. Appleseed is not only perhaps the ultimate expression of Shirow's vision, it is very possibly the first step toward completely realistic digital film-making, where we won't need flesh and blood actors anymore at all.
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Beautiful, exciting and good use of genre.
destroy-apathy6 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
all posts may contain spoilers Animation / Action / spectacle The combination of 3D CGI and 2D hand drawn features was absolutely beautiful. The ability of 3D CGI animation is far superior - in my opinion - than 2D animation at creating epic and immersive worlds for the viewer to be mesmerised by. One of the negatives of CGI is that faces are often nowhere near realistic enough, destroying the illusion as characters become almost impossible to relate to and identify with. This is remedied in Appleseed by using 2D illustrations and animation to cell shade over the characters. They then have a full 3D presence but all the expression that can be generated from hand drawn features, which is seen most prominently in the eyes of the characters. This 2D element also gives the animation more weight; CGI can often look floaty and lose a lot of the impact that a film like this requires. These animation techniques combined brilliantly with the art direction, pacing, editing and all other aesthetic elements. These work together to create a beautifully realised world along with breath taking action set pieces. Just a quick side-note about spectacle and action: Many consider that you can either have narrative or spectacle but I think that that's a big load of rubbish. There are many films that have proved (in my humble opinion of course) that spectacle, contrary to diminishing narrative, adds to a film's ability to immerse the viewer, bringing them into the world. I really don't think that the Matrix would have been as impressive or would it be held held in such high esteem if it hadn't have had its fair share of visual spectacle.

Strong Females My childhood film watching was always a mix of hong Kong kung fu films (including Cynthia Rothrock), anime and the usual Hollywood suspects, so I didn't really notice how absolutely useless women are, according to mainstream Hollywood cinema that is. As I got older and watched less anime and Hong Kong kung fu (on accounts of the videovan-man not coming on our street no more - sad days) I began to understand why feminists were always so infuriated with the silver screen. Why do we so rarely see the type of female characters that are presented in this film in any western production. I'm sure there are many exceptions - Ripley from Alien for instance – but on the whole we don't get to see these women. Smart and tough, not without beauty and sex appeal but that not being their absolute defining feature. Not unable to fall in love but also not acting in the sole interest of the (apparently) much more important male lead. In this film it is not only the lead character (Deunan) but I was myself surprised to find the Dr Gilliam character - who was built up as being the greatest mind to have ever existed - to be a woman. I should be ashamed of myself automatically assuming that it would be a man but I guess that is the Hollywood brainwashing that my generation (and many prior) have suffered at the hands of.

Cyberpunk This may be disputable but I think the Japanese do cyberpunk themes better than any other national cinema on earth. There is possibly a link there with this interconnectedness of man and machine along with the origins of modern videogames being strongly rooted there. In Appleseed, the cyborg/artificially created humans had slight deviations from the usual "oh but if they can think then don't they deserve life, just like us, blah, blah blah". The use of reproduction as a narrative tool literally uses castration theory as the major threat or centre of importance as the final threat was that mankind would be made completely infertile, subjecting it to a slow extinction. The film breaks down the essence of humanity and life to the ability to reproduce and that the other (irrational) elements of humanity – love, hate, revenge, etc derive from this reproductive urge. The balance between dystopic and utopian visions of the future often straddled by the cyberpunk genre edged on the side of utopian.

Plot holes or loose storytelling There is obviously always the chance - which I am not ruling out for a second - that I am a little slow, but there were a few points where I wasn't entirely sure what was happening or more to the point why it was happening, as if some parts of the plot had been squeezed through in too lean a fashion. For instance, why do the gigantic moving fortresses that rise up? Did the elders order this or did Gaia? or did the Army? Or were they simply acting on their own/bioroid behalf? I suspect that problems like this arise in the process of adaptation. In the original comic they may have been fully explained and realised but in the process of cutting corners when translating to screen and coming in at a reasonable time (which this film mostly did really well). In this process, the film not only chopped off the fat of the plot set up, but the muscle along with it.

Summary Action, spectacle and visual ability get a massive tick. Characters were pretty basic but fully engaging, respectable and as I said above the lead going to a female character is something I would die to see more of in Western films. The pacing was brilliant coming in under two hours and having a pretty exciting almost climax before more reveals then an even more exciting final set piece. It played the genre game perfectly with enough familiarity to make it easy to engage with and allow yourself to be immersed at the same time as shedding new light on ideas with variation from the norm.

Twitter: @destroyapathy and Destroy-apathy blogspot
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Beautiful, But Painfully Cliché
CrassActionHero18 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Review: This is the new wave. Motion capture is taking storm and it looks good, but beauty is only skin deep.....

Appleseed is none too different then the usual cliché. You will notice right away that it's beautiful. The first anime I saw that finally used motion capture instead of animation. No question it looks fantastic, but it's ultimately wasted here due to a flat and cliché story.

For example, our hero is the ultimate fighter, has special parents, is significant to our story, and cliché villainy. I would like something original like maybe our hero is a nobody and has no special significance to the story and had worthless or just regular parents and nothing more. The clichés were just too much for me to digest.

Also things get a little to over-dramatic as well. The action is good, but not enough. With the use of motion capture and the stunning visuals, I wanted more action.

The Last Word: It's worth looking at, but that's it. This is otherwise nothing special. The use of motion capture and the visuals are impressive. I would like to see this art used more often. Hopefully next time, we get a good and original story.
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Much better than the 1988 version
siderite8 August 2014
After watching the 1988 Appleseed back to back with the 2004 version I can only say that the reviewers saying the old one was better are either delusional or remembering badly the original. While this film kind of skips some explanations that could enlighten people exposed to the Appleseed storyline for the first time, it is superior in both story and animation technique to the 1988 version. And that being a 3D animated film which, by my standards, have to really shine in order to surpass a hand drawn alternative.

The conflict in the first one was an afterthought, the villain an insane person, the heroes police trying to find him. That they were Deunan and Briareos was incidental at best. In the 2004 version, the sides are not so clearly delimited and the scope of the entire film is only revealed closer to the end. The actions scenes are well done, the characters well defined, the tension real.

Is it the best anime I've ever saw? No, absolutely not. However it is difficult to call it names, like a lot of other reviewers did. I can imagine someone who just watched Ghost in the Shell (the remade version, obviously, because they don't watch anything older than 2000) and comparing Appleseed to it and saying it is crap. Instead, try to compare it to the 1988 version or to all the over-sized boobs, summarily clad fighting girls that just melt when they see the high-school male hero. Come on!

Bottom line: the story is not brilliant, but the anime is well done and worth a watch. I am off to see the newest Appleseed movies and series. That should tell you something about how much I enjoyed it.
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A Landmark Piece of Animation
ccto2 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing a trailer for this film, I thought to myself "that looks amazing, I have to go see it!" I was lucky and got the opportunity to watch it in Japan when it was cinematically released in 2004.

Visually, it is a real treat - like nothing else I had ever seen. I'd recommend it for this reason alone. The action sequences are stunning, and the way characters subtly move even when they are not the focus of attention is just amazing.

The plot..? Well, for me it just tries too hard to be 'deep' and it contains a lot of clichés that have already been used by some of the 'deeper' anime efforts of recent years. That's not to say it is bad, but seasoned anime watchers will definitely feel a sense of deja vu. Indeed, the opening sequence where the lone female in a derelict city is rescued by a team of hi-tech soldiers is hugely reminiscent of the opening from 'Final Fantasy Spirits Within', another movie that tried too hard to be intellectual and came across as just dense.

Overall, I would say watch it for the amazing visuals. It's a landmark piece of animation. The dense and overambitious plot does pull it short of being a classic, but that's a criticism that could equally be levelled at a lot of other films that would be less worthy of your time.
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Not as good as the 1988 Movie
Darkside-Reviewer28 June 2019
After watching this when it was released in 2004 I enjoyed it but in retrospect it was good for its time but compared to the 1988 original movie this one just doesn't hold up all that well the characters feel more watered down with much less personality than they did in the 80s movie and the Manga the visuals are ok but this kind of CGI is dated and it's easy to see why it died out as it feels more like PS2 cutscene footage than it does the amazing CGI movie it claims to be.

The movie follows Deunan Knute after she is rescued from the collapsing ruins of a war torn world by an old friend and lover Briareos who after being saved years before Deunan is now a fully augmented human part machine part man after his body was destroyed in the war Deunan is brought to a utopian city built to save humanity from itself and runned by synthetic humans called Bioroids who are controlled and regulated by the city's advanced AI computer Gaia that controls everything in the city the Bioroids were made to preserve and safeguard humanity but even in a utopian society human kind fears what it cannot control and brings destruction with them Deunan and Briareos now fight there own kind to save both races but is it too late for mankind to be saved from itself?.

Worth a watch some cool Mech fights throughout but personally I would recommend watching the 1988 original movie Appleseed for the best version of this amazing anime series and Manga.
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The 'I, Robot' of anime
emouse6 April 2005
This movie is fine to watch if you can put up with Shirow's original work being raped to make a summer Hollywood effects blockbuster. Every intellectual aspect of the movies has been removed and replaced with hokey melodrama. The dense plotting that originally covered two books is twisted into a forced mess.

It is a very pretty movie to watch, and the soundtrack is great. While this adaptation is better than the last try, it's still incredibly bad. Here's hoping that in another 10-15 years it will get a decent treatment, or that the movie will inspire an excellent TV adaptation like Ghost in the Shell did.
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