Dawn of the Dead (2004) Poster

Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated R for pervasive strong horror violence and gore, language and sexuality

Sex & Nudity

  • Buttocks shown twice non sexual!! Woman and men.
  • We see a woman and her husband in a close embrace and passionately kissing in the shower (in a head and shoulders shot). We then see a shot from a distance and through the partially transparent shower curtain that shows a full body shot of them standing in that embrace. You can tell they're nude, but can't see any details.
  • A heterosexual couple films themselves having sex. brief and nothing too explicit shown although we do see brief glimpse of breasts.
  • In the credits, We see videotape footage of a man with a woman on a boat in a bikini and we then see her or another woman topless.
  • A naked woman on a highway is seen lumping towards a woman in her car however her breasts are covered by blood on the car window. Her breasts are shown fully in the Director's Cut.

Violence & Gore

  • The film has gory and bloody zombie violence, -- see list below.
  • A zombie grabs at a pregnant woman and bites her offscreen, prompting one of the survivors to hit it with his shotgun. The two then struggle; the man maims his arm on a metal ledge of a fountain and repeatedly slams the zombie's head onto the side of a fountain until a woman shoots it. Afterwards, the woman stitches the wound on the man's arm; his arm is very bloody and we see the needle poking out of his flesh.
  • Zombies chase after a group of survivors through a parking garage. The latter get behind a fence and try to close it as the zombies attack. One survivor hits a zombie in the face with an ax handle, while many others are shot. A survivor then pours gasoline near the zombies and it's lit, catching some of the zombies on fire.
  • A pregnant woman bitten by a zombie who is tied up to a makeshift bed gives birth and she dies before doing so. The pregnant woman dies, her tummy moves, she re-animates, snaps and snarls at a man who puts a belt across her mouth, blood sprays from between her legs, and presumably a baby is born.
  • A zombie (missing his legs below the knees) jumps on a man's back and bites his neck, many other zombies gather, push the man to the ground and they all feed on him.
  • A bus flips and crashes from a car to a fence sideways. A few people have scars and blood on their face and get out of the bus and we see the result of a man dying from a chainsaw accident. A man comes out and gets bitten by a zombie. A woman shoots the zombie in the head, and he is knocked back against a bus. The survivors then go to another bus where zombies chase them, the zombies almost catch a woman but a man saves her being bit.
  • A group of people come out of the sewers and shoot lots of zombies in the dark, one zombie chases a man through a truck, he gets inside and almost bites him as he gets out. There is one scene where a man shoots a zombie in the head with exaggerated gory results all his matter everywhere including a splatter. A man grabs a profane tank, throws it and shoots at it with a gun causing a blast of explosions killing lots and lots of zombies.
  • A woman sees a man holding a newborn baby zombie that a zombie had just given birth to a zombie woman tied on a bed. The woman panics and shoots the zombie in the head with a revolver. The man then shoots at the woman hitting her in the chest while she also shoots him back. Both of them then die. The team discover the newborn zombie. It screeches and snarls and we hear a gunshot (apparently the baby was shot).
  • A man with a bite wound stands on a dock in the end while a group of zombies stand behind him, the woman gets emotional wanting to save him but she learns that he cannot be saved. The camera pans away while the survivors drift away from the boat. The man puts the gun to his chin to avoid being a zombie and we hear a gunshot (he presumably killed himself).
  • People talk about shooting a man who has a bite on his hand and they learned that the zombies are transmitted through bites, he begins to turn gray and his skin pale, he sits on the ground while a man with a gun points it to him, he dies, and he turns into a zombie because we hear a zombie screech and a gunshot which means he dies.
  • A man is attacked by zombies, he falls down a manhole and we hear his legs break, zombies follow, many are shot, they begin attacking the man and he begs to be shot -- another man shoots him.
  • A woman is attacked by two zombies: we see her on a bus as she kicks her feet and screams and the zombies hold her down. The bus driver goes to the woman in the car and tries to carjack her, she resists by kicking him then crashes from a guardrail down a hill and onto a tree.
  • There are many scenes of zombies charging toward people and the people shoot them with guns (we see a lot of blood splattering and brain matter shooting out of the backs of their heads).
  • A crowd of zombies chase after people stuck in the stairwell, a man lets them in one of the man hits the zombies and shoots it in the head and closes the entryway from them getting inside, then they are chased to the elevator. They drive off and zombies jump onto a speeding truck, the driver shoots them with a gun and we see them splatter and fall onto the ground as the group of people ram them over but then they can't hold them.
  • A zombie slams against a glass door and smears blood on the glass (we see his bloody and disfigured face). We see the remains of a zombie in a cooler, and it snarls and gurgles. The man points the gun at the zombies and learns that the glass is shatterproof.
  • Zombies are put in a pile and burned (on a TV news report). We see many scenes of riots, buildings in flames, police endeavoring to contain the zombies and panicking people. A group of mall security guards take the advice and goes to the remaining zombies inside the mall. They kill one of the zombies twitching in the fountain and shoot it in the head (Brain flies everywhere). Then a janitor zombie in a closet with entrails (we see a flash).
  • An ambulance runs over a zombie, and a truck runs down many zombies (we see blood stains on the truck after every hit). Two men come out of the mall to shoot the outside zombies first in the head and we see blood splatter on the surface as they screech. A group of survivors then runs towards the mall safe.
  • A group of survivors go to the mall where they come in through a door. A group of zombies then finds them and chases after them. The people then rush in and shoot at one of the zombies whom is an armless zombie, they shoot him in the leg, torso and chest but they don't do anything. The man comes at the door and one of the survivors holds them off and locks the door.
  • A man approaches a door having heard noises, he opens it and finds a zombie eating the intestines of a corpse (both are covered with blood and we see the corpse's intestines); the zombie lunges at the man, they struggle and fight on the floor, hits a zombie with a croquet mallet, breaking it. Then, as the zombie attacks him he impales the head of the zombie with the broken piece of wood. Blood is seen coming out of the bottom of his head and as the spike exits the top of the zombie's head, we see brain matter and blood squirt out.
  • A man sees a girl with a chunk bitten by her face. He approaches to help her and has his neck bitten by a zombie. We see veins and entrails get ripped out, and see the inside of his neck. During this scene there is a lot of blood spraying out of the man's neck. This is the only scene when the flesh being torn out from a bite is seen. The man then thrashes and stumbles onto his bed where his wife puts something to stop the bleeding (he reanimates).
  • Many zombies are shot in the head, usually no blood. In one scene in particular, a zombie's head is blown apart, sending pieces of it flying around the room. The walls are covered in fleshy chunks and brain matter as well as large amounts of blood and gore after this scene.
  • A man stumbles and accidentally kills a woman with a chainsaw. We see the chainsaw slice her from the shoulder down to her waist. The saw rips her shirt apart as it rips her flesh apart sending blood and gore spraying around the area, even on the windscreen, making the bus crash and topple over, killing the man as well For a quick moment we also see the insides start coming out and hit the chainsaw, making for a gory mess. This happens VERY fast though.
  • A zombie chases a woman into the bathroom. The woman pleads for him to stop but the man crashes through the door. The woman exits through her bathroom window, the zombie tries to bite her and she kicks him and falls onto her yard. A man is hit by a speeding ambulance. The ambulance collides with him sending him flying into a yard. No blood or gore shown. The zombie chases the woman smashes the car window then to a bystander.
  • A woman in her neighborhood drives through all the chaos, zombies chasing a man to his house, a bunch of fires and smoke coming out of buildings and cars. A woman pleading her for help and she drives off to a highway. From an aerial view, we see a vehicle go through an intersection and smash into another vehicle before slamming into a gas station, resulting in a massive explosion.
  • A man on a bus shoots as many zombies in the head as it could including hitting one and kicking it off. He gets surrounded by a horde of zombies who are munching him, and as he is about to get eaten, he blows up a tank of propane gas, killing many zombies as well as himself.
  • Two buses ram through some gates of the mall and then run over zombies whom slow them down. A zombie is chainsawed from the interior to the outside starting from his legs and although the zombie is still alive, the legless zombie climbs up the bus and is shot point blank range in the head with a shotgun. The impact is not seen, but we see the remains of his head splatter and we see his eyeball all messed up and disfigured on his face.
  • Zombies are people who have been killed by other zombies and after a few minutes of being dead are re-animated and feed on other non-zombies. The zombies appear mutilated in various ways, with dried blood, open wounds, missing limbs, blue-tinged skin, darkened veins, opaque eyes, missing or contorted features, and many have blood in their mouths and they screech and howl. Zombies do die, really die, when shot or stabbed in the head/burn.
  • An ill woman pulled inside the mall then she turns into a zombie but the dead woman now sits upright, her eyes open and she comes at a woman as a zombie. The reanimated corpse of a large woman charges at a group of survivors rapidly. One of the survivors who is the protagonist grabs a fireplace poker and stabs it into the eye of the zombie and pushes it in deeper until it breaks out of the back of the zombie's head, killing it (Gory).
  • The group of survivors turns kerosene tanks into homemade bombs and trucks to deal with the hordes of zombies. We do not see an initial impact from the explosion as it creates a shockwave but see burning bloody limbs and flesh lying everywhere afterwards and see zombies walking with severe injuries from explosions (missing body parts, on fire, mutilated, etc.)
  • Many zombies got sliced with a chainsaw through the side of a bus. We see legs and arms get sawed off, a few zombie's torsos get sawed open, and we see one unlucky zombie's head get sawed in half, causing what's left of its brain to ooze out. This is the only scene in the film depicting extremely explicit and disturbing gore.


  • 44 "f" words (3 used with "mother," 1 used sexually as is the term "tapped that sh*t"), 36 "s" words, 1 slang term each using male and female genitals ("d*ck" and "p*ssy"), 12 asses (4 used with "hole"), 6 damns, 5 hells, 4 uses of "Oh my God," 3 of "G-damn," 2 each of "Jesus" and "Oh God" and 1 use each of "Christ," "God," "Jesus Christ" and "Oh Christ."

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • At least two instances of smoking.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Unlike most other zombie films, this one is much more grounded in reality and the violence is not over-the-top, which makes it more unsettling. It has a very realistic feel of what would really happen if a zombie apocalypse occurred. The zombies have a much more terrifying make-up design compared to other zombie flicks. The make-up artists based the zombie design on pictures of actual decomposed corpses from real forensic crime scenes.
  • The last 15-30 minutes are Very intense/gory as many zombies are killed including people in HORRIFIC ways possible it gets darker as it progresses.
  • The film is about a group of people stranded in a mall surrounded by crowds maybe hundreds of zombies. Characters are in constant peril and danger including a pregnant woman who is giving birth during the zombie outbreak.
  • The horror and paranoia feeling may startle viewers.
  • The film has a lot of violence and gore done very bloody and gross.
  • The first half of the movie contains many "Boo" scenes which are a bit frightening.
  • Lots and Lots of zombie-almost-bit-my-arm-off scenes.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • When Monica is chainsawed, there's a brief flash of her bare chest.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Many lead characters are killed.
  • There is a pregnant woman who turns into a zombie later in the movie and yet she's still kept by her husband and is hidden from the group. She gives birth to a zombie baby, which is shortly after killed by a gunshot to the head offscreen.

See also

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