Enemies, A Love Story (1989)
Malgorzata Zajaczkowska: Yadwiga
Tamara : The truth is, I have no claim on him. He probably always loved you. I'm, I'm sure he slept with you before me.
Yadwiga : Oh, no! I was an innocent girl! I came to him a virgin.
Tamara : Oh, congratulations. Men love virgins. If every man had his way, every woman would lie down a prostitute and get up a virgin.
Yadwiga : I do shopping. I iron your shirt and underwear. I clean kitchen floor and bathroom. I had my breakfast, but I'm ready to eat again with you.
Yadwiga : I fill your bathtub now. I buy you a soap. Perfume soap. Smell. Three for a dime. Come. I wash you.
Yadwiga : I bake special New Year challah. I make carp's head like I'm supposed to. Then he calls and says he cannot be there. He must sell - Encyclopedia Britannica. What is Encyclopedia Britannica? And now he says he must go to Indiana. What is Indiana?
Mrs. Schreier : What is Indiana? "What is alimony," is what you should be asking.
Yadwiga : You dog! You liar! There is no jungle in Baltimore! You hear it? There is no jungle in the stupid Baltimore!