Wild Tales (2014)
What a wonderful idea!
30 January 2015
I went to see this movie hoping to get a brake from Hollywood production. And I did. It was amazing, one of the best movies I've seen on big screen in 2 or 3 years.

Plot consists of different stories which all have one thing in common: they are about revenge. Every single story starts rather boring. At the very beginning I was thinking "What's so wild about it? It is just lame" and by the end of the intro I was like "Holy God! No, they did not just twist it like that! OMG!"

And it gets better. A true masterpiece. I am from Russia so for me it was rather interesting and surprising that Latin America is so similar to Russia. The views, the behaviour of the people, the insanity - all like at home.

You won't regret seeing this movie. Don't take your kid or your grandmother though.
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