This show, the only three-parter of the series, is one of, if not the best of the entire series. This three parter could have been on the big screen. The major actors (Harold Gould, Luther Adler, Robert Drivas, Don Knight) all give excellent performances, and many of the Five-O stock performers (Arthur Hee, Moki Palacio, Yankee Chang, David Espinda, Galen Kam, Robert Costa, Beau Vanden Ecker) are on hand as well. There are freeze-frames employed during a courtroom sequence in part one, and when McGarrett looks out his office to the building across the street in part two. Robert Luck plays Sullivan, who was "pushing junk to high school kids." During the final show, lawyer Harvey Mathieson Drew (John Stalker) is being blackmailed by the elder Vashon. Kwan Hi Lim plays the Vashons' very slimy henchman Tosaki.