Filmmaker Adam Morse, who directed Billy Zane-starrer “Lucid,” is set to get in front of the camera in a new documentary, titled “Blind Ambition,” about his career. The unscripted project, directed by Ukrainian-British filmmaker Julia Varvara, will follow Morse’s journey from losing his eyesight at the age of 19 due to the incurable condition Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy to shooting a SuperBowl commercial earlier this year. Among other achievements, Morse has walked the runway at London Fashion Week and did his own stunts in AppleTV+’s “See.”
Morvara Entertainment is co-producing the doc with Abrupt Films. Rocky Mudaliar produces. “This documentary is more than just a film, it’s a powerful message for people everywhere to stay positive and be more determined,” says Varvara.
A new two-part documentary from Wonderhood Studios (“The Kidnap of Angel Lynn”) is set to uncover the story of a Canadian chef accused of...
Filmmaker Adam Morse, who directed Billy Zane-starrer “Lucid,” is set to get in front of the camera in a new documentary, titled “Blind Ambition,” about his career. The unscripted project, directed by Ukrainian-British filmmaker Julia Varvara, will follow Morse’s journey from losing his eyesight at the age of 19 due to the incurable condition Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy to shooting a SuperBowl commercial earlier this year. Among other achievements, Morse has walked the runway at London Fashion Week and did his own stunts in AppleTV+’s “See.”
Morvara Entertainment is co-producing the doc with Abrupt Films. Rocky Mudaliar produces. “This documentary is more than just a film, it’s a powerful message for people everywhere to stay positive and be more determined,” says Varvara.
A new two-part documentary from Wonderhood Studios (“The Kidnap of Angel Lynn”) is set to uncover the story of a Canadian chef accused of...
- 10/28/2024
- by K.J. Yossman
- Variety Film + TV
Florian Lukas spielt die Hauptrolle in dem neuen Joyn-Original „Messiah“, eine Mockumentary-Comedy von Headautor Sebastian Colley und Regisseur Felix Stienz.
Florian Lukas als „Messiah“ (Credit: Joyn)
Keshet Fiction Germany produziert für die ProSiebenSat.1-Plattform Joyn die achtteilige Mockumentary-Serie „Messiah“ (At) mit Florian Lukas in der Hauptrolle, der einen 1990er-Eurodance-Superstar 30 Jahre später spielt. Die einstige Hit-Maschine („Sexy Sex“) betreibt heute das Restaurant seiner Mutter (Johanna Gastdorf) in der trostlosesten Gegend Weddings.
Der Dreh ist noch im Oktober in Prag gestartet worden. Die Serie ist eine Adaption von Keshet International, L. Benasuly Productions, Udi Kagan und Dana Polligs „Messiah“. Keshet Fiction Germany zeichnet für die deutsche Version verantwortlich. Regie führt Felix Stienz. Headautor ist Sebastian Colley“).
Joyn-Programmchef Thomas Münzner kommentiert: „Witzig, emotional, retro, bunt. Das ist unser ‚Messiah‘ – und genau deshalb passt er so gut zu Joyn! Wie könnten wir diese Serie nicht auf der Streaming-Plattform von ProSiebenSat.1 für den deutschen Markt adaptieren?...
Florian Lukas als „Messiah“ (Credit: Joyn)
Keshet Fiction Germany produziert für die ProSiebenSat.1-Plattform Joyn die achtteilige Mockumentary-Serie „Messiah“ (At) mit Florian Lukas in der Hauptrolle, der einen 1990er-Eurodance-Superstar 30 Jahre später spielt. Die einstige Hit-Maschine („Sexy Sex“) betreibt heute das Restaurant seiner Mutter (Johanna Gastdorf) in der trostlosesten Gegend Weddings.
Der Dreh ist noch im Oktober in Prag gestartet worden. Die Serie ist eine Adaption von Keshet International, L. Benasuly Productions, Udi Kagan und Dana Polligs „Messiah“. Keshet Fiction Germany zeichnet für die deutsche Version verantwortlich. Regie führt Felix Stienz. Headautor ist Sebastian Colley“).
Joyn-Programmchef Thomas Münzner kommentiert: „Witzig, emotional, retro, bunt. Das ist unser ‚Messiah‘ – und genau deshalb passt er so gut zu Joyn! Wie könnten wir diese Serie nicht auf der Streaming-Plattform von ProSiebenSat.1 für den deutschen Markt adaptieren?...
- 10/28/2024
- by Michael Müller
- Spot - Media & Film
Als besucherstärkster deutscher Film des Jahres 2023 hat „Die drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen“ die Lola gewonnen. Entsprechend viele Fans warten auf die Fortsetzung, „Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund“, die wieder von Wiedemann & Berg produziert und von Sony Pictures in die Kinos gebracht wird. Einen ersten Einblick gewährt der nun veröffentlichte Teaser-Trailer.
Auf den Kinostart von „Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund“ muss man sich noch etwas gedulden: Die Fortsetzung des Erfolgshits „Die drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen“, als besucherstärkster deutscher Film mit der Lola ausgezeichnet, startet am 23. Januar 2025 in den deutschen Kinos. Major Sony Pictures hat allerdings seine Marketingmaschine angeworfen und heute den Teaser-Trailer veröffentlicht. Das berühmte Detektiv-Trio wird auch in der Fortsetzung gespielt von den Publikumslieblingen Julius Weckauf (Justus Jonas), Nevio Wendt (Peter Shaw) und Levi Brandl (Bob Andrews). An ihrer Seite agieren u.a. Ulrich Tukur und Sunnyi Melles. Florian Lukas und Jördis Triebel kehren als Onkel Titus und Tante Mathilda zurück.
Auf den Kinostart von „Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund“ muss man sich noch etwas gedulden: Die Fortsetzung des Erfolgshits „Die drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen“, als besucherstärkster deutscher Film mit der Lola ausgezeichnet, startet am 23. Januar 2025 in den deutschen Kinos. Major Sony Pictures hat allerdings seine Marketingmaschine angeworfen und heute den Teaser-Trailer veröffentlicht. Das berühmte Detektiv-Trio wird auch in der Fortsetzung gespielt von den Publikumslieblingen Julius Weckauf (Justus Jonas), Nevio Wendt (Peter Shaw) und Levi Brandl (Bob Andrews). An ihrer Seite agieren u.a. Ulrich Tukur und Sunnyi Melles. Florian Lukas und Jördis Triebel kehren als Onkel Titus und Tante Mathilda zurück.
- 9/23/2024
- by Barbara Schuster
- Spot - Media & Film
Zutiefst bewegendes Drama über die Widerstandskämpferin Hilde Coppi, die im Dritten Reich hochschwanger im Todestrakt einsitzt.
Fast Facts:
• Authentische Geschichte wider das Unrechtssystem des Nationalsozialismus
• Zwölfte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Drehbuchautorin Laila Stieler und Regisseur Andreas Dresen
• Aktuell ihr dritter gemeinsamer Kinofilm in Folge nach „Gundermann“ und „Rabiye Kurnaz vs. George Bush“
• Umjubelte Weltpremiere im Wettbewerb der 77. Berlinale
• Eröffnungsfilm des 18. Fünf Seen Filmfest
Land / Jahr: Deutschland 2024; Laufzeit: 115 Minuten; Regie: Andreas Dresen; Drehbuch: Laila Stieler; Besetzung: Liv Lisa Fries, Johannes Hegemann, Alexander Scheer, Lisa Wagner, Florian Lukas, Fritzi Haberlandt, Emma Bading, Sina Martens, Lena Urzendowsky; Verleih: Pandora Filmverleih; Start: 17. Oktober 2024
Alltag. Alles Alltag. Selbst die Verhaftung am 12. September 1942. Alltag. Gerade isst Hilde Coppi im Kleingarten noch Erdbeeren, so rot, so saftig. Dann wird sie unvermittelt abgeholt von der Gestapo, verhört, kommt ins Frauengefängnis. Sie ist im siebten Monat schwanger. Etwas mehr als zwei Monate später bringt sie ihren Sohn zur Welt.
Fast Facts:
• Authentische Geschichte wider das Unrechtssystem des Nationalsozialismus
• Zwölfte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Drehbuchautorin Laila Stieler und Regisseur Andreas Dresen
• Aktuell ihr dritter gemeinsamer Kinofilm in Folge nach „Gundermann“ und „Rabiye Kurnaz vs. George Bush“
• Umjubelte Weltpremiere im Wettbewerb der 77. Berlinale
• Eröffnungsfilm des 18. Fünf Seen Filmfest
Land / Jahr: Deutschland 2024; Laufzeit: 115 Minuten; Regie: Andreas Dresen; Drehbuch: Laila Stieler; Besetzung: Liv Lisa Fries, Johannes Hegemann, Alexander Scheer, Lisa Wagner, Florian Lukas, Fritzi Haberlandt, Emma Bading, Sina Martens, Lena Urzendowsky; Verleih: Pandora Filmverleih; Start: 17. Oktober 2024
Alltag. Alles Alltag. Selbst die Verhaftung am 12. September 1942. Alltag. Gerade isst Hilde Coppi im Kleingarten noch Erdbeeren, so rot, so saftig. Dann wird sie unvermittelt abgeholt von der Gestapo, verhört, kommt ins Frauengefängnis. Sie ist im siebten Monat schwanger. Etwas mehr als zwei Monate später bringt sie ihren Sohn zur Welt.
- 9/17/2024
- by Thomas Schultze
- Spot - Media & Film
Noch bis zum morgigen Freitag entsteht ein Biopic über Hans Rosenthal, das zusammen mit einer Doku zum 100. Geburtstag der im Februar 1987 verstorbenen Showmaster-Legende am 2. April im Zdf ausgestrahlt werden soll.
Florian Lukas als Hans Rosenthal (links im Bild) mit den von Katharina Völkl, Timo Dierkes und Theresia Wald gespielten Mitgliedern der „Dalli Dalli“-Jury Brigitte Xander, Ekkehard Fritsch und Mady Riehl (Credit: Zdf/Ella Knorz)
Noch bis zum morgigen Freitag inszeniert Oliver Haffner nach einem Drehbuch von Gernot Krää, das in enger Abstimmung mit der Familie Rosenthal entstanden ist, ein Biopic über die im Februar 1987 verstorbene Showmaster-Legende Hans Rosenthal.
Der 90-Minüter, in dem Florian Lukas und Claude Allbert Heinrich (in jungen Jahren) Rosenthal verkörpern, spielt im Wesentlichen im Jahr 1978. Die 75. Ausgabe von „Dalli Dalli“ steht an. Ein Grund zu feiern, wenn das Sendedatum nicht gerade auf den 9. November fallen würde, als 40 Jahre zuvor in Deutschland die antisemitischen Progrome stattgefunden haben.
Florian Lukas als Hans Rosenthal (links im Bild) mit den von Katharina Völkl, Timo Dierkes und Theresia Wald gespielten Mitgliedern der „Dalli Dalli“-Jury Brigitte Xander, Ekkehard Fritsch und Mady Riehl (Credit: Zdf/Ella Knorz)
Noch bis zum morgigen Freitag inszeniert Oliver Haffner nach einem Drehbuch von Gernot Krää, das in enger Abstimmung mit der Familie Rosenthal entstanden ist, ein Biopic über die im Februar 1987 verstorbene Showmaster-Legende Hans Rosenthal.
Der 90-Minüter, in dem Florian Lukas und Claude Allbert Heinrich (in jungen Jahren) Rosenthal verkörpern, spielt im Wesentlichen im Jahr 1978. Die 75. Ausgabe von „Dalli Dalli“ steht an. Ein Grund zu feiern, wenn das Sendedatum nicht gerade auf den 9. November fallen würde, als 40 Jahre zuvor in Deutschland die antisemitischen Progrome stattgefunden haben.
- 9/5/2024
- by Jochen Müller
- Spot - Media & Film
Nach dem großen Erfolg von „Die drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen“ mit 1,6 Mio Besuchern geht es 2025 und 2026 mit den bereits angekündigten Fortsetzungen weiter. Wiedemann & Berg Film und Regisseur Tim Dünschede feierten auf den Kanarischen Inseln Drehschluss beider Filme.
„Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund” und „Die drei ??? – Toteninsel” feierten auf den Kanarischen Inseln Drehschluss (Credit: Wiedemann & Berg/Instagram)
Im Mai gewann Wiedemann & Berg Film mit „Die drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen“ die Lola beim Deutschen Filmpreis für den Besucherstärksten Film. Jetzt verkündet die Erfolgsschmiede auf Instagram Drehschluss der beiden Fortsetzungen, bei denen wieder Tim Dünschede Regie führte und in denen das vielgeliebte Trio Julius Weckauf, Nevio Wendt und Levi Brandl erneutr als Hobbydetektive auf Ermittlung gehen. Die beiden Filme wurden direkt nacheinander auf den Kanarischen Inseln gedreht. Deutsche Columbia Pictures (Benjamin Bach und Milada Kolberg) ist Koproduzent.
Verleihpartner Sony Pictures startet „Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund“ am 23. Januar 2025 in den deutschen Kinos.
„Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund” und „Die drei ??? – Toteninsel” feierten auf den Kanarischen Inseln Drehschluss (Credit: Wiedemann & Berg/Instagram)
Im Mai gewann Wiedemann & Berg Film mit „Die drei ??? – Erbe des Drachen“ die Lola beim Deutschen Filmpreis für den Besucherstärksten Film. Jetzt verkündet die Erfolgsschmiede auf Instagram Drehschluss der beiden Fortsetzungen, bei denen wieder Tim Dünschede Regie führte und in denen das vielgeliebte Trio Julius Weckauf, Nevio Wendt und Levi Brandl erneutr als Hobbydetektive auf Ermittlung gehen. Die beiden Filme wurden direkt nacheinander auf den Kanarischen Inseln gedreht. Deutsche Columbia Pictures (Benjamin Bach und Milada Kolberg) ist Koproduzent.
Verleihpartner Sony Pictures startet „Die drei ??? und der Karpatenhund“ am 23. Januar 2025 in den deutschen Kinos.
- 6/22/2024
- by Barbara Schuster
- Spot - Media & Film
YouTube executive and former Fremantle boss Cécile Frot-Coutaz has been named CEO of Sky Studios, the heavy-hitting production and development arm for Sky.
Frot-Coutaz takes the reins from current chief executive Gary Davey, who launched Sky Studios in 2019. The long-time Sky executive announced his retirement in December, and will be stepping down later this year following a transition period.
Currently head of YouTube in Emea and formerly CEO of super-indie Fremantle, Frot-Coutaz will sit on Sky’s group executive and will begin in the post in September 2021. The executive was at Fremantle for more than 20 years before stepping down in March 2018 for the YouTube role. She began at the Google-owned platform in 2019.
As CEO, Frot-Coutaz oversees the funding, development, production and commissioning teams for scripted Sky Originals, which are a major priority for the Comcast-backed pay-tv operator, which serves 24 million customers across Europe.
Frot-Coutaz will also take charge...
Frot-Coutaz takes the reins from current chief executive Gary Davey, who launched Sky Studios in 2019. The long-time Sky executive announced his retirement in December, and will be stepping down later this year following a transition period.
Currently head of YouTube in Emea and formerly CEO of super-indie Fremantle, Frot-Coutaz will sit on Sky’s group executive and will begin in the post in September 2021. The executive was at Fremantle for more than 20 years before stepping down in March 2018 for the YouTube role. She began at the Google-owned platform in 2019.
As CEO, Frot-Coutaz oversees the funding, development, production and commissioning teams for scripted Sky Originals, which are a major priority for the Comcast-backed pay-tv operator, which serves 24 million customers across Europe.
Frot-Coutaz will also take charge...
- 5/13/2021
- by Manori Ravindran
- Variety Film + TV
Akin’s new film is a gangster drama called ‘Rheingold’.
Fatih Akin’s gangster drama Rheingold and Michael Bully Herbig’s media satire 1000 Lines are among the new film projects to receive funding from Hamburg’s Filmfoerderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (Ffhsh) and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (Mbb).
Akin’s gangster biopic is based on the 2015 book Alles oder Nix by the German hip hop rapper and label boss Xatar. It received €700,000 – the largest single amount at last week’s sitting of Hamburg’s committee for high-end films and series with production budgets over €3.5m.
Akin’s bombero international is producing the film which...
Fatih Akin’s gangster drama Rheingold and Michael Bully Herbig’s media satire 1000 Lines are among the new film projects to receive funding from Hamburg’s Filmfoerderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (Ffhsh) and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (Mbb).
Akin’s gangster biopic is based on the 2015 book Alles oder Nix by the German hip hop rapper and label boss Xatar. It received €700,000 – the largest single amount at last week’s sitting of Hamburg’s committee for high-end films and series with production budgets over €3.5m.
Akin’s bombero international is producing the film which...
- 2/22/2021
- by Martin Blaney
- ScreenDaily
Akin’s new film is a gangster drama called ‘Rheingold’.
Fatih Akin’s gangster drama Rheingold and Michael Bully Herbig’s media satire 1000 Lines are among the new film projects to receive funding from Hamburg’s Filmfoerderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (Ffhsh) and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (Mbb).
Akin’s gangster biopic is based on the 2015 book Alles oder Nix by the German hip hop rapper and label boss Xatar. It received €700,000 - the largest single amount at last week’s sitting of Hamburg’s committee for high-end films and series with production budgets over €3.5m.
Akin’s bombero international is producing the film...
Fatih Akin’s gangster drama Rheingold and Michael Bully Herbig’s media satire 1000 Lines are among the new film projects to receive funding from Hamburg’s Filmfoerderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein (Ffhsh) and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (Mbb).
Akin’s gangster biopic is based on the 2015 book Alles oder Nix by the German hip hop rapper and label boss Xatar. It received €700,000 - the largest single amount at last week’s sitting of Hamburg’s committee for high-end films and series with production budgets over €3.5m.
Akin’s bombero international is producing the film...
- 2/22/2021
- by Martin Blaney
- ScreenDaily
Sky Studios is teaming with French major Gaumont on comedy The Wasp, which is being produced for Sky Deutschland.
The six-part series tells the story of Eddie Frotzke, a fallen professional dart player who, after a prolonged career slump, wants to return to his former glory. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, also a rusty dart pro but with a strong tendency to alcohol, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career, proving that he was not called ‘The Wasp’ for nothing.
Jan Berger (Der Medicus) create and wrote the series which will be directed Hermine Huntgeburth (Neue Vahr Süd). Florian Lukas (Good Bye Lenin!) is playing the lead role. Andreas Bareiss and Sabine de Mardt executive produce for Gaumont with Quirin Schmidt for Sky Studios.
Shooting is scheduled to begin later this year and the project is supported by the Film- und Medienstiftung Nrw...
The six-part series tells the story of Eddie Frotzke, a fallen professional dart player who, after a prolonged career slump, wants to return to his former glory. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, also a rusty dart pro but with a strong tendency to alcohol, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career, proving that he was not called ‘The Wasp’ for nothing.
Jan Berger (Der Medicus) create and wrote the series which will be directed Hermine Huntgeburth (Neue Vahr Süd). Florian Lukas (Good Bye Lenin!) is playing the lead role. Andreas Bareiss and Sabine de Mardt executive produce for Gaumont with Quirin Schmidt for Sky Studios.
Shooting is scheduled to begin later this year and the project is supported by the Film- und Medienstiftung Nrw...
- 2/17/2021
- by Tom Grater
- Deadline Film + TV
Sky Studios and Gaumont have teamed on “The Wasp,” the first Sky original comedy to be produced for Sky Deutschland.
The six-part series follows Eddie Frotzke, a fallen professional dart player who, after a prolonged career slump, wants to return to his former glory. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, also a rusty dart pro but dealing with a drinking habit, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career, proving that he was not called “The Wasp” for nothing.
The series is created and written by Jan Berger (“Der Medicus”) and will be directed by Hermine Huntgeburth. Florian Lukas (“Good Bye Lenin!”) will play Eddie. Andreas Bareiss and Sabine de Mardt are executive producing for Gaumont with Quirin Schmidt for Sky Studios.
Shooting is scheduled to begin later this year. The project is supported by the Film- und Medienstiftung Nrw and the Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg.
The six-part series follows Eddie Frotzke, a fallen professional dart player who, after a prolonged career slump, wants to return to his former glory. With the help of his old buddy Nobbe, also a rusty dart pro but dealing with a drinking habit, Eddie wants to find his way back into life and his career, proving that he was not called “The Wasp” for nothing.
The series is created and written by Jan Berger (“Der Medicus”) and will be directed by Hermine Huntgeburth. Florian Lukas (“Good Bye Lenin!”) will play Eddie. Andreas Bareiss and Sabine de Mardt are executive producing for Gaumont with Quirin Schmidt for Sky Studios.
Shooting is scheduled to begin later this year. The project is supported by the Film- und Medienstiftung Nrw and the Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg.
- 2/17/2021
- by Naman Ramachandran
- Variety Film + TV
German filmmaker Florian Henckel von Donnersmark made a splash in the foreign language box office over a decade ago with The Lives of Others, which took the Oscar for Best Foreign Language film. He is back again with Sony Pictures Classics for Never Look Away, which is also vying for Oscar this year. Also out in theaters beginning Friday is Greenwich Entertainment’s WWII-era drama, The Invisibles, which was the first pick up for the company back in 2017. And on a decidedly different note, Cinedigm is mixing camp and horror with Dead Ant starring Tom Arnold and Sean Astin.
Also this weekend, Focus Features is taking Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman back to theaters following its six Oscar nominations. The company said the film, which grossed over $48.5M in its initial run in theaters starting last August, will play 168 theaters around the country beginning Friday. Said Focus president Lisa Bunnell, “We...
Also this weekend, Focus Features is taking Spike Lee’s BlacKkKlansman back to theaters following its six Oscar nominations. The company said the film, which grossed over $48.5M in its initial run in theaters starting last August, will play 168 theaters around the country beginning Friday. Said Focus president Lisa Bunnell, “We...
- 1/24/2019
- by Brian Brooks
- Deadline Film + TV
The Berlinale has revealed the first films within its Competition and Berlinale Special lineups.
Source: Amazon
Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot
The Berlin Film Festival (15 - 25 Feb) has revealed the first films within its Competition and Berlinale Special lineups.
Directors including Benoit Jacquot, Gus Van Sant, Alexey German Jr., Małgorzata Szumowska, Philip Gröning, Thomas Stuber and Laura Bispuri will compete in this year’s Competition while Isabel Coixet and Lars Kraume feature in the Berlinale Special strand.
Alongside the previously announced opening film, Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson, seven productions and co-productions from France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Serbia, the Russian Federation, and the USA are announced for the Competition.
Gus Van Sant’s drama Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far, which will debut at Sundance, is the only film announced today which is not a world premiere. Joaquin Phoenix, Jonah Hill,...
Source: Amazon
Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot
The Berlin Film Festival (15 - 25 Feb) has revealed the first films within its Competition and Berlinale Special lineups.
Directors including Benoit Jacquot, Gus Van Sant, Alexey German Jr., Małgorzata Szumowska, Philip Gröning, Thomas Stuber and Laura Bispuri will compete in this year’s Competition while Isabel Coixet and Lars Kraume feature in the Berlinale Special strand.
Alongside the previously announced opening film, Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson, seven productions and co-productions from France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Serbia, the Russian Federation, and the USA are announced for the Competition.
Gus Van Sant’s drama Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far, which will debut at Sundance, is the only film announced today which is not a world premiere. Joaquin Phoenix, Jonah Hill,...
- 12/18/2017
- by Andreas Wiseman
- Screen Daily Test
The Berlinale has revealed the first films within its Competition and Berlinale Special lineups.
Source: Amazon
Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot
The Berlin Film Festival (15 - 25 Feb) has revealed the first films within its Competition and Berlinale Special lineups.
Directors including Benoit Jacquot, Gus Van Sant, Alexey German Jr., Małgorzata Szumowska, Philip Gröning, Thomas Stuber and Laura Bispuri will compete in this year’s Competition while Isabel Coixet and Lars Kraume feature in the Berlinale Special strand.
Alongside the previously announced opening film, Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson, seven productions and co-productions from France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Serbia, the Russian Federation, and the USA are announced for the Competition.
Gus Van Sant’s drama Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far, which will debut at Sundance, is the only film announced today which is not a world premiere. Joaquin Phoenix, Jonah Hill, Rooney Mara and [link...
Source: Amazon
Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far On Foot
The Berlin Film Festival (15 - 25 Feb) has revealed the first films within its Competition and Berlinale Special lineups.
Directors including Benoit Jacquot, Gus Van Sant, Alexey German Jr., Małgorzata Szumowska, Philip Gröning, Thomas Stuber and Laura Bispuri will compete in this year’s Competition while Isabel Coixet and Lars Kraume feature in the Berlinale Special strand.
Alongside the previously announced opening film, Isle of Dogs by Wes Anderson, seven productions and co-productions from France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Serbia, the Russian Federation, and the USA are announced for the Competition.
Gus Van Sant’s drama Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far, which will debut at Sundance, is the only film announced today which is not a world premiere. Joaquin Phoenix, Jonah Hill, Rooney Mara and [link...
- 12/18/2017
- by Andreas Wiseman
- ScreenDaily
As is our annual tradition we like to peruse the credits of the SAG Ensemble nods to see who got left out despite their film's nomination. The Film Experience started this kind of analysis ten years ago when The Aviator had some really dumb exclusions and inclusions but lots of other sites now cover the injustice. We never get credit for starting this line of Norma Rae righteous anger but, that said, at least a lot of people have it now.
Did SAG think her face looked like she'd licked a homelessman's ass?
If you aren't familiar SAG uses a system whereby only actors with solitary title cards are official nominees for the Cast category. This means if you are famous in a bit part and have a good agent you are more likely to be an official nominee than the unknown who delivered a better performance in possibly a...
Did SAG think her face looked like she'd licked a homelessman's ass?
If you aren't familiar SAG uses a system whereby only actors with solitary title cards are official nominees for the Cast category. This means if you are famous in a bit part and have a good agent you are more likely to be an official nominee than the unknown who delivered a better performance in possibly a...
- 12/10/2014
- FilmExperience
German moutaineers get their climb on in North Face.
The contest is over. And the two winner, chosen by, are Anita and Matt! Congratulations! Please email your mailing address to before July 17 to claim your prize.
The acclaimed 2008 adventure film North Face was finally released on Blu-ray today and Music Box Films has given Disc Dish two copies to give away to a pair of readers!
Directed by Philipp Stölzl and starring Benno Furmann, Florian Lukas and Johanna Wokalek, North Face is based on the true story of a 1936 attempt to scale the most dangerous rock face in the Alps, the North Face of the Eiger, by two competing climbing teams. One team consists of German climbers are Toni Kurz and Andi Hinterstoisser, who quit their service in the German military in order to make the attempt. The competing group of Austrians that eventually team...
The contest is over. And the two winner, chosen by, are Anita and Matt! Congratulations! Please email your mailing address to before July 17 to claim your prize.
The acclaimed 2008 adventure film North Face was finally released on Blu-ray today and Music Box Films has given Disc Dish two copies to give away to a pair of readers!
Directed by Philipp Stölzl and starring Benno Furmann, Florian Lukas and Johanna Wokalek, North Face is based on the true story of a 1936 attempt to scale the most dangerous rock face in the Alps, the North Face of the Eiger, by two competing climbing teams. One team consists of German climbers are Toni Kurz and Andi Hinterstoisser, who quit their service in the German military in order to make the attempt. The competing group of Austrians that eventually team...
- 6/26/2013
- by Laurence
- Disc Dish has a first look at a clip from Magnolia Pictures' Into the White , the war drama starring Rupert Grint ("Harry Potter" films), David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas and Lachlan Nieboer. At the beginning of World War II, a hostile chance encounter in the skies above the harsh Norwegian wilderness leaves two British, one German.shot down in a remote and isolated region. By strange coincidence, the crews seek shelter in the same cabin. They must battle to survive the brutal winter in order to get back to the war.and to fighting one another. Although war has made them enemies, as the days go by, animosity proves hard to maintain. Mutual need leads to unlikely friendships, and the rules of war must be put aside. Into the White is now...
- 4/12/2013
With a seemingly fantastical, yet true-to-life story as its backbone, Scandinavian production Into the White had potential in spades. The least of which wasn’t the film’s immediate, juicy setup which finds opposing forces during World War II forced to share an isolated cabin after their aircraft are collectively downed during the frigid Norwegian winter. The dormant promise the hook possesses ranges from duality-laden themes of coexistence and betrayal to loyalty and humaneness to camaraderie and distrust. While some of these motifs may surface (albeit in the most superficial ways), the film almost solely opts for artificial-feeling melodrama in lieu of darker subtext.
From the first encounter between German and British airmen, Into the White makes it fairly clear what type of effort it sets out to be. With the three surviving (armed) Luftwaffe aviators reaching a modest hunting cabin ahead of two (unarmed) Raf enlistees, we have the...
From the first encounter between German and British airmen, Into the White makes it fairly clear what type of effort it sets out to be. With the three surviving (armed) Luftwaffe aviators reaching a modest hunting cabin ahead of two (unarmed) Raf enlistees, we have the...
- 4/11/2013
- by Simon Brookfield
- We Got This Covered
Harry Potter’s best friend, Ron Weasley, could use a little magical assistance these days because Rupert Grint is having a rough time in the new trailer for Into the White.
Unfortunately (in a sense) for the three leads in the Harry Potter franchise, the movie series about the boy who lived catapulted Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint into the spotlight in a major way during their childhood years, making a large part of society forever see them as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley.
Now that the Potter storyline has wrapped up, the three stars have set off to see if there’s a career beyond Hogwarts. Radcliffe discovered the easiest way to distance himself from the boy with the lightning-shaped scar was to get on a Broadway stage and take his clothes off, and roles in The Woman in Black and the upcoming Horns seems...
Unfortunately (in a sense) for the three leads in the Harry Potter franchise, the movie series about the boy who lived catapulted Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint into the spotlight in a major way during their childhood years, making a large part of society forever see them as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley.
Now that the Potter storyline has wrapped up, the three stars have set off to see if there’s a career beyond Hogwarts. Radcliffe discovered the easiest way to distance himself from the boy with the lightning-shaped scar was to get on a Broadway stage and take his clothes off, and roles in The Woman in Black and the upcoming Horns seems...
- 2/11/2013
- by Marty Shaw
- Movie Cultists
The Berlin International Film Festival is celebrating its opening today, on February 7, 2013 at 7.30 pm. After a few words of greeting from Minister of State for Cultural and Media Affairs Bernd Neumann and Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit, the Festival will be officially opened by Jury President Wong Kar Wai (Hong Kong, China) and Berlinale Director Dieter Kosslick. The International Jury – whose other members are Susanne Bier (Denmark), Andreas Dresen (Germany), Ellen Kuras (USA), Shirin Neshat (Iran), Tim Robbins (USA) and Athina Rachel Tsangari (Greece) – will also be introduced during the gala. Anke Engelke will again host the evening. This year’s music will be provided by Ulrich Tukur & Die Rhythmus Boys. 3sat will be broadcasting the opening live. Ziyi Zhang in Yi dai zong shi (The Grandmaster) by Wong Kar Wai Following the gala, Wong Kar Wai’s epic martial-arts drama The Grandmaster will have its international premiere. The director and his leading actors,...
- 2/7/2013
- by (Hollywood News Team)
Take a look at the trailer for the new Magnolia Pictures release, "Into the White," starring Stig Henrik Hoff, David Kross, Florian Lukas, Lachlan Nieboer and "Harry Potter" star Rupert Grint. Inspired by a true story set in World War 2, "Into the White" centers on a troupe of shot down British and German soldiers, who end up in a remote Norwegian region seeking shelter in the same cabin. As they struggle to survive the harsh conditions and return to their lands, rules of war are put into question as they learn to depend on one another for survival. "Into the White" will be available via iTunes and On Demand on March 7th and will receive limited theatrical release in April.
- 2/7/2013
- by Cristina A. Gonzalez
- Indiewire
The trailer for director Petter Naess' Into the White is now online and you can check it out in the player below, courtesy of iTunes Movie Trailer . Starring Rupert Grint, Florian Lukas, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff and Lachlan Nieboer, Into the White was written by Naess alongside Ole Meldgaard, Dave Mango and Peter Aalbæk Jensen. At the beginning of World War II, a hostile chance encounter in the skies above the harsh Norwegian wilderness leaves two British, one German.shot down in a remote and isolated region. By strange coincidence, the crews seek shelter in the same cabin. They must battle to survive the brutal winter in order to get back to the war.and to fighting one another. Although war has made them enemies, as the days go by, animosity proves hard to...
- 2/6/2013
Rupert Grint (Harry Potter's Ron Weasley) turns in his wand for a pair of wings in this solid looking new WWII film Into the White. The movie is based on a true story about members of the British and German airforces who were shot down in Norway. Even though they're enemies they end up teaming up to help each other survive the harsh winter that is waiting for them. In the end they form a lifelong friendship.
The movie was directed by Norwegian filmmaker Petter Næss (Absolute Hangover, Gone with the Woman, Shameless), and also stars David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, and Lachlan Nieboer. Magnolia Pictures is releasing the film on VOD on March 7th and will then be released in theaters on April 12th, 2013.
It looks like it's worth checking out!
Source: MTV (
The movie was directed by Norwegian filmmaker Petter Næss (Absolute Hangover, Gone with the Woman, Shameless), and also stars David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, and Lachlan Nieboer. Magnolia Pictures is releasing the film on VOD on March 7th and will then be released in theaters on April 12th, 2013.
It looks like it's worth checking out!
Source: MTV (
- 1/31/2013
- by Joey Paur
- GeekTyrant
With the long-running Harry Potter franchise in their collective rearview mirror, the stars of that series are finally able to move on to other projects. Former Ron Weasley Rupert Grint has moved on quicker than most, popping up in a role opposite Shia Labeouf in The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman. Now we have the trailer for his newest movie Into the White, a true story about members of the British and German forces in WWII who are both shot down and must band together to survive. It looks like there could be some great tense moments ala Inglourious Basterds here, but we'll have to wait and see. Watch below! Here's the first trailer for Into the White, originally from MTV: Into the White is directed by Norwegian filmmaker Petter Næss (Absolute Hangover, Gone with the Woman, Shameless), and stars David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, Rupert Grint, and...
- 1/30/2013
- by Ben Pearson
January 28 2013, 12:37pm– Great news for all Rupert Grint fans in the Us. Into the White is coming to cinemas on April 12 2013 and we even have a brand new poster for the film, courtesy of Indiewire, check it out below: IntoTheWhite What do you all think of this new poster? Check your local listings to see if Into the White is playing in a cinema near you so you don’t miss the opportunity to catch this beautiful film on the big screen. This news comes right after we reported that the German premiere will be this Thursday (January 31) which will be attended by Florian Lukas and David Kross. Also, remember to check out our previous post containing all new information on the International Premiere of The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman at the Berlin Film Festival.
- 1/28/2013
- by Malene
Along with Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, we've watched Rupert Grint grow up on the big screen through the 'Harry Potter' films, and just like his castmates, he's moving onto a diverse array of projects, one that he hopes will allow people to see that he's much more than just Ron Weasley. Last week, he had a role in "The Necessary Death Of Charlie Countryman" which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, and his upcoming performances include playing The Dead Boys member Cheetah Chrome in "Cbgb," a part in the Dennis Wilson biopic "The Drummer," and the lead voice role in the animated "Postman Pat." And this spring, he's earning his wings. "Into The White" co-stars Grint, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas and Lachlan Nieboer, and takes place at the beginning of World War II, where a hostile chance encounter in the skies above the harsh Norwegian wilderness...
- 1/28/2013
- by Kevin Jagernauth
- The Playlist
Into the White adds poster 2 for Petter Næss World War II film The Zentropa Norway-produced film which seems to be notching up some solid reviews, hasn't got any sort of U.S. release date at this time, but we've got our fingers crossed. Starring in the film directed by Peter Næss from the writing by Ole Meldgaard, Dave Mango and Næss, are Rupert Grint, Stig Henrik Hoff, David Kross, Florian Lukas and Lachlan Nieboer. High above the harsh Norwegian wilderness, English and German pilots shoot each other to the ground after a violent chance encounter. Isolated, they must fight to survive the brutal winter. Though war has made them enemies, antagonism is hard to maintain as days go by. Through mutual need, unlikely friendships bloom. Somehow, they become comrades...
- 1/28/2013
Into the White adds poster 2 for Petter Næss World War II film The Zentropa Norway-produced film which seems to be notching up some solid reviews, hasn't got any sort of U.S. release date at this time, but we've got our fingers crossed. Starring in the film directed by Peter Næss from the writing by Ole Meldgaard, Dave Mango and Næss, are Rupert Grint, Stig Henrik Hoff, David Kross, Florian Lukas and Lachlan Nieboer. High above the harsh Norwegian wilderness, English and German pilots shoot each other to the ground after a violent chance encounter. Isolated, they must fight to survive the brutal winter. Though war has made them enemies, antagonism is hard to maintain as days go by. Through mutual need, unlikely friendships bloom. Somehow, they become comrades...
- 1/28/2013
January 25th, 2012, 12:36Pm– As we mentioned here, Rupert Grint’s movie Into the White has its release date for Germany on January 31st 2013. We have now more details to share with you, thanks to its German Distributor Capelight Pictures. Into the White will have a first screening in Berlin on January 31th 2013 at the Moviemento Berlin. Florian Lukas and David Kross will attend and there will be a Q&A after the screening. Official statement: Ab 31.01. läuft das Survival-Komödien-Drama Into The White mit Rupert Grint im Kino Moviemento in Berlin und im Kino Monopol in München! Zudem findet am 31.01. im Kino Moviemento in Berlin eine kleine Premiere in Anwesenheit der dt. Hauptdarsteller David Kross und Florian Lukas statt! Schnell zugreifen, wer sich noch ein paar Kinokarten sichern möchte: Hier könnt ihr euch den Filmtrailer anschauen: To get into the right mood take...
- 1/25/2013
- by Kathy
December 20th, 2012, 10:44Pm– After a long wait, Rupert Grint‘s film Into the White, also starring German actors Florian Lukas and David Kross, has finally been given a date for a cinematical release in Germany: into-the-white_gerThe film will be released on 31 January 2013, so if you live in Germany, do keep an eye on your cinema’s schedule! German Distributor Capelight Pictures have updated their site with the trailer and synopsis for the film, which can be seen here, and the 31 January as release date!
- 12/20/2012
- by Karo
Holy Motors (18)
(Leos Carax, 2012, Fra) Denis Lavant, Edith Scob, Eva Mendes, Kylie Minogue, 116 mins
A freewheeling lunatic love letter to cinema, or a self-indulgent headscratcher that's not worth trying to decipher? Carax's episodic odyssey dazzles and mystifies in equal quantities. Life, death, cinema: it's all interchangeable here, as Lavant cruises Paris in his limousine/mobile dressing room, assuming wildly different roles for unspecified "clients". The wheels threaten to come off with every swerve, but it's an occasionally astounding drive on the wild side.
Looper (15)
(Rian Johnson, 2012, Us) Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt. 118 mins
As he did with high-school movie Brick, Johnson takes a tired genre into fresh territory here, with a time-travel sci-fi that's smart, original, exciting and destined for cult status. Gordon-Levitt and Willis play young and old versions of the same assassin, with Gordon-Levitt having to either kill his older self or team up with him to bring down a dodgy system.
(Leos Carax, 2012, Fra) Denis Lavant, Edith Scob, Eva Mendes, Kylie Minogue, 116 mins
A freewheeling lunatic love letter to cinema, or a self-indulgent headscratcher that's not worth trying to decipher? Carax's episodic odyssey dazzles and mystifies in equal quantities. Life, death, cinema: it's all interchangeable here, as Lavant cruises Paris in his limousine/mobile dressing room, assuming wildly different roles for unspecified "clients". The wheels threaten to come off with every swerve, but it's an occasionally astounding drive on the wild side.
Looper (15)
(Rian Johnson, 2012, Us) Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Emily Blunt. 118 mins
As he did with high-school movie Brick, Johnson takes a tired genre into fresh territory here, with a time-travel sci-fi that's smart, original, exciting and destined for cult status. Gordon-Levitt and Willis play young and old versions of the same assassin, with Gordon-Levitt having to either kill his older self or team up with him to bring down a dodgy system.
- 9/28/2012
- by Steve Rose
- The Guardian - Film News
September 28th, 2012, 12:44Pm– With the UK release date of Rupert Grint’s movie “Into The White / Cross of Honour” coming closer and closer, we are happy to share some lovely reviews with you. Itw/Coh got some great responses in the UK and Rupert’s performance got praised. First one was published by “The performances are uniformly strong, though Rupert Grint wins best in show for his charismatic and unflappable Scouse darts champ who takes great joy in rubbing his severe German compatriots up the wrong way. His accent, too, is note perfect, and the film is a far better showcase for his performing talents than any of the Harry Potter films.” Second one by “The English side is pretty much told through the eyes of Gunner Robert Smith played by Rupert Grint. His role of over the top Liverpudlian, who strikes up an expected friendship,...
- 9/28/2012
- by Kathy
Although nicely produced, this second world war yarn is bland and predictable
Cross of Honour is a handsomely produced, well intended but bland and TV-movieish second world war yarn, based on a true story. Two aircrews are shot down over the snowy wastelands of Norway in April 1940: one German, one British. Lachlan Nieboer plays Captain Davenport, as elegant as a young Hugh Grant; Rupert Grint is Gunner Smith, a feisty scouser. On the German side, Florian Lukas plays Lieutenant Schopis, Stig Henrik Hoff is Sergeant Strunk and David Kross (from The Reader) plays junior officer Schwartz, a callow Hitler enthusiast who carries around a signed copy of Mein Kampf. The crews chance on the same deserted hunting lodge. The Luger-flourishing Germans try to hold the Brits captive, but soon they realise that to survive they will have to work together – and even be friends. It's all a bit tame,...
Cross of Honour is a handsomely produced, well intended but bland and TV-movieish second world war yarn, based on a true story. Two aircrews are shot down over the snowy wastelands of Norway in April 1940: one German, one British. Lachlan Nieboer plays Captain Davenport, as elegant as a young Hugh Grant; Rupert Grint is Gunner Smith, a feisty scouser. On the German side, Florian Lukas plays Lieutenant Schopis, Stig Henrik Hoff is Sergeant Strunk and David Kross (from The Reader) plays junior officer Schwartz, a callow Hitler enthusiast who carries around a signed copy of Mein Kampf. The crews chance on the same deserted hunting lodge. The Luger-flourishing Germans try to hold the Brits captive, but soon they realise that to survive they will have to work together – and even be friends. It's all a bit tame,...
- 9/27/2012
- by Peter Bradshaw
- The Guardian - Film News
September 17th, 2012, 2:23Pm– Into the White, starring Rupert Grint as British pilot Robert Smith, has been screened this weekend at the 19th Oldenburg Filmfestival 2012 with actors David Kross and Florian Lukas as well as director Petter Næss present for the German premiere on Saturday. TV Channel Rtl aired their report about the film’s premiere this afternoon along with interview snippets with David Kross and Florian Lukas, which you can view below (the part about Into the White starts at 2:33 into the clip). David Kross: “It is of course a difficult topic, but it also shows the absurdity of the moments in which the characters end up. And that was definitely a lot of fun.” ” We really wore these suits, these really thick flying suits, and it was just those five people; and we really were in this situation and it was damn cold and windy and bad weather conditions,...
- 9/17/2012
- by Karo
Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films, stars in the wartime drama Cross of Honour, which has now been given a UK DVD release date.
Metrodome Distribution today announced that the film will arrive in stores on October 1. It's Grint's first project after the end of the Harry Potter franchise.
Cross of Honour also stars David Kross, Lachlan Nieboer and Florian Lukas. Grint plays a character called Gunner Robert Smith in what's billed as a "heroic tale of friendship, war and the fight for survival."
At the beginning of World War II a hostile chance encounter in the skies above the harsh Norwegian wilderness leaves two aircraft - one British, one German - shot down in a remote and isolated region.
By strange coincidence the crews seek shelter in the same cabin. They must battle to survive the brutal winter in order to get back to...
Metrodome Distribution today announced that the film will arrive in stores on October 1. It's Grint's first project after the end of the Harry Potter franchise.
Cross of Honour also stars David Kross, Lachlan Nieboer and Florian Lukas. Grint plays a character called Gunner Robert Smith in what's billed as a "heroic tale of friendship, war and the fight for survival."
At the beginning of World War II a hostile chance encounter in the skies above the harsh Norwegian wilderness leaves two aircraft - one British, one German - shot down in a remote and isolated region.
By strange coincidence the crews seek shelter in the same cabin. They must battle to survive the brutal winter in order to get back to...
- 8/28/2012
- by David Bentley
- The Geek Files
August 26th, 2012, 8:46Am– Good news for Rupert Grint‘s German fans! His film Into the White will be screened at the Filmfest Oldenburg on 15 September, as it has just been announced by none other than Rupert’s co-star Florian Lukas himself! Tickets will be available on 3 September via this link alongside the exact screening time.It has not been announced if any of the cast and crew members will be present, but we will of course keep you updated on that. Our staff will be present, so if you are planning to attend, feel free to drop us a line. Also, remember that we are still raising money for Teenage Cancer Trust on behalf of Rupert’s birthday, so if you haven’t done so already, make sure to head over here to donate. Any penny counts!
- 8/26/2012
- by Karo
New poster for Into the White (previously titled Comrade), an anti-war film directed by Petter Næss, written by Ole Meldgaard, Dave Mango and the director Næss, has gone online today.
The film revolves around an American Pilot and a German pilot that shoot each other down only to find that they must depend on each other to survive a harsh Norwegian winter, alone in the wilderness.
Into the White stars Rupert Grint, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, and Lachlan Nieboer. No release date is set yet.
The film is based on a true story. On 27 April 1940, Luftwaffe pilot Horst Schopis’ bomber, a Heinkel 111 (1H+Ct) is shot down near Grotli by an Raf Blackburn Skua (L2940) fighter, which then crash-lands. The surviving German and English crew members begin to shoot each other, but later find themselves huddled up in the same cabin. In order to survive the harsh winter in the Norwegian wilderness,...
The film revolves around an American Pilot and a German pilot that shoot each other down only to find that they must depend on each other to survive a harsh Norwegian winter, alone in the wilderness.
Into the White stars Rupert Grint, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Florian Lukas, and Lachlan Nieboer. No release date is set yet.
The film is based on a true story. On 27 April 1940, Luftwaffe pilot Horst Schopis’ bomber, a Heinkel 111 (1H+Ct) is shot down near Grotli by an Raf Blackburn Skua (L2940) fighter, which then crash-lands. The surviving German and English crew members begin to shoot each other, but later find themselves huddled up in the same cabin. In order to survive the harsh winter in the Norwegian wilderness,...
- 8/9/2012
- by Allan Ford
- Filmofilia
April 19th, 2012, 2:00Pm– Although we still aren’t over the festivities of the World Premiere of Into the White, we have a bunch of new great stills from the film to show you. There are several shots depicting Rupert Grint as the fiery Gunner Robert Smith along with his co-stars Stig Henrik Hoff, David Kross, Lachlan Nieboer and Florian Lukas. The pictures do show spoilers from some of the pivotal scenes, so those of you that want to stay unspoiled should continue with caution ;) The rest of you can take a look at the great pictures here. Remember to check out our extensive coverage of the Oslo World Premiere here as well as our exclusive interview with the man himself including the brilliant photo interview.
- 4/19/2012
- by Majbritt
March 11th, 2012, 8:01Pm– It has been a an incredible time in Oslo with Rupert Grint and the rest of Into The White’s cast and crew and we are very happy to share a lot of our Oslo goodies/souveniers with you now. First we have for you the video of the whole introduction of the Into The White cast and crew at the Folketeateret in Oslo at the premiere. You will not only see Petter Næss, Stig Henrik Hoff, Lachlan Nieboer, Florian Lukas, David Kross and of course our favourite boy Rupert Grint. You also get a chance to meet the people behind the scenes. You’ll find the whole clip our ICMexclusive channel or right below: You’ll find all our exclusives pics from the red carpet here and the introduction here. Also, to end this great premiere day we want to share with you now our...
- 3/12/2012
- by Kathy
March 6th, 2012, 5:20Pm– It’s not only Rupert Grint doing all the work in Oslo these days – our ICM girls Karo and Kathy have been very busy in Norway – gathering goodies for you all to enjoy. We are now ready to show you the first batch of videos and pictures from the red carpet at the World Premiere of Into the White at Folketeateret in Oslo. Also, we have a few teasers from the press day yesterday! In the first video you see some of our favourite guys, the Norwegian director Petter Næss and Norwegian actor Stig Henrik Hoff arriving on the red carpet – you can see it here! The second clip from the red carpet shows the two German actors David Kross and Florian Lukas with the Næss and Hoff – click here to see it! Click here for the third clip mostly shows the British actor Lachlan Nieboer...
- 3/6/2012
- by Majbritt
March 5th, 2012, 9:46Am– It’s been a wonderful day in Oslo with the ICM staff attending the Into the White press conference and photocall with Rupert Grint, Florian Lukas, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff, Lachlan Nieboer, producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen and director Petter Næss. We will have a lot of extra and amazing treats for you in the coming days, but we wanted to share a few things with you already. :-) You can see a few pictures from the press conference and photocall by clicking here – but stay tuned! A lot more will find their way into the gallery soon! The ICM staff has been keeping our Twitter profile scorching hot with interesting quotes from the press conference – take a look at this one from Rupert Grint: “It was hard to learn the accent, but also fun. It suited the character” Remember to follow us on Twitter...
- 3/5/2012
- by Majbritt
March 4th, 2012, 12:25Am– Rupert Grint has arrived in Oslo – and is now making his way down the red carpet in front of Folketeateret (National Theatre, ICM) in Oslo, Norway. And of course, ICM is present with the latest news on the events taking place tonight as the World Premiere of Into the White takes place. Zentropa International Norway has just tweeted this first picture of Rupert coming down the red carpet: More to come Soon! We will be updating you throughout the evening on everything we can get our hands on – and remember to keep an eye on our Twitter profile where our dear staff members Karo and Kathy will do their best to keep you updated on the best of the best from both outside and inside the theatre. Check it out Here! Rupert Grint is not walking the red carpet alone tonight – he is joined by all...
- 3/4/2012
- by Majbritt
March 4th, 2012, 9:57Am– Welcome to Oslo! Our staff has arrived at Oslo to be present for the premiere of Rupert Grint‘s film Into the White, which will celebrate its World Premiere tonight! Rupert along with his co-stars Florian Lukas, David Kross, Lachlan Nieboer and Stig Henrik Hoff will join director Petter Næss on the red carpet, which will begin at 5.30pm local time at Youngstorget (going on to the Folketeatret). The screening will begin at 6pm. We have uploaded several images from yesterday’s walk around town where we were happy to find evidence of the upcoming events. Click here. Filmfest Oslo has magazines introducing the films and the people visiting the film festival – and you can see scans from them here and you can read the translations from them here! The Norwegian news channel Nrk was present at the pre-premiere of Into the White at Stryn Kulturhus yesterday,...
- 3/4/2012
- by Karo
February 6th, 2012, 3:34Pm– With less than a month until the its World Premiere, the first clip from Into the White has been released by Zentropa Norway today. The clip shows the confrontation between Rupert Grint and Lachlan Nieboer‘s characters and Florian Lukas shortly after they have found refuge in the cabin. This film was one of the scenes shown at the Work in Progress section at the Stockholm Film Festival and you may have read our transcript of the scene before. You can now enjoy the full clip here: If you have a Twitter account, you can also support Into the White by adding an official Twibbon to your profile. Just click here.
- 2/6/2012
- by Karo
January 11th, 2011, 11:19Am– We have some excellent news for you, Rupert Grint fans – and it is something that many of you have been waiting for! Brand new stills And a new trailer for the film Into the White by Petter Næss. The new trailer includes exciting and never-before-seen clips from the film, and you will get a much better picture of Rupert‘s role as the fiery red-head, Gunner Robert Smith. The trailer was released by TrustNordisk – and it also features Florian Lukas, Lahclan Nieboer, David Kross and Stig Henrik Hoff. We know that you will love it! :-) Check it out here! Also, you can see 16 new and brilliant stills from the film which was released on the Norwegian news website,! We will have a translation of’s article as soon as possible. You can see them all in our gallery by clicking here!
- 1/11/2012
- by Majbritt
Don 2 latest news, Don 2 Latest Movie, Don 2 Movie, Shahrukh Khan Latest Movie, Shahrukh Khan, Srk latest news, Shahrukh Khan Don 2, Farhan Akhtar Latest Movie, Priyanka Chopra, Srk's Don 2, Lara Dutta latest, Lara Dutta, Aamir Khan, Shahrukh Khan, Don 2, Shahrukh Khan, Priyanka Chopra, Boman Irani, Om Puri, Saahil Shroff, Kunal Kapoor, Nawwab Shah, Florian Lukas, Taare Zameen Par, Ghajini, 3 Idiots , Ra.One, December Release, Chritmas, Bollywood films, Christmas films, Superhit, Blockbuster, record breaking, record-breaking, Don 2 songs, Don 2 Dialogues Read More...
- 12/31/2011
- Bollywood Trade
The Berlin International Film Festival has just announced the first five films lined up for the Competition and five more for the Berlinale Special. The 62nd edition runs from February 9 through 19.
Update: The Berlinale's also announced that the members of the International Jury, presided over by Mike Leigh, will be Anton Corbijn, Asghar Farhadi, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jake Gyllenhaal, François Ozon, Boualem Sansal and Barbara Sukowa.
France/Philippines/Germany/Great Britain
By Brillante Mendoza (Serbis, Kinatay, Lola)
With Isabelle Huppert, Katherine Mulville, Marc Zanetta
World premiere
From Ioncinema: "Based on a real-life event that occurred in 2001. It centers on Thérèse Bourgoin (Huppert), a French woman who works for a humanitarian organization on Palawan Island in the Philippines. While she is transporting equipment to Puerto Princesa, she is kidnapped by mistake with a colleague by Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf, who are fighting for Mindanao independence."
Dictado (Childish Games)
By Antonio Chavarrías (Susanna,...
Update: The Berlinale's also announced that the members of the International Jury, presided over by Mike Leigh, will be Anton Corbijn, Asghar Farhadi, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jake Gyllenhaal, François Ozon, Boualem Sansal and Barbara Sukowa.
France/Philippines/Germany/Great Britain
By Brillante Mendoza (Serbis, Kinatay, Lola)
With Isabelle Huppert, Katherine Mulville, Marc Zanetta
World premiere
From Ioncinema: "Based on a real-life event that occurred in 2001. It centers on Thérèse Bourgoin (Huppert), a French woman who works for a humanitarian organization on Palawan Island in the Philippines. While she is transporting equipment to Puerto Princesa, she is kidnapped by mistake with a colleague by Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf, who are fighting for Mindanao independence."
Dictado (Childish Games)
By Antonio Chavarrías (Susanna,...
- 12/19/2011
Now that the fall “awards festival” circuit is finally at a close — but with Sundance looming in the distance — it’s easy to forget about Biff — the Berlin International Film Festival, that is. (See, I even have to give the name.) This might have something to do with their less-than-huge lineup; in terms of films playing in competition, last year’s biggest art house title was The Turin Horse, while the most mainstream was probably Margin Call. Nothing too slim, but not much compared to Cannes, Venice, or Tiff.
The first round of titles to play this coming February (via Twitch) do carry a few major titles, though. Among them are The Flowers of War (which we were quite ecstatic about), Guy Maddin‘s Keyhole, Extremely Loud…, Kevin Macdonald‘s Bob Marley documentary, and an expansion of Werner Herzog‘s Into the Abyss. A few other foreign titles carry potential,...
The first round of titles to play this coming February (via Twitch) do carry a few major titles, though. Among them are The Flowers of War (which we were quite ecstatic about), Guy Maddin‘s Keyhole, Extremely Loud…, Kevin Macdonald‘s Bob Marley documentary, and an expansion of Werner Herzog‘s Into the Abyss. A few other foreign titles carry potential,...
- 12/19/2011
- by (
- The Film Stage
December 17th, 2011, 5:54 Am– A while ago ICM-staffer Karo and Kathy attend the worldpremiere of the movie “IPhone You” in Berlin, starring Florian Lukas, Rupert Grint’s co-star in his upcoming movie “Into The White”. Florian Lukas was nice enough to give us an exclusive interview and took his time to speak about his role as the German soldier Horst Schopis, working on set with cast and crew from diffrent countries and of course we wanted to find out more about Rupert’s Liverpool accent. To give you a little glimpse: Fl: His Liverpool accent is really heavy! ICM: Yes?! Fl: It’s fun listening to it. ICM: Is it that different to his own accent? Fl: Pretty different! If you read the lines… I mean, we know the lines, but sometimes it was really difficult to understand what he said. We asked every now and then “What did he say?...
- 12/17/2011
- by Kathy
“Let’s face it, we’re all going to die here.” Fresh from the Battle of Hogwarts, Daniel Radcliffe is battling The Woman in Black, while Rupert Grint soldiers on in the World War II drama, Into the White. Norwegian filmmaker Petter Næss, who helmed the phenomenal odd couple comedy Elling, directs this tense tale that is based on actual events. Rupert Grint, Florian Lukas, David Kross, Stig Henrik Hoff and Lachlan Nieboer stars as a group of pilots (some German some English), who — after being shot down — are forced to share an isolated shack to survive the frigid temperature of their Norwegian surroundings. It’s a premise that seems destined to end in much bloodshed. But according to its released synopsis, rather than turning on each others, these thrown together survivors begin to bond, forming a strong though unexpected brotherhood. While the trailer below seems a bit lackluster, I...
- 12/2/2011
- by (
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