Solo Standing on Guard Quotes

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Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law by Abhijit Naskar
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Solo Standing on Guard Quotes Showing 1-30 of 94
“MCA: Middle Class Activist (The Sonnet)

I don't know the meaning of socialism,
But progress without society is insanity.
I don't know the meaning of capitalism,
But catering to luxury produces disparity.
I don't know the meaning of woke,
But no life is complete without community.
I don't know the meaning of philosophy,
But intellect is useless without amity.
I don't own many fancy gadgets,
Affording essentials I stand without greed.
I'll probably never set foot on MARS,
On earth I'll be serving the abandoned in need.
High and mighty tech won't make this world better,
Till we place humanity at our highest altar.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Books, intellect, facts - all these are mere dust in front of love.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“There is no need for more ideologies - there is no need for more philosophies - there is no need for more sects. - what's needed is the desire to step beyond all sectarianism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“This is the only secret to life - serve others as your own reflection.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“What is divinity, if not an everyday sense of kindness!”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Call yourself human the day you see everyone as family, not before that.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Police reform starts with the acknowledgement of police bias.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Dare to love, dare to reason, dare to live, without caution.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“This is what character looks like, messy and flawed but not afraid to evolve.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“High and mighty tech won't make this world better, till we place humanity at our highest altar.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Shades of Brown (The Sonnet)

There is no white skin,
There is no black skin.
All of us are shades of brown,
If we can reason without stereotyping.
Climate makes the difference in color,
But not in character of the individual.
Human character knows no geography,
For a being of character is human above all.
The idea of race is a myth most foul,
Born of ignorance and narrowness.
Now we live in a different time,
That requires abolition of divisiveness.
Discard those traditions and live as sapient.
Let's build a world where color ain't relevant.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Either Aşkistan or Junglistan (A Sonnet)

Ours is either aşkistan,
Land of love founded on amity,
Or it is an archaic junglistan,
Run by contagious self-centricity.
What is civilized is also unselfish,
For selfishness makes the animal,
Across the self there is humanity,
What is unselfish is also accountable.
Technology may bring comfort,
But it doesn't ensure ascension,
When comfort belongs to the privileged,
Such progress is mere descension.
Over 3 billion years have gone in selfishness,
It's time to unself our soul and rise as sapiens.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“This is what care looks like, pure and chaste loving without reward.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Thus Speaks The Human (A Sonnet)

I am my government,
I write my own laws.
I need no congress to define rightness,
An alive conscience needs no one to endorse.
We barely grew out of the bible,
And already replaced it with constitution.
Before we feared an imaginary god,
Now we give law our total submission.
Law and policy may have their place,
But they are no pillars of society.
The only pillar is human conviction,
All else are shallow mockery.
One who needs law is yet to be civilized.
Be accountable and all will be humanized.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“The Commitment Sonnet

Once you commit to something,
Better give up life than the commitment.
Once you make a promise,
Better stop breathing than break it.
Once you realize your purpose,
Better be destroyed than forget it.
Once you stand on your conviction,
Better be broken to pieces than lose it.
Submit, submit, o braveheart,
Submit to something bigger than the self.
Wipe out the self if necessary,
Give all to your goal asking no help.
Life has no meaning except self-preservation.
Your destiny is determined by your action.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“The Temper Sonnet

Where you need to be calm,
You burst out in rage.
Where you need to be on fire,
You walk in silence and not engage.
Where you need to listen,
You scream like a loudspeaker.
Where you need to speak out,
Somehow your words disappear.
Where it requires to be humble,
Pride takes over your humility.
Where your blood needs to boil,
Your veins seem to run empty.
The right use of temper is an act of revolution.
Put it to good use and you'll nourish civilization.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“No Compromise (The Sonnet)

Only cowards make compromise,
When it comes to affairs of humanity.
Beings of conscience and character,
Prefer revolution over indignity.
Only bugs bow before oppression,
Driven by insecurity and indifference.
Creatures called the homo sapiens,
Choose annihilation before compliance.
Only wild animals of the cruel jungle,
Accept self-preservation as the norm.
For advanced organism such as humans,
Inclusion is life in joy and in storm.
Those with backbone stand up for humanity.
Unarmed and unbending we'll conquer inhumanity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Sonnet of Nation Building

Nation means not land,
Nation means not border.
Nation means sentience and sanity,
Nation means willing to treat disorder.
Nation means not habit,
Nation means not tradition.
Nation means reason and acceptance,
Nation means conscious amalgamation.
Nations means not law,
Nations means not policy.
Nation means a genuine goodness,
Nation means an accountable citizenry.
In the name of nation do not act tribal.
Nation without narrowness is a land universal.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Sonnet of Care

This is what care looks like,
Pure and chaste loving without reward.
This is what conscience looks like,
Strong and just reasoning with warmth.
This is what nobility looks like,
Humble and kind correcting one's error.
This is what courage looks like,
Firm and unbending walking across fear.
This is what sentience looks like,
Awake and upright marching with resolve.
This is what character looks like,
Messy and flawed but not afraid to evolve.
Each human is a reflection of all humanity.
Individual action determines collective destiny.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Books Over Bombs (The Sonnet)

Bombs kill terrorists,
Books kill terrorism.
Missiles kill extremists,
Mindfulness kills extremism.
Guns kill supremacists,
Goodness kills supremacy.
Law restrains cruel people,
Love reforms cruelty.
Sarin cripples the malicious,
Service cures malice.
C4 impairs the prejudiced,
Curiosity treats prejudice.
Violence can be revolution no more.
For all degradation kindness is the cure.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“The fundamental requirement of a civilized life is the conquest of the world by individual accountability.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“Each citizen must become a government unto themselves - each citizen must become law unto themselves. In other words, each citizen must become a living constitution unto themselves, with the emphasis on living, which means ever-evolving and never-rigid. Be an example of growth in the world and the world will start to grow around you out of its disparities, biases and prejudices.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“This is the gist of my life - I was born an animal, I burnt myself for humanity, I became human.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law
“When an entrepreneur becomes a billionaire by sucking all the resources from the world, nobody calls them a thief, yet when a homeless person steals a loaf of bread it is considered a heinous crime against humanity. If this is humanity, then I beg to report, you people are worse than animals.”
Abhijit Naskar, Solo Standing on Guard: Life Before Law

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