Perfectly Damaged Quotes

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Perfectly Damaged Perfectly Damaged by E.L. Montes
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Perfectly Damaged Quotes Showing 1-21 of 21
“The point is, Jenna, no one is normal or perfect like that house you see across the street. Everyone suffers from their own struggles, whether they’re big or small.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“When you adapt to someone, they become a part of your routine, a part of you. And when they’re taken away, you feel a bit lost. No matter how much you think it won’t affect your life, it does.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“I also wanted you to realize that even though the pain will always be there, I’m living proof you can get past this. Right now I know it feels impossible, but one day you’ll look back and see how far you’ve come.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“Special Logan Kiss...
Yeah, but you didn't know that I'd recited how i felt for you right then, in that moment, in my mins. The words flowed silently, so easily. There's no mistaking them. When I gave you those kisses, I was telling myself and you....
He peck my nose "I..."
He kisses my forehead "..LOVE.."
My heart swells as
He presses his lips to my chin, then he whispers " YOU...”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“Love is the devil in disguise. He sweeps in and seduces you when you’re at your weakest, when you’ve lost all hope. But he gives you a sense of want and desire. He whispers sweet words, wrapping you into a world of existence, because before Love, you didn’t exist. Then, when you give in fully, when you’re lost in Love and when he has you exactly where he wants you, he takes over completely, possessing your mind, body, and soul.
That’s when he snatches your heart, rips it to shreds, and leaves you with nothing left to give.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
tags: love
“Life, Jersey Girl, sometimes pauses. It stops. Sometimes we don’t even realize how everything around us is moving so quickly while we’re standing in the middle of it, allowing it to pass us by. Most of us, if not all, just lose the why. Some of us never figure it out to begin with. We lose sight of the purpose that wakes us up every morning and pushes our day forward. We lose a sense of hope and the feeling of life in general. We view life as more of a test, one that’s trying to beat us down every day.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“You didn't judge my past. That's when I knew I couldn't turn away from you even if I tried...”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“Depression is evil. Before you know it, it takes over and there's no escaping it.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“The morning I drove by and saw you alone, staring at the house. I told myself to keep on driving, but something told me to stop. And when I'd seen how lost and confused you were, something told me I was meant to be there....
I was meant to be there so I could help you find your way”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“I know it won’t stay this way. I know there will be days when this view is covered with grey and gloomy clouds. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. But for right now, I enjoy this moment. I breathe, I feel free, and I’m thankful that for today…
I am living.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
tags: jenna
“Jenna is the kind of beautiful that I can get lost in. Lost from all the fucked-up-ness in my head. She’s the kind of beautiful that laughs at all my non funny jokes because she gets me. She’s the kind of beautiful that’ll put me in my place without batting an eye. Jenna is the kind of beautiful that can transform a non believing man like me into a man who wants more. A man who can fall hard, stumbling over his own two feet because he’s so tangled up in her.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“You know how there’s that one person who stumbles into your life and you instantly have a connection with them? Someone who’s a genuinely good person. Someone you just know you can build a great bond with, and it doesn’t have to be in a romantic way either. It can be with someone you have no attraction to whatsoever, you just instantly recognize something in them and they in you. Like in another realm, in another life, you were meant to be together in some way. Whether with a mother, daughter, sibling, best friend, or romantic partner, it’s a strong, unexplainable connection between two individuals”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“Have you ever stepped outside and looked around, and even though it’s very familiar territory—you’ve seen it a dozen times before—it instantly looks different? The trees are more vibrant, the view is clearer, the sky is bluer, and everything is just brighter. That’s what I feel right now. It’s soothing and breathless and beautiful.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“Each day is unexpected. No matter how hard you try, you can never prepare for the life ahead.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“Just easy. Life feels like it’s always hard. There’s never a calm way to get through it, to just breathe. Every day brings the same challenges, the same routines…the same everything. And as much as I hope the next day will be different, it’s not. It’s just the same old cycle over and over again.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“You're beautiful, Jenna. i'm a man and I'm afraid to admit when I'm lucky enough to look at someone as beautiful as you.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“I didn’t have to dig deep to love you, Jersey girl. Digging takes work. Falling in love with you was the simplest thing I’ve ever done.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
tags: logan
“She must have a golden pussy,” Santino interjects. His face twists in shock, like he can’t believe he actually said that out loud. Bryson glares at him. If she does, it’s a wide, golden, disease-infected pussy, I’m sure of it. I wouldn’t touch her even if someone threatened to torch my dick until it incinerated and there were nothing left of it but ashes. I know it’d hurt like fucking hell, but I’d sacrifice my precious dick so it would never be near her.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.” – Barbara Bloom”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“The melody of a guitar strums through the speakers. It’s one of those songs that once it begins, you just know—you know the words are going to hit you hard, and the melody… Well, it’s as if the melody weaves its way into your very existence, easing itself inside of you, altering your mood with its highs and lows. When the lead singer’s powerful voice begins, you pray for mercy, because you know what it’s capable of. It seizes every emotion you’ve ever experienced and wrenches them all to the surface, leaving you completely exposed. Exposed because sometimes we keep everything bottled up for a reason. But it’s songs like this that have the potential to change everything. They can put everything into perspective and make you feel like the words and the song itself belongs to you and only you. I”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged
“When the Japanese mend broken objects, they aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.”
E.L. Montes, Perfectly Damaged