Mattimeo Quotes

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Mattimeo (Redwall, #3) Mattimeo by Brian Jacques
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Mattimeo Quotes Showing 1-30 of 36
“Sometimes the gift of an inquisitive nature to the young can be greater than that of the wisdom which comes of age.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Weapons may be carried by creatures who are evil, dishonest, violent or lazy. The true warrior is good, gentle and honest. His bravery comes from within himself; he learns to conquer his own fears and misdeeds.

Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“I will not stand here to be insulted by you, hedgepig," Mangiz fumed.
"Then stand somewhere else and I'll insult you there, featherbag!!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“The seer crow was outraged. "Mangiz does not forget an insult, hedgepig."
Ambrose smiled cheekily. "Good, then here's a few more for you to remember, you pot-bellied, cross-eyed, feather-bottomed excuse for a duck.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Aye, and famous glutton and singer of dreadful songs.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Baby Rollo had finally succeeded in diving from the pear tree straight into the center of an oversized sliced apple and wild plum crumble. He sat smiling and eating his way out, a mass of sweet acorn crumbs and sticky fruit.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Rollo and Cynthia Bankvole are bellringers, just as Tess and I once were. Rollo’s latest yearning is to become a squirrel and join the band of Sam and Elmtail to become part of the Mossflower Patrol. That Rollo, he will probably want to be a badger next. Constance is getting ready to sit out in the sun and take things easy. She is teaching Auma all she knows, and some season soon Auma will become the Mother of Redwall. She is dearly loved by every creature in our Abbey. Orlando is Constance’s firm friend and they are seldom apart. His axe hangs in Great Hall. As Lord of the Western Plains he only has to stand on the west battlements to survey his lands. Last summer the Churchmouse family was united to the Warriors, much to the delight of my mother and Cornflower. Mattimeo and my sister Tess were married. Our parents like to sit out in the sun a lot, my mother and father, Cornflower and Matthias. Like all life, they are growing no younger. They prefer to talk of the old times with friends, and that is good. They deserve a little rest and peace after bringing us up, though Matthias still joins Basil and Orlando to train the defenders. It is difficult to believe that we have all grown from young scamps into responsible creatures. But I am rambling. I will finish my writings and go outside into the sunlight, to the ceremony and the feast at the main gate. Forgive me for not telling you earlier, but today we have a new Redwall Champion and a naming party. Matthias is to place the great sword in the paws of his son Mattimeo, and he will be our Abbey Warrior from henceforth; there is one scamp who made doubly good. Did I not tell you? Tess and Mattimeo have a little son and I am an uncle! My mother and Cornflower chose the new baby’s name; he is to be called Martin. So the legend of Redwall has come full circle, through Martin to Matthias, from Matthias to Mattimeo, and finally back to the little life we are all so proud of: Martin, Son of the Warrior. The bells are tolling for the ceremony, so you will have to pardon me for hurrying off like this. May your lives be as full and happy as ours, and may the seasons be kind to you and your friends. The door of our Abbey is always open to any traveller roaming the dusty path between the woodlands and the plains. Tim Churchmouse (Recorder of Redwall Abbey in Mossflower country).”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Ambrose shrugged his spikes moodily. “I don’t suppose you’d like me to fetch your lunch, dinner, tea’n’supper too. Huh!” “Oh, and Ambrose, would you ask Winifred to fetch our lunch, dinner, tea and supper out here? This is going to be a long job!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Wanna fly. Stryk Redkite flyover mountain like sky-clouds,” the big bird wailed. John folded his spectacles away. “Huh, now we must wait? Try telling her that.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“A come t’morrer on wall?” he wanted to know. “Yes, Rollo. We’ll come to the wall tomorrow, and all the tomorrows after that until my Mattimeo comes back. Do you remember Mattimeo?”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Water’n’breads, pickernick on wall.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Lord Abbot, before I serve you the first portion to taste, can I suggest jugged hare for our next banquet?”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“He repeated the precious word aloud to the moon: “Redwall!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Sometimes it’s best to expect the worst. That way you’re never disappointed.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“That big hatchet nearly scalped me!” Orlando rose, dusting himself off in a dignified manner. “Be careful how you talk of that weapon, young un. It’s a battleaxe, not a hatchet.” Jess Squirrel and Sam went haring up the beech trunk. “Stay where you are, Warrior. We’ll get you down, but only if you promise to do no more bird imitations.” Matthias smiled at Sam’s impudent remark. “I promise. Just get me down.” * * *”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Golly! Bigger than the summer feast?” “Far bigger!” “An’ you’re all goin’ to cook right through the night?” “Oh yes, that’s why we don’t want you under our paws. Otherwise we might not have it ready on time.” “Got it, marm. All the weary warriors sleep while you sportin’ creatures cook up a whackin’ beanfeast. Right?” “Right!” Basil shot out of the Abbot’s study like a rocket, calling over his shoulder as he went, “Last one in bed and fast asleep’s a rotten egg. Yaaaah!” Foremole entered the study, rubbing his nose. “Oi jus’ bin a-runned over boi a mad creatur’. Hurr.” Orlando laughed so hard he hurt his jaw.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Rollo and Cynthia Bankvole are bellringers, just as Tess and I once were. Rollo’s latest yearning is to become a squirrel and join the band of Sam and Elmtail to become part of the Mossflower Patrol. That Rollo, he will probably want to be a badger next. Constance is getting ready to sit out in the sun and take things easy. She is teaching Auma all she knows, and some season soon Auma will become the Mother of Redwall. She is dearly loved by every creature in our Abbey. Orlando is Constance’s firm friend and they are seldom apart. His axe hangs in Great Hall. As Lord of the Western Plains he only has to stand on the west battlements to survey his lands. Last summer the Churchmouse family was united to the Warriors, much to the delight of my mother and Cornflower. Mattimeo and my sister Tess were married. Our parents like to sit out in the sun a lot, my mother and father, Cornflower and Matthias. Like all life, they are growing no younger. They prefer to talk of the old times with friends, and that is good. They deserve a little rest and peace after bringing us up, though Matthias still joins Basil and Orlando to train the defenders. It is difficult to believe that we have all grown from young scamps into responsible creatures. But I am rambling. I will finish my writings and go outside into the sunlight, to the ceremony and the feast at the main gate. Forgive me for not telling you earlier, but today we have a new Redwall Champion and a naming party. Matthias is to place the great sword in the paws of his son Mattimeo, and he will be our Abbey Warrior from henceforth; there is one scamp who made doubly good. Did I not tell you? Tess and Mattimeo have a little son”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Rollo and Cynthia Bankvole are bellringers, just as Tess and I once were. Rollo’s latest yearning is to become a squirrel and join the band of Sam and Elmtail to become part of the Mossflower Patrol. That Rollo, he will probably want to be a badger next. Constance is getting ready to sit out in the sun and take things easy. She is teaching Auma all she knows, and some season soon Auma will become the Mother of Redwall. She is dearly loved by every creature in our Abbey. Orlando is Constance’s firm friend and they are seldom apart. His axe hangs in Great Hall. As Lord of the Western Plains he only has to stand on the west battlements to survey his lands. Last summer the Churchmouse family was united to the Warriors, much to the delight of my mother and Cornflower. Mattimeo and my sister Tess were married. Our parents like to sit out in the sun a lot, my mother and father, Cornflower and Matthias. Like all life, they are growing no younger. They prefer to talk of the old times with friends, and that is good. They deserve a little rest and peace after bringing us up, though Matthias still joins Basil and Orlando to train the defenders. It is difficult to believe that we have all grown from young scamps into responsible creatures. But I am rambling. I will finish my writings and go outside into the sunlight, to the ceremony and the feast at the main gate. Forgive me for not telling you earlier, but today we have a new Redwall Champion and a naming party. Matthias is to place the great sword in the paws of his son Mattimeo, and he will be our Abbey Warrior from henceforth; there is one scamp who made doubly good. Did I not tell you? Tess and Mattimeo have a little son and”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Mrs. Churchmouse”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“You watch, he’ll be the first to break ranks and charge if anybeast throws a pie over that wall.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Matti, you’re here, you’re alive, by the stones of Redwall!” Mattimeo clung tightly to his father, sobbing and laughing at the same time. “I knew you’d find me someday! I knew it!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Yes! Yes! Redwalllll! No warrior can swing the sword of Martin like him. Father! It’s meeeeeee!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Stryk perched sullenly, her wing still supported by the wine firkin and the books. “Warra warrior, Sissimay shoulda be Redkite.” “The very idea of it, you feathery baggage!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“The Log-a-Log of all the Guosim was smiling, even though his eyes had closed for the last time. He had lived long enough to keep his promise to his friends. He had found their young ones.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Sister May was delighted at their announcement that the young one is to be named after her. However, she insists on the little female being called May and not Sissimay.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“Orlando, my good friend, the explanation to it all is merely one simple word: Redwall.”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo
“I’ll say I do! Can I have some of that funny-looking pie?” “Ssshh! Don’t let the Abbot hear you, that’s his new invention, wild cherry and glazed plum gateau with elderflower cream. He’s very proud of it.” “Mmmm, so he should be, tastes marvelous. D’you use paws or a spoon?” “Try using your mouth. Hahaha!”
Brian Jacques, Mattimeo

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