The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Author: Carrie Ryan
Book: The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Book trailer for The Forest of Hands and Teeth.


ya, young-adult, and zombie

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14

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ILoveBooks This video fits the novel perfectly-though I imagined the main character differently.

message 2: by Erin

Erin Marie i love them both...i hope to see the movies soon!!!

message 3: by Susan

Susan Yeah the characters are all wrong.

Alberta Adji This video is somewhat very luric and horror, so i'm really anticipated to watch the movie soon! hope the characters will be portrayed better.
by: Alberta

message 5: by Clare

Clare haha i jumped at least twice in that video :) But i have to agree that i pictured alot of the things differently.. but it is always good to get another persons take on details.

message 6: by Nat

Nat Krystal wrote: "This video fits the novel perfectly-though I imagined the main character differently."

Totally agree

message 7: by Megan

Megan I just kept thinking... why is Winona Ryder narrating this!

Madison did anyone else think of the movie The Vilage while watching this?

Marissa Oh my gosh that scream! D: it's like resident evil for me! How the hell am I going to survive ever watching the movie if i can't take this mini-video :'<

message 10: by Elise

Elise I just finished this book. It was amazing! Can't wait for the second one. The trailer is so creepy; I love it.Are they making a movie?

message 11: by Lesly!

Lesly! Totally cool!!!!

message 12: by Zainab

Zainab Scared the fridge out of me...

message 13: by Valeria

Valeria Wow, just wow, it totally fits the book, but is damn creepy, R they making a movie?

message 14: by Sarah

Sarah Jones The first book trailer that has actually made me want to read the book!

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