2014 Reading Challenge
Participants 650,551
Books Pledged 33,719,517
Avg. Books Pledged 51
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Tasha has read 180 of 150 books in 2014.
  • Deeds of Honor by Elizabeth Moon
  • Paranormal Bromance by Carrie Vaughn
  • Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop
  • Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara
  • Cousin Kate by Georgette Heyer
  • Queen of Hearts by Kristen Painter
  • The Lost by Vicki Pettersson
  • The Given by Vicki Pettersson
  • We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • That's Not What I Meant! by Deborah Tannen
Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Darrell (new)

Darrell Wow, do you usually read 200 books per year? I thought I was doing pretty good with 75.

message 2: by Denise (new)

Denise Tarasuk Amazing! You must of had fun! I wish you a Happy New Year!

message 3: by Tasha (new)

Tasha Turner I do read around 200 books/novellas a year. It helps being bedridden and unable to work - always find that silver lining :D

Being a netgalley reviewer, friend of authors, using ereaderIQ, and taking chances on freebies and first books in series at $0.99 makes it possible for me to have lots of books to choose from. Now if I'd only remember to track and review everything I read...

It's great to get to read so much. It also makes me very aware of "over used" tropes as well as rape, sexism, racism, *isms in books no matter gender and sometimes race of writer which is frustrating. But it's encouraging to see how each year I'm reading more books by women and POC and non-USA authors. Self-publishing authors are able to take chances traditionally published authors often aren't able to and over time I expect this will improve what's available.

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