“New York is more than a state of mind. It is the completion of a dream. ( "New York at arm's length of desire" )”
“When the brain becomes too tired, the mind stops decrypting the perceptions in our mental world and surrenders willingly to the unguarded moments of life.
For some time, the safeguards of our thinking pattern weaken and discontinue the decoding of the chips of daily reality.
The mind picks the instants which are above suspicion, pure and innocent. ("Uber alle Gipfeln ist Ruh" )”
For some time, the safeguards of our thinking pattern weaken and discontinue the decoding of the chips of daily reality.
The mind picks the instants which are above suspicion, pure and innocent. ("Uber alle Gipfeln ist Ruh" )”
“Foulmouthed individuals seem to have their neuron systems replaced by colon structures, given that their terminology profusely consists of "sh*t and f*ck". ("Tolerance zero")”
“When we are looking for the unexpected, we are not only looking for the unexpected in ourselves, but we are also curious about the unexpected in the behavior of the others. So as to know the others, we have got to learn how and where they differ from us. By understanding this, we are able to establish an uplifting link with otherness. ( "Looking for the unexpected" )”
“Man may feel like a feeble and powerless pawn, at some moment in his life. This apprehension can come out of the blue, in the middle of the day, at the center of a public place, like a cerebral attack. Check mated by 'daily routine', he may feel trapped in a smothering set of circumstances and only a deconstruction of all impeding barriers can bring about a vital mental deliverance. ( "Check and mate" )”
Mila’s 2023 Year in Books
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