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Sonia Sotomayor
“I was fifteen years old when I understood how it is that things break down: people can't imagine someone else's point of view.”
Sonia Sotomayor, My Beloved World

Sonia Sotomayor
“Although wisdom is built on life experiences, the mere accumulation of years guarantees nothing.”
Sonia Sotomayor, My Beloved World

Donna Tartt
“Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones that I did not.”
Donna Tartt, The Secret History

Sonia Sotomayor
“When a young person, even a gifted one, grows up without proximate living examples of what she may aspire to become—whether lawyer, scientist, artist, or leader in any realm—her goal remains abstract. Such models as appear in books or on the news, however inspiring or revered, are ultimately too remote to be real, let alone influential. But a role model in the flesh provides more than an inspiration; his or her very existence is confirmation of possibilities one may have every reason to doubt, saying, “Yes, someone like me can do this.”
Sonia Sotomayor, My Beloved World

Sonia Sotomayor
“Quiet pragmatism, of course, lacks the romance of vocal militancy. But I felt myself more a mediator than a crusader. My strengths were reasoning, crafting compromises, finding the good and the good faith on both sides of an argument, and using that to build a bridge. Always, my first question was, what's the goal? And then, who must be persuaded if it is to be accomplished? A respectful dialogue with one's opponent almost invariably goes further than a harangue outside his or her window. If you want to change someone's mind, you must understand what need shapes his or her opinion. To prevail, you must first listen.”
Sonia Sotomayor, My Beloved World