The Book Challenge discussion

a-m > Bookreadera's Around the World Challenge

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message 1: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 6 comments In addition to participating in the "Variety" Challenge here (and the 75 Books in 2009 & Pick-a-Shelf groups) I've decided I need to pare down my mini Mt. TBR of travel memoirs.

Including those currently in the post, I have over 100 books on my Travel Memoir mini Mt. TBR. Soooo, I'm challenging myself to read at least one book from a different region every month this year.

message 2: by Meghan (last edited Jan 15, 2009 05:11AM) (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 6 comments January's Region - The Caribbean

(Two books this month as I've already completed one and didn't like it at all.)

A Trip to the Beach Living on Island Time in the Caribbean by Melinda Blanchard A Trip to the Beach: Living on Island Time in the Caribbean by Melinda Blanchard & Robert Blanchard. This is good for a "book vacation." While not the greatest narrative and I never felt invested in the characters, it is wonderfully descriptive the food at Blanchard's and of the island of Anguilla. A few recipes are in the book, but the real reason to read this is that it leaves the reader feeling as if they have visted the island. (rated 3 1/2 stars, but I gave it 4)

[image error] A Rotten Person Travels the Caribbean: A Grump in Paradise Discovers that Anyplace it's Legal to Carry a Machete is Comedy Just Waiting to Happen by Gary Buslik. Well, he got the rotten person part right, and comedy may be waiting to happen but it doesn't occur here. This would be better subtitled "a jerk travels the Caribbean making disparaging remarks about everyone." I do believe I just got my "worst read of the year" out of the way. Trust me, unless you think Animal House (with a healthy does of borderline racism thrown in) is the pinnacle of wit, pass on this one. (rated 1 star)

message 3: by Joel (new)

Joel | 15 comments I read a decent bit of travel memoirs and I'm afraid now that I've seen this thread that your paring down of your TBR list is going to build mine up.

message 4: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 6 comments Just my little bit to help ; )

message 5: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 6 comments February's Region - either Paris (if my copy of Paris to the Moon arrives in time) or the Veneto.

Paris books would be chosen from Paris to the Moon, Almost French Love and a New Life in Paris & Paris True Stories of Life on the Road.

Veneto books would be from A Thousand Days in Venice, Italian Neighbors & Palladian Days Finding a New Life in a Venetian Country House.

message 6: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (bookreadera) | 6 comments February will be Paris and I'm going to start with:

Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik Paris to the Moon by Adam Gopnik. (adding a little note to self to continue to search for the new cover in database...)

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