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Christian Fiction Group Reads > Nominate May 2012's Group Read ***VOTING CLOSED!***

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message 1: by Diane U (last edited Apr 12, 2012 06:29PM) (new)

Diane U (djuseless) | 1411 comments It's time to start nominations for May's Christian Fiction group read. I used the list of categories from the Theme thread and using, it selected:


1. Nominations are open until the 14th of the month. Rachel will let us know which book has "won" on the 15th.
2. Books must be Christian fiction, or "clean" fiction to be eligible for this read.
3. Books are chosen using to make it completely fair.
3. One nomination per person.

Nominations so far:

1. Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo - Camille
2. Without a Trace by Colleen Coble - Diane
3. When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason - Elizabeth
4. Whispers of the Bayou by Mindy Starns Clark - Lorie
5. Thicker Than Blood by C.J. Darlington - Rachel
6. The Edge of Light by Ann Shorey - Rebecca

message 3: by Diane U (new)

Diane U (djuseless) | 1411 comments I would like to nominate:

Without a Trace by Colleen Coble

After meeting Colleen at the CBD warehouse sale last month, I vowed to read some of her books. I think this sounds like a great mystery and the start of the great series!

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

message 5: by Camille (new)

Camille (camlovesraptors) | 802 comments What I've read of Colleen Coble I've really enjoyed!

message 6: by Diane U (new)

Diane U (djuseless) | 1411 comments I should have read at least one of her books before meeting her! LOL! Live and learn, I guess!

message 7: by Lorie (new)

Lorie | 1324 comments Mod
I am going to nominate Whispers of the Bayou by Mindy Starns Clark. I got this when it was marked down last month.

message 8: by Barbara (new)

Barbara (goodreadscombarbara_beers) | 1745 comments Mod
Camille wrote: "I nominate Sworn to Silence by Linda Castillo"

I like your suggestion. It's been on my to-read list and my library has it.

message 9: by Rachel (last edited Apr 06, 2012 03:57AM) (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) I'm going to nominate Thicker Than Blood by C.J. Darlington.

message 10: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) It's the 15th! And according to, next month's group read will be...

#3 - When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason!

Thanks for nominating it, Elizabeth, and congrats!

message 11: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) This is free on Kindle right now! Perfect timing :)

message 12: by Diane U (new)

Diane U (djuseless) | 1411 comments Rachel wrote: "This is free on Kindle right now! Perfect timing :)"

Sweet! I almost bought it last week but I decided to wait to make sure I had time to read it with the group before spending almost $10.

message 13: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (njbookluvr) Cool, I already have this book as a free download from Amazon!

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