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message 1: by Louise (new)

Wise Louise (louisewise) | 27 comments Has anyone seen the potential of marketing via Pinterest? I have. It's visual and it's taking off very quickly. I've been ignoring it until now.

I've joined and I can go anywhere on the web and "Pin It" (grab) a picture and stick it to a board, along with a short description, then you can Tweet, FB, LinkedIn the link as normal and when people click on the picture they are taken STRAIGHT TO THE PURCHASE PAGE of your book.


Never more is a book cover so important. And I want it to include it on the boards. Send me the genre you want it up on and its link. That's all you have to do.

It's free advertising, and I'll be promoting it on my blog, FB, Linkedin and everywhere else.

Here's my Pin page:

Open to Indies/self-pubbed books only.

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments Thanks for sharing that, Louise. :)

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments Here is the pinterest Wiki page

Here is the pinterest home page link

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments Perhaps Louise could lend a hand with anyone who needs assistance setting it up, as she's done it. :)

message 5: by Darren (new)

Darren Humphries (darrenhf) | 6903 comments I heard of this, but never had time to look into it. I think I might have to just for the fun of it. It's something different.

D.M. Andrews (author) Andrews (dmandrews) | 1551 comments I can't see any way to contact someone on Pinterest... and some blighter has deleted my post ;)


message 7: by Louise (new)

Wise Louise (louisewise) | 27 comments Read my post again. lol

I want to include authors on my Pinterest library. Send me your book links and their genre ie:

Chick Lit:

I want to add YOU to my site.

Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments Ah. Okay then. Lol

Please send details to Louise by pm.

message 9: by Kate (new)

Kate | 97 comments Hi Louise - is this offer still open?

Great idea. I saw a couple of my books pinned already :-)

message 10: by Ronnie (new)

Ronnie Dawson (goodreadscomronniecdawson) | 2 comments Louise wrote: "Has anyone seen the potential of marketing via Pinterest? I have. It's visual and it's taking off very quickly. I've been ignoring it until now.

I've joined and I can go anywhere on the web and "..."

Im waiting.. I requested an invite and got a response basically saying they will get back to me. Thanks for the info

message 11: by Kate (new)

Kate | 97 comments Yes, Ronnie, same here. I was invited on Facebook ages ago but ignored it!

Simon (Highwayman) (highwayman) | 4276 comments I'm afraid I don't get it.... perhaps I am just too old :(

I had the same problem with twitter (I was one of the very first to join). I finally gave up when one of my friends tweeted to say he was making a lasagne.

Gingerlily - The Full Wild | 34228 comments Simon (Highwayman) wrote: "I'm afraid I don't get it.... perhaps I am just too old :(

I had the same problem with twitter (I was one of the very first to join). I finally gave up when one of my friends tweeted to say he was..."

Ah, well thats the problem. You have boring friends...

message 14: by Elle (new)

Elle (louiselesley) | 6579 comments unfortunately my pinterest is absolutely nothing to do with books. i'm more a fashion person on there so don't be offended if i don't follow people book related. no interest to me on there.

Jay-me (Janet)  | 3754 comments Simon (Highwayman) wrote: "I'm afraid I don't get it.... perhaps I am just too old :(

I had the same problem with twitter (I was one of the very first to join). I finally gave up when one of my friends tweeted to say he was..."

I joined twitter with the intention of getting the autograph of superstar goodreads author
Steve Robinson & finally gave up - but not before I had gained two followers. They will be waiting a long time for me to say anything.

message 16: by Philip (new)

Philip Whiteland | 3338 comments Just had a go at this pinterest thing. Not quite sure what to do with it, but we'll see how it goes.

message 17: by Michael (new)

Michael Cargill (michaelcargill) | 2992 comments To be honest, I don't really see the point of Pinterest or what people really get out of it.

I use it to repin the covers of my books, but that's it. Maybe it's just a modern version of stamp collecting.

Actually, that probably isn't too far from the truth. Women's magazines are usually sold on the strength of their pictures.

Maybe people use it for a similar reason that people add books to their GR shelves.

message 18: by Philip (new)

Philip Whiteland | 3338 comments Michael wrote: "To be honest, I don't really see the point of Pinterest or what people really get out of it.

I use it to repin the covers of my books, but that's it. Maybe it's just a modern version of stamp col..."

Not at all sure myself, Michael, but it's free and seems relatively harmless so I thought I would give it a go.

message 19: by Elle (last edited Jun 23, 2012 09:32AM) (new)

Elle (louiselesley) | 6579 comments I don't think it has any place for books/reading/writing to be honest.

I use it predominately for fashion and beauty - while I know plenty of people who use it for inspiration for parties & big events.

There are also a lot of people who use it for recipe sharing.

It's hugely, HUGELY, helpful in organising!

message 20: by Geoff (new)

Geoff Woodland | 115 comments I treat Pinterest a bit like a blog in pictures - I post photos of places seen , links to previous life, indi books read, and those I am going to read. Perhaps because I find posting pictures a lot easier than Twitter it works for me :-o)
I joined twitter, but as my phone is one step up from smoke signals (last months mobile phone bill was $1.50, perhaps I should get out more) I don't know what I'm doing with twitter - I just feel a right twit. But I can use Pinterest :-o)

message 21: by Katie (new)

Katie Stewart (katiewstewart) | 817 comments I love Pinterest, but I use it more as a personal collection than for marketing. I have one board called 'Inspiration' where I pin pictures that stir story ideas. There's another where I'm pinning photos of interesting looking people for future characters and one for favourite entertainers (some of whom have already been characters in my books!). I do have boards for my books, but I can't really see any market value in them.

It's so much easier than keeping a scrapbook!

message 22: by [deleted user] (new)

I was just about to start a thread about pinterest but glad I checked first as there is one already!

I've added those listed here. Here is my pin if anyone wants to follow me

Follow Me on Pinterest

Please send me your links so that I can follow you. Still trying to get my head around the site..


message 23: by Paul (new)

Paul (paullev) | 196 comments Just followed you on Pinterest, Karen - here's my link

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Followed you back, Paul!


Patti (baconater) (goldengreene) | 56525 comments You're so clever with that sexy link Karen!

message 26: by Paul (last edited Oct 30, 2012 07:41PM) (new)

Paul (paullev) | 196 comments Katie wrote: "I love Pinterest, but I use it more as a personal collection than for marketing. I have one board called 'Inspiration' where I pin pictures that stir story ideas. There's another where I'm pinning ..."

Katie - my philosophy is that any page on any part of the web that relates to your book is potential marketing.

Thanks, Karen!

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

Patti (Migrating Coconut) wrote: "You're so clever with that sexy link Karen!"

Not really, I found it somewhere on pinterest when I first joined and just copied and pasted it.


message 28: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Butcher (alb2012) | 1608 comments Paul wrote: "Just followed you on Pinterest, Karen - here's my link"

Followed you. Here is mine:)

I have books, pictures, animals, quotes, space, fantasy art.

message 29: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Butcher (alb2012) | 1608 comments Now I am distracted by it. I never can get the facebook link to work

message 30: by Paul (new)

Paul (paullev) | 196 comments I have the same problem. Here's a work around: Link your Twitter account to Facebook, so that everything that's posted on your Twitter account gets relayed to Facebook. Then, when you post a pin on Pinterest, just click the Twitter button - a link to your pin will appear on your Twitter and Facebook pages.

message 31: by Alexes (new)

Alexes | 6 comments Louise wrote: "Has anyone seen the potential of marketing via Pinterest?

Wow! This is really cool. It's set up wonderfully. I'm following a few genres now.

>>Send me the genre you want it up on and its link.<<


Thanks for this, and good luck.

message 32: by Paul (new)

Paul (paullev) | 196 comments Alex - you can also go to Settings (in your Profile), and authorize posting of Pinterest activity to your Facebook page.

message 33: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Butcher (alb2012) | 1608 comments Already have. It works sometimes but for some reason not all the time and half the time I can't see it on facebook.
Must be me it hates, I have the log in and the post to fb switched o:(

message 34: by Paul (new)

Paul (paullev) | 196 comments I know - all these relays are wonky. But I've found the Pinterest -> Twitter -> Facebook pretty reliable.

message 35: by A.L. (new)

A.L. Butcher (alb2012) | 1608 comments I don't have a twitter account.

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