P.G. Wodehouse
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Archives - Author Talk > P.G. Wodehouse

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message 1: by Jane (last edited Sep 03, 2011 12:50PM) (new)

Jane (flopsybunny) | 34 comments Are there any P.G.Wodehouse fans out there? I am very keen to read his books but don't know where to start. Has anyone got any suggestions please?

message 2: by Judy (new)

Judy Olson | 21 comments I love Wodehouse. I think a good book to begin with is My Man Jeeves. It would give you a good sense of the writer's style and sense of humor. It is fun stuff to read and savor. Enjoy!

message 3: by Jane (new)

Jane (flopsybunny) | 34 comments Thank you for the suggestion, Judy. I will look for that one first.I saw a very interesting programme about Wodehouse recently. He had a really interesting life and hearing his fans talk about him with such fondness made me want to read his books. My introduction to him was through the Stephen Fry/Hugh Laurie Jeeves and Wooster which I loved.

message 4: by Steve (new)

Steve Shilstone | 46 comments Jane wrote: "Are there any P.G.Wodehouse fans out there? I am very keen to read his books but don't know where to start. Has anyone got any suggestions please?"

Carry On, Jeeves is a good starter. It's a collection of short stories published in 1925. If you find laughs there, you'll have fun diving into the novels. Joy in the Morning is a winner. With the perfectly realized characters of Jeeves/Fry and Bertie/Laurie in your head, you'll begin reading with a nice advantage.

message 5: by Jane (new)

Jane (flopsybunny) | 34 comments Thanks Steve. Stephen Fry says there is no one he envies as much as someone who has yet to read P.G.Wodehouse.

message 6: by Jane (new)

Jane | 121 comments Jane - he should know having been Jeeves on English TV. And was just perfect I thought.

message 7: by Jane (new)

Jane (flopsybunny) | 34 comments I have just ordered Carry on, Jeeves and I can't wait for it to arrive.

message 8: by Jill (new)

Jill Hutchinson (bucs1960) Jane wrote: "I have just ordered Carry on, Jeeves and I can't wait for it to arrive."

The Wooster/Jeeves stories make me laugh out loud.

Carry On, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse is a great introduction to the books as Steve noted. The plots are surreal and the character names are priceless. I think that Wodehouse was one of the great masters of the English language.

message 9: by Jane (new)

Jane (flopsybunny) | 34 comments Hugh, thank you so much for taking the time to do this for me - I really appreciate it. Happily for me, Edinburgh has some wonderful 2nd hand bookshops which I will take great delight in exploring. I will let you know how I get on.

message 10: by Jane (new)

Jane (flopsybunny) | 34 comments I am loving Carry On, Jeeves. I can hear Fry and Laurie's voices as I am reading it and I think they were brilliantly cast. Edinburgh is worth a visit any time of year. I have lived here for over 20 years and I still love being a tourist - there's always something new to see.

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