Fans of Amish Fiction discussion

Non-Amish Book Discussions > What else do you read?

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message 1: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Brand (pixieauthoress) Other than Amish fiction, what other genres or styles of books do you read? And do you read non-Christian fiction?

I read a lot of historical romances, some contemporary romances and some chick lit. I quite like "issue"-based books, like Barbara Delinsky and Diane Chamberlain. I don't read a lot of non-Christian fiction anymore, which is a big change for me as I didn't even know that Christian fiction existed until a few years ago! My reading tastes have changes so much lately, and I'm seriously considering pruning my bookcases as there are some books that I'm now thinking I'll never read.

How about everyone else - do you only read Christian fiction, only read Amish fiction, or do you have other favourites?

message 2: by Lisa (new)

Lisa conner (ptl44lmc) | 99 comments amish and Christian fiction, christian inspirational type books every once and awhile read non christian but very picky

message 3: by Camille (new)

Camille (camlovesraptors) | 802 comments I read mostly Amish and Christian fiction. I also enjoy books about beloved pets (though they can be heartbreaking too). I also enjoy Dan Brown's books (e.g., The Da Vinci Code) and the Harry Potter series. Of course, I also read my law books. ;) I do a fair amount of self-help books. I have a few that I like to re-read like "He's Just Not That Into You" and if I'm going through a breakup then I read "It's Called A Breakup Because It's Broken". I also enjoy other non-Christian specific period fiction (e.g., Jane Austen).

message 4: by Shaz (new)

Shaz (zabooksihaveread) | 74 comments These days I tend to mainly read Amish and Christian fiction. I do also read contemporary, historical and chick lit and have my favourite authors that I always enjoy looking forward to reading their latest books like Barbara Delinsky, Robyn Carr and Lisa Genova. I enjoy reading stories that are based on everyday type happenings that deal with issues like autism etc... I have never really been interested in reading any sci-fi, fantasy, horror or paranormal type books.

message 5: by Kristy (new)

Kristy (riverunbroken) | 250 comments I just finished reading Kelly's Chance by Wanda Brunstetter.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

I also enjoy reading mysteries (Agatha Christie is a favorite), biographies/memoirs, and of course, books about horse racing in addition to the Christian fiction.

message 7: by Camille (new)

Camille (camlovesraptors) | 802 comments I second the love for Agatha Christie!

message 8: by Kristy (new)

Kristy (riverunbroken) | 250 comments I read one book by Agatha Christie, but I haven't read anymore.

message 9: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (misscalico) | 128 comments Mostly Christian fiction with a bit of Jane Austen and other classics. I'm not especially fond of "non-Christian" literature.

message 10: by Angela (new)

Angela Holland (bookaunt) I also read historical fiction, cozy mysteries, and some romance.

message 11: by Diane U (last edited Mar 14, 2012 06:51AM) (new)

Diane U (djuseless) | 1411 comments I came across a cool blog yesterday that was linked through Pixel of Ink. It is called Inspired Reads. Once you subscribe, it sends out one email each day, in the afternoon, and it lists all the free and cheap christian fiction and non-fiction books from the day. Here it is:

message 12: by Laura (new)

Laura (lolly-pops) | 94 comments I read all Christian literature, any genre except sci fi and fantasy.

message 13: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Strack (netsiren) | 75 comments I read all kinds of things. My favorites are Christian fiction, Amish fiction, books by James Patterson, mostly anything but Sci-fi. Although I sort of think of "The Hunger Games" as Sci-fi and I read that because a good friend raved about it. Well actually 3 good friends with the same reading taste as me. Oh and I love cozy mysteries!

message 14: by Margaret (new)

Margaret (njbookluvr) I love all kinds of books, even ones that make me a little uncomfortable. As long as it's good writing, I love it. I don't really read Sci-fi too much. I am reading one now called Grave Mercy that is decidedly not Christian, it's pretty creepy actually but I will finish because I hate not finishing a book.

message 15: by Kristin (new)

Kristin (asimplyenchantedlife) | 26 comments Historical Fiction, Sci-fi and fantasy, pretty much anything except non-fiction and fluffy inspirational stuff. I dislike murder mysteries too

message 16: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Miler | 18 comments I enjoy reading old classics such as Pride and Prejudice or Great Expectations it is amazing to see how the old authors thought and I find it intriguing.

message 17: by C. (last edited Oct 04, 2015 10:43AM) (new)

C. | 84 comments I seldom read Christian fiction these days, since as an ex-Christian I got tired of all the religious proselytizing, but I do still enjoy some Amish fiction.

Recently discovered Amish mysteries such as the The Secrets of Crittenden County, series by Shelley Shepard Gray,and those by Marta Perry.

I read and enjoy almost all genres as long as the books are 'clean'... not full of profanity/gruesome gore/explicit sex,nor religious proselytizing.

message 18: by AlegnaB † (new)

AlegnaB † (alegnab) I read lots of Christian historical fiction. I'm not a big fan of contemporary fiction, unless it's Amish, so I don't read much of that. I like some classics, with Jane Austen's works being my favorites; I like to reread her books. I enjoy regencies, and Georgette Heyer is a favorite author. I almost always have at least one Christian non-fiction book going. I read history books, biographies, and cozy mysteries. I love languages and even English grammar, so I often read books about language.

message 19: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (chaverim55) | 6 comments Samantha wrote: "I enjoy reading old classics such as Pride and Prejudice or Great Expectations it is amazing to see how the old authors thought and I find it intriguing."

Have you read the new book by Sarah Price, First Impressions? It is an Amish Pride and Prejudice, I just finished it today!

message 20: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Miler | 18 comments Sharon,
No ma'am I have not read that one yet I will look into it. thank you so much.
<3 Always,
Samantha Rose

message 21: by Sharon (new)

Sharon (chaverim55) | 6 comments Samantha wrote: "Sharon,
No ma'am I have not read that one yet I will look into it. thank you so much.
<3 Always,
Samantha Rose"

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I could not put it down!

message 22: by Barbara (new)

Barbara (goodreadscombarbara_beers) | 1745 comments Mod
Alegnab wrote: "I read lots of Christian historical fiction. I'm not a big fan of contemporary fiction, unless it's Amish, so I don't read much of that. I like some classics, with Jane Austen's works being my favo..."

I enjoyed the Elm Creek Quilt series by Jennifer Chiaverini. I read them in order and couldn't wait to pick the next one up. They're clean, the characters became my friends, and I actually enjoyed the historical ties.

message 23: by C. (last edited May 21, 2014 08:35PM) (new)

C. | 84 comments Sharon wrote: "Samantha wrote: "I enjoy reading old classics such as Pride and Prejudice or Great Expectations it is amazing to see how the old authors thought and I find it intriguing."

Have you read the new bo..."

I love Pride and Prejudice retellings,so just had to reserve this one at my library.Thanks for the heads up!

message 24: by Brittany (new)

Brittany | 340 comments Mod
Just added it to my to-read list! I love Retellings, too!

message 25: by C. (last edited May 22, 2014 04:13AM) (new)

C. | 84 comments Brittany wrote: "Just added it to my to-read list! I love Retellings, too!"

I am so excited to see what an 'Amish' Pride and Prejudice is like!

But I'm 11th in line to get "First Impressions" by Sarah Price!

message 26: by AlegnaB † (new)

AlegnaB † (alegnab) Barbara Ann wrote: "I enjoyed the Elm Creek Quilt series by Jennifer Chiaverini."

They must be popular books, because there's a slew of them. My local library has all of them, so I added the first one to my to-read shelf. Thanks.

Sharon wrote: "Have you read the new book by Sarah Price, First Impressions?"

I hadn't even heard of that one. I'll be keeping an eye out for that one at my local library and may even request it. Thanks. I don't usually read Jane Austen fan fiction. However, I'm looking forward to reading Darcy's Tale by Stanley Hurd. It's P&P from Darcy's point of view, and since it's written by a man who knows how men think rather than by a woman who just thinks she knows how men think (or who writes it the way she wishes men would think), it should be quite interesting. It has gotten great reviews so far. Mr. Hurd has written and published parts one and two and has one more part to write before it's complete, so I'm going to wait until he's finished with it before I start it.

message 27: by Samantha (new)

Samantha Miler | 18 comments Tell me when that is finished PLEASE! I love P&P and would love to read it.

message 28: by AlegnaB † (new)

AlegnaB † (alegnab) Samantha, I'm not sure that I'll know when it comes out. The author expects volume 3 to be out this summer. Here's his GR page, where he sometimes posts updates: Stanley Michael Hurd

message 29: by Sheila (new)

Sheila Cottrill | 2 comments I enjoy most genres of books!! I don't care for westerns, harlequin romance andI don't often read thrillers. I will read most anything, magazine, book, paper, poster.

message 30: by AlegnaB † (last edited Oct 27, 2014 06:21AM) (new)

AlegnaB † (alegnab) Samantha wrote: "Tell me when that is finished PLEASE! I love P&P and would love to read it."

Darcy's Tale, Volume III: The Way Home has been published.

Stanley Hurd's page at Amazon

message 31: by C. (last edited May 29, 2015 04:12PM) (new)

C. | 84 comments I read mostly secular,but "clean" books now,both fiction and nonfiction.However,I still enjoy Amish fiction, as well.

I love thrillers of most genres,suspense,cozy mysteries,romance,especially historical and western romance. Bios/Memoirs.Even some horror-especially YA Horror,the ghost and spooky house type.

Check out my group and the bookshelf for clean reads of all types~

message 33: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn | 0 comments I have been a member of goodreads amish fiction for a few years. I am finding I need more variety; and may not be reading as many amish books the rest of this year.
romantic suspense or mystery is ok for me, but regular romance is not my choice of reading. I am going to start my guideposts series of mystery series, which I have been accumulating. I will check back in occasionally, but need some other variety for awhile.

message 34: by Donna (new)

Donna | 27 comments I get several Guidepost mystery series and they are so good. Especially the Martha Vineyard series. Annie's Fiction also
has some good mystery series.

message 35: by Carolyn (last edited Aug 31, 2020 06:26AM) (new)

Carolyn | 0 comments I have 4 different guidepost series collections. two collections are amish: Sugar creek amish mysteries, and amish inn mysteries, so I will still be reading some collections of amish

message 36: by Donna (new)

Donna | 27 comments I have those too and I'm like you I am so far behind on my reading.


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