Around the World in 80 Books discussion

Good to Know > Free and Cheap E-Books

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message 1: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Sep 14, 2012 04:46PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Who doesn't love cheap travel deals? Travel through books to your favorite destinations for free or dirt cheap!

Post any information for finding free and inexpensive e-books, Kindle, or Nook books here.

Check back often, because some e-book price changes are very time-limited!

message 2: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments If you have a Kindle, here is a good website for finding free and cheap e-books. It is updated hourly, I think, and you can even sign up for e-mail alerts when books drop in price. It is:

message 3: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is another site for e-reader books:

For Kindle:

For Nook:

For Kobo:

message 4: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is a free Kindle e-book set in Liberia:

Vultures in the Playground by A. Sparrow Vultures in the Playground by A. Sparrow

message 5: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Oct 03, 2011 07:37PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is a free Kindle book set in Kyrgyzstan:

Bulldog by R. L. Tyler Bulldog by R. L. Tyler

message 6: by Arda (new)

Arda (arda_nl) | 37 comments Gutenberg project
probably not what you meant but here are a LOT of free public domain books!

message 7: by Arda (new)

Arda (arda_nl) | 37 comments For the Dutch reading people (if any ;) ) in this group, only today:

De Weldoener

Ter gelegenheid van de nominatie voor de AKO literatuurprijs stelt Uitgeverij Contact en het eBook de Weldoener gratis beschikbaar.

message 8: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is a free Kindle book set in Algeria that looks really good:

Donkey Heart Monkey Mind by Djaffar Chetouane by Djaffar Chetouane

message 9: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Dec 18, 2011 07:22PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here are a couple of inexpensive Kindle books set in Costa Rica that have good ratings:

Anarcho Grow by T.A. Sedlak Anarcho Grow by T.A. Sedlak ($.99)

Happier Than A Billionaire Quitting My Job, Moving to Costa Rica, and Living the Zero Hour Work Week by Nadine Hays Pisani Happier Than A Billionaire: Quitting My Job, Moving to Costa Rica, and Living the Zero Hour Work Week by Nadine Hays Pisani ($2.99)

message 11: by Tania (new)

Tania Poli (taniapoli) | 6 comments Hi everyone,
This book is free now (Amazon promotion)London by Tania Poli: Famous Stores, Hidden Places & Insider Secrets for your Fashion Adventures
PS: although it's my book I think it may be useful and relevant to this thread.
Happy Shopping!:)

message 12: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Tania wrote: "Hi everyone,
This book is free now (Amazon promotion)London by Tania Poli: Famous Stores, Hidden Places & Insider Secrets for your Fashion Adventures
PS: although it's my book I thi..."

Thanks, Tania!

message 13: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Dec 26, 2011 02:35PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here are a few Kindle downloads I have found:

On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves On the Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves ($2.99)

The House of Six Doors by Patricia Selbert The House of Six Doors by Patricia Selbert (Book is partially set in Curacao, part in the US) ($0.99)

There are several inexpensive books by Cameroonian author Janvier Chando

The King of Kahel by Tierno Monénembo The King of Kahel by Tierno Monénembo ($3.99)

An Irish Christmas by Melody Carlson An Irish Christmas by Melody Carlson (free)

Child of the Mist (These Highland Hills, Book 1) by Kathleen Morgan Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan (free)

The Land Of The Black Mountain (Illustrated Edition) by Gerald Prance The Land Of The Black Mountain by Gerald Prance (free)

Life of Pi by Yann Martel Life of Pi by Yann Martel ($0.99 on 12/26 only)

message 14: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 437 comments i read these ones not long ago and they were cute -

Death By Honeymoon - Barbados (.99 cents)

DEATH BY DIVORCE (Book #2 in the Caribbean Murder Series) - Grenada (3.99) - I was willing to pay a little bit more for this one since the first was soo cheap...

it looks like she might be writing more in the series based on how the 2nd one ended

message 15: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Dee wrote: "i read these ones not long ago and they were cute -

Death By Honeymoon - Barbados (.99 cents)

DEATH BY DIVORCE (Book #2 in the Caribbean Murder Series) - Grenada ..."

Thanks, Dee!

message 16: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is another one:

The Moon in the Mango Tree by Pamela Binnings Ewen The Moon in the Mango Tree by Pamela Binnings Ewen (89 cents)

message 17: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Kindle:

Almaty-Transit by Dana Mazur Almaty-Transit by Dana Mazur ($0.99)

Canary Islands:
More Ketchup Than Salsa by Joe Cawley More Ketchup Than Salsa by Joe Cawley ($2.99)

message 18: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Dec 29, 2011 11:10PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Free on Kindle:

Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side (Jessica, #1) by Beth Fantaskey Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey. Set in Pennsylvania & possibly Romania.

To Love Anew (Sydney Cove, #1) by Bonnie Leon To Love Anew by Bonnie Leon. Set in Australia.

message 19: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Free mystery set in New Mexico:

Deadly Gamble (A Charlie Parker Mystery #1) by Connie Shelton Deadly Gamble by Connie Shelton (1st book in Charlie Parker mystery series)

message 20: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 02, 2012 09:09AM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Kindle:

Fiji A Novel by Lance Morcan by Lance Morcan ($0.99)

message 21: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is a Kindle book set in the Seychelles:

Butler Did It! (Matthew Butler Adventures #1) by Sally Pomeroy Butler Did It! by Sally Pomeroy ($0.99)

message 22: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Available on Kindle:

A trilogy set in the Solomon Islands. Books are ($0.99) each:

Cutting the Net (Vele and the Tanifa, Book 1) (Volume 1) by Lisa Bird Talking to Trees (Vele and the Tanifa) by Lisa Bird Hunting the Hunter (Vele and the Tanifa) by Lisa Bird

message 23: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 437 comments this one popped up in my amazon recommendations today:
Lucky In Cyprus A True Story ABout A Boy, A Teacher, An Earthquake, Some Terrorists And The CIA by Allan Cole - I think it was about $4 on kindle

message 24: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments On kindle. I have wanted to read this one for quite a while:

Set in Palestine: Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa. ($2.99)

message 25: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments On Kindle:

Married to Bhutan by Linda Leaming Married to Bhutan by Linda Leaming ($1.79)

message 26: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments On Kindle:

Slovenian author Miha Mazzini has a free Kindle book, The Collector of Names by Miha Mazzini The Collector of Names. I'm not sure whether or not it is set in Slovenia.

message 27: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 16, 2012 12:57PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments On Kindle:

Gifts by Nuruddin Farah Gifts by Nuruddin Farah, set in Somalia. ($1.99)

message 28: by Philippa (new)

Philippa | 1 comments Pay as much as you think it is worth, 'trust' edition of Jude in London (pdf). I haven't read it yet but The Guardian listed it as one of their 'Not the Booker Prize 2011' reads which is how I came across the link.

message 29: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 17, 2012 07:37PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Here is a book from United Arab Emirates from Goodreads author and fellow-group member, Zvezdana Rashkovich:
Dubai Wives A Novel by Zvezdana Rashkovich Dubai Wives: A Novel ($3.99)

message 31: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

message 32: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 21, 2012 12:40PM) (new)

message 33: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 21, 2012 12:40PM) (new)

message 35: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Kindle - Set in Iraq:

Barefoot in Baghdad by Manal M. Omar Barefoot in Baghdad by Manal M. Omar ($2.99)

message 36: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 437 comments I remember barefoot in baghdad, I read it a few months ago - it was recommended to me by a grad school friend who knows the author - very much about women's rights in the country

message 37: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 437 comments Blessed Are the Merciful - Philippines - $3.03 from Amazon

message 38: by Heather (new)

Heather | 176 comments Diane wrote: "Kindle:

Fast Times in Palestine by Pamela J. Olson Fast Times in Palestine by Pamela J. Olson ($2.99)"

I got this free on Kindle last night.

message 39: by Heather (new)

Heather | 176 comments Kindle - free

The Mission Song by John Le Carre


message 40: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 23, 2012 01:46PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Free on Kindle:

Wildflowers of Terezin  by Robert Elmer Wildflowers of Terezin by Robert Elmer. It is set in either Denmark or Czech Republic.

message 42: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Kindle: Set in Germany:

The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch ($3.99)

message 43: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Jan 29, 2012 08:29AM) (new)

message 44: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments Kindle US:

Romania: Before Memories Fade by Pearl Fichman ($1.49)

message 45: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Feb 01, 2012 03:51PM) (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments More on Kindle:

Tanzania: Lightland A Soul's Journey by Kenny Kemp Lightland: A Soul's Journey ($0.99)

Kenya: In Memory of Greed by Al Boudreau In Memory of Greed ($0.99)

Portugal: The Cartographer's Daughter by Karen L. Abrahamson The Cartographer's Daughter ($2.99)

message 47: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (new)

Diane  | 13052 comments I thought this looked like fun. Set in Afghanistan:

Zombiestan by Mainak Dhar ($0.99 Kindle US)

message 50: by Diane , Armchair Tour Guide (last edited Feb 04, 2012 08:24PM) (new)

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