The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

OLD TASK HELP THREADS > 5.5 - Maple Leaf Rag

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message 1: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod
5.5. Maple Leaf Rag. July 1 is Canada Day and July 15 is Respect Canada Day. Read a book set in Canada or by a Canadian author.

message 2: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (last edited Jun 06, 2011 05:00PM) (new)

message 3: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod

message 4: by Jennifer N. (new)

Jennifer N. | 421 comments Anyone have any lists for this?

message 6: by Fran (new)

Fran | 730 comments Off the top of my head I know that Lynsay Sands (historical and pnr romance) and Drew Zachary ( m/m romantica) are Canadian authors.

message 7: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (last edited May 24, 2011 08:18AM) (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod
here's one GR list:

and this link gets you to several GR lists:

Normal caution when using GR lists - anyone can add a book to a list, no questions asked, so it may not actually fit the task.

Two of my favorite Canadian authors are Margaret Atwood and Charles de Lint

message 8: by Dlmrose, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Dlmrose | 18433 comments Mod
I've found some really excellent books at this site Canada Reads

There's also a help thread from a challenge long ago Oh Canada

I have enjoyed Frances Itani, Carol Shields, Will Ferguson and Cathy Marie Buchanan.

message 9: by Jennifer N. (new)

Jennifer N. | 421 comments Thanks!

message 10: by Jennifer (last edited May 25, 2011 04:53AM) (new)

Jennifer  (jml_417) Some more...Timothy Findley, Margaret Laurence, Gil Adamson, Jane Urquhart, Alistair MacLeod, Mordecai Richler, Emma Richler, Roy MacGregor, Mary Lawson, Ann-Marie MacDonald,Vincent Lam, Barbara Gowdy, Elizabeth Hay, Alan Bradley

I highly recommend looking up the Giller Prize winners and nominees...excellent books!

Hope this helps.

message 11: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 811 comments Louise Penny has the excellent Inspector Gamache series, which takes place in Canada. Begins with Still Life

message 14: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod
Fiona (Titch) wrote: "The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios - Yann Martel"

fine, he's described as a "Canadian writer"

message 15: by JennRenee, Moderator (new)

JennRenee (jennreneeread) | 2340 comments Mod
Does the author have to live in canada now or is it ok if they were born in canada but live in the us now.

message 16: by Sandy, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Sandy | 16893 comments Mod
Jenn Renee wrote: "Does the author have to live in canada now or is it ok if they were born in canada but live in the us now."

born in Canada is okay

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