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message 1: by Bentley, Group Founder, Leader, Chief (new)

Bentley | 44328 comments Mod
This is the thread to discuss Taoism.

message 2: by Bentley, Group Founder, Leader, Chief (new)

Bentley | 44328 comments Mod
Tao Te Ching by Laozi Laozi Laozi

Goodreads Write-up:

The Tao Te Ching has served as a personal road map for
millions of people. It is said that its words reveal the underlying principles that govern the world in which we live. Holding to the laws of nature, drawing from the essence of what all things are, it offers both a moral compass and an internal balance.
A fundamental book of the Taoist, the Tao Te Ching is regarded as a revelation in its own right. For those seeking a better understanding of themselves, it provides a wealth of wisdom and insights.

Through time, from one powerful dynasty to another, many changes have been made to the original Chinese text of the Tao Te Ching. Over the last century, translators have added to the mix by incorporating their interpretations. While jack-hammering its original text, some have created beautiful versions of the Tao Te Ching in the name of poetic license. Others have relied on variant forms of the original, while still others have added their own philosophical spins to the material.
For those readers who are looking for a purer interpretation of the Tao Te Ching, researcher Patrick Michael Byrne has produced a translation that is extremely accurate, while capturing the pattern and harmony of the original. Here is a Tao Te Ching that you can enjoy, understand, and

Patrick Michael Byrne, PhD, received his undergraduate degree in Asian studies and philosophy from Dartmouth College, a certification from Beijing Teachers University, his masters degree from Cambridge University, and his doctorate in philosophy from Stanford University. He has served as a visiting lecturer at both Dartmouth and the Beijing Normal University. Dr. Byrne is currently Chief Executive Officer of, a successful internet site. He travels extensively throughout the world.

message 3: by Alisa (new)

Alisa (mstaz) This looks intriguing:

Taoism: The Parting of the Way
Taoism The Parting of the Way by Holmes Welch by Holmes Welch
Called "a first rate piece of work" by T.S. Eliot, this book offers a comprehensive discussion of Taoism, one of the world's major religions, as well as a study of the Tao te ching, the best known Taoist text and Lao-tzu as a Taoist prototype. "Clarifies a large area of literature and history that has been a mystery to the West and makes fascinating reading even for those whose interest is casual." -The New Yorker

message 4: by Alisa (new)

Alisa (mstaz) Taoism: An Essential Guide

Taoism An Essential Guide by Eva Wong by Eva Wong (no photo)


For the first time, the great depth and diversity of Taoist spirituality is introduced in a single, accessible manual.

Taoism, known widely today through the teachings of the classic Tao Te Ching and the practices of t'ai chi and feng-shui, is less known for its unique traditions of meditation, physical training, magical practice, and internal alchemy. Covering all of the most important texts, figures, and events, this essential guide illuminates Taoism's extraordinarily rich history and remarkable variety of practice. A comprehensive bibliography for further study completes this valuable reference work.

message 5: by Alisa (new)

Alisa (mstaz) Taoism

Taoism by John Blofeld by John Blofeld John Blofeld


A religion with roots stretching back nearly five thousand years, Taoism combines elements of folklore, occult sciences, cosmology, yoga, meditation, poetry, and exalted mysticism. Mysterious and charmingly poetic, it is a living remnant of a way of life which has almost vanished from the world.

In this comprehensive study, John Blofeld explains the fundamental concepts of Taoism, tells many stories of ancient masters, and provides incisive reflections on Taoist verse. He writes in a colorful and unique way about his visits to Taoist hermitages in China and his interchanges with contemporary masters. Taoist yoga, a little known aspect of Taoist practice, is also discussed in detail. This book captures the spirit of the Tao, communicating the serenity and timeless wisdom of this tradition.

message 6: by Alisa (new)

Alisa (mstaz) Taoism

Taoism by Ken Cohen by Ken Cohen (no photo)


One of the West's few ordained Taoist priests introduces you to this ancient philosophy for effortless living on Taoism: Essential Teachings of the Way and Its Power. In easy-to-follow language, Ken Cohen reveals Lao Tzu's vast spiritual legacy, including: origins, philosophy, and religion; keys to ethical living, inner silence, and simplicity; Taoist meditations, prayers, and rituals, plus teachings on diet, poetry, feng shui, dream yoga; and much more.

message 7: by Alisa (new)

Alisa (mstaz) The Essential Tao

The Essential Tao by Thomas Cleary by Thomas Cleary (no photo)


An initiation into the heart of Taoism through the authentic Tao Te Ching and the inner teachings of Chuang Tzu. Cleary's insightful translation of these two classic Chinese texts is further enhanced by his informative introduction and commentary.

message 8: by Bentley, Group Founder, Leader, Chief (new)

Bentley | 44328 comments Mod
The Wisdom of the Tao: Ancient Stories that Delight, Inform, and Inspire Paperback – release date - March 1, 2018

The Wisdom of the Tao Ancient Stories That Delight, Inform, and Inspire by Deng Ming-Dao by Deng Ming-Dao (no photo)


Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with the universe. It is a tradition that has become widely popular in Europe and North America over the past fifty years--largely through its core text, the Tao Te Ching.

The Wisdom of the Tao is filled with over 140 ancient stories express great truth by fusing anecdotes with philosophy. The stories are frequently humorous, ribald, irreverent, or sarcastic--but they always speak to great and universal truths.

Here are stories that lead people to:

Flow with life

Live from the heart

Develop an openness to possibilities

Live in balance

Drop expectations

Embrace acceptance

The wisdom here fills a universal need. We need stories. They help us make sense of who we are and how we got here. They keep us sane as we try to absorb our experiences, our aging, and our emotions. Stories help us visualize the future by taking the messages of yesterday and helping us get tomorrow right.

message 9: by Bentley, Group Founder, Leader, Chief (new)

Bentley | 44328 comments Mod
The Tao of Pooh
(The Way, With The Enchanted Neighborhood)

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff by Benjamin Hoff Benjamin Hoff


The Wisdom of Pooh.

Is there such thing as a Western Taoist?

Benjamin Hoff says there is, and this Taoist's favorite food is honey.

Through brilliant and witty dialogue with the beloved Pooh-bear and his companions, the author of this smash bestseller explains with ease and aplomb that rather than being a distant and mysterious concept, Taoism is as near and practical to us as our morning breakfast bowl.

Romp through the enchanting world of Winnie-the-Pooh while soaking up invaluable lessons on simplicity and natural living.

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