Pick-a-Shelf discussion

Pick-a-Shelf: Monthly -Archive > 2011-04 - Medieval - What will you Read in April?

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message 1: by Slayermel (new)

Slayermel | 664 comments Who can believe that it's that time of the month already where we start making choices of what to read next.
Thanks to Pollyanna's great choice Medieval is next :0)


can't wait to see what you guys pick as usual :0)

message 2: by Krait (new)

Krait | 58 comments Grr, seeing I just read The Once and Future King for Mythology, Medieval is a bit of a repeat. One book then: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco.

message 3: by Lyn (Readinghearts) (last edited Apr 08, 2011 02:55PM) (new)

message 4: by Dee (last edited Mar 25, 2011 04:09PM) (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments hmm, i'm going to try for
World Without End - Ken Follett
Graceling - Kristin Cashore
The Prince - Machiavelli

I also found a few romances that I have on the piles somewhere that I might try to get to

message 5: by Candiss (last edited Mar 25, 2011 01:51PM) (new)

Candiss (tantara) I am going to start with The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente. I started it a month or so ago, got distracted by books for various challenges, and need to re-start it. I love what I read so far!

Then: Grendel - John Champlin Gardner

After that, maybe I'll get to something from:

The Desert of Souls - Howard Andrew Jones
Pope Joan - Donna Woolfolk Cross
Company of Liars - Karen Maitland
The Owl Killers - Karen Maitland (again)
The Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century - Ian Mortimer

(I can't believe no one has filed Mark Twain's Joan of Arc on the Medieval shelf! If someone had, I'd read that to do double duty with the RAFTS challenge.)

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Candiss wrote: "(I can't believe no one has filed Mark Twain's Joan of Arc on the Medieval shelf! If someone had, I'd read that to do double duty with the RAFTS challenge.)

That's why I picked A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Candiss, LOL. I agree, though, it would be great if Joan of Arc were on there!

message 8: by D.G. (new)

D.G. | 1370 comments I'll read Time and Chance. I read the first book a few years ago and loved it.

message 9: by Lahni (new)

Lahni | 660 comments I'm going to see how many of these I get through:
The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway (yes its on the shelf...)

They all fill ROAR requirements for me.

message 10: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments i really like the Gargoyle Lahni - but its very detailed in places, so if you have a weak stomach...

ohh, i might have to add the cellist of sarajevo, that will help me for my around the world challenge

message 11: by Lahni (new)

Lahni | 660 comments Delicious Dee Challenge Addict wrote: "i really like the Gargoyle Lahni - but its very detailed in places, so if you have a weak stomach...

ohh, i might have to add the cellist of sarajevo, that will help me for my around the world cha..."

Thanks for the heads up but I have a stomach of steel! ;) (Now watch me not be able to get through the book).

message 12: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments lol...it was just descriptive because he suffers from extensive burns...i read a NF about the mass gen burn unit just after which was enlightening

message 13: by Susan (new)

Susan | 3703 comments Mod
Lyn M wrote: "I LOVE this choice, Pollyanna. I could read forever on this shelf, lol. Here are some choices I will choose from:

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by [author:Mark Twa..."

Oh, you'll love Graceling!

message 14: by Susan (new)

Susan | 3703 comments Mod
Candiss wrote: "I am going to start with The Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente. I started it a month or so ago, got distracted by books for various challenges, and ..."

What do you know about the Maitland books? Both looked interesting to me as possibilities to put on my list, but I don't really know anything about her or the books.

message 15: by Candiss (new)

Candiss (tantara) Susan wrote: "What do you know about the Maitland books? Both looked interesting to me as possibilities to put on my list, but I don't really know anything about her or the books."

Very little, I'm afraid. I got turned toward her work a while back via a mention in some review or article about a different author's work, and I'm afraid I don't even recall that author's name. I just recall the article writer giving Maitland high praise, and the plots of those two books really interested me.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help!

message 16: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 234 comments Pick-a-Shelf April

I'll be reading from this series by Madeline Hunter. I have 3 of them - just need to look for #3 & #5

By Possession
By Design
Stealing Heaven
By Arrangement
The Protector

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Delicious Dee Challenge Addict wrote: "i really like the Gargoyle Lahni - but its very detailed in places, so if you have a weak stomach...

ohh, i might have to add the cellist of sarajevo, that will help me for my around the world cha..."

Lahni - The Gargoyle is a great book. I wish I hadn't read it yet, lol. I could read it for this. And it wasn't near as bad gory wise as I had feared, I am such a wus.

message 18: by Mita (new)

Mita (mitab) | 104 comments For this month, I will read Katherine by Anya Seton

message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

I will read The Secrets by Julie Garwood.

message 20: by Susan (new)

Susan | 3703 comments Mod
Oh, wow!

I keep meaning to read The Name of the Rose, so that will be my main commitment for the month.

There are also several series I love that qualify, so I'll probably pick up the next in some of them.

And I'll be away from home a bit, so I'll take aloong a classic I find in the public domain for my Nook that fits this category. I'll probably choose from Dante's The Inferno or Divine Comedy and Chaucer's Canterbury tales. But undoubtedly I'll only manage one of those, none of which I've ever read before.

message 21: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments I really liked Canterbury Tales when I read it back in college...that and pillars of the earth were like two books that I actually finished in the assigned reading time

message 22: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Lyn M wrote: "I LOVE this choice, Pollyanna. I could read forever on this shelf, lol. Here are some choices I will choose from:

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by [author:Mark Twa..."

I highly recommend "Graceling" and I liked the second one "Fire" even better!

message 23: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Natasha wrote: "I'm hoping to have more time in April to read books so I'm shooting for:

The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Unknown

OOH, Pillars and Ivanhoe are two of my favorites!!!

message 24: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Went to the library yesterday with a list of about 50 books from this category, the following are what I came home with:

The Fate of Princes
The Archer's Tale
The Reeve's Tale

In addition, I already had these at home:
A Clash of Kings (which I had already started before April was announced)

Sword of the Rightful King: A Novel of King Arthur
Guenevere, Queen of the Summer Country

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Lynne wrote: "Went to the library yesterday with a list of about 50 books from this category, the following are what I came home with:

The Fate of Princes
The Archer's Tale

I have the Guenevere book somewhere. Or maybe I gave it to you. Anyway, I really enjoyed that book. Hope you like it.

message 26: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments i added The Prince to my list for the month because it fills in a few blanks on various challenges - this one, a philosophy book for the january shelf, a classic for my design your own challenge in another group

message 27: by Teresa Jo (new)

Teresa Jo (teresajo) I am in for April, just need to do some looking to pick out my book/s

message 28: by LynnB (last edited Apr 03, 2011 07:33PM) (new)

LynnB | 1738 comments There are quite a few from this shelf that I'd like to read, but I'm going to try to read a few that I already own to try to get my TBR piles down a bit. I'm going to read from this list:

Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
1215: The Year of Magna Carta by Dannyy Danziger (already partially read)
The Lady and the Unicorn by Tracy Chevalier
Katherine Swynford: The Story of John of Gaunt and His Scandalous Duchess by Allison Weir
and maybe start
The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

message 29: by Teresa Jo (new)

Teresa Jo (teresajo) Untamed (Medieval, #1)
by Elizabeth Lowell

Forbidden (Medieval Series #2)
by Elizabeth Lowell

Enchanted (Medieval, #3)
by Elizabeth Lowell
Untamed (Medieval, #1) by Elizabeth Lowell Forbidden (Medieval Series #2) by Elizabeth Lowell Enchanted (Medieval, #3) by Elizabeth Lowell

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
LynnB wrote: "There are quite a few from this shelf that I'd like to read, but I'm going to try to read a few that I already own to try to get my TBR piles down a bit. I'm going to read from this list:


Lynn - I hear the Alison Weir book on Katherine Swynford is fantastic. I have read a number of her books and really like them, but I haven't read that one yet.

message 31: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn (carolynstaub) I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My second choice would be Monk's Hood. I've seen some Brother Cadfael (sp.?) episodes on TV and love these mysteries. I don't know how the books would read though...

message 32: by Erin E (new)

Erin E (elizamc) wow, I am shocked at how many books on this list I have read.

I am not sure what I will read, but I have noticed a few people have listed Ivanhoe as a choice and I just wanted to let you know this novel can be downloaded here, for eReaders (free) if anyone is interested.

message 33: by onarock (new)

onarock | 107 comments Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My second choice w..."

wow, the goose girl looks very interesting, and i will order it from the library now........i will also take a look at ivanhoe

i am so behind on my month topic readings, as it is taking a long time to get books from the library, i am just now reading for the "coming of age" month

but i am reading a lot of mysteries mean while......and i even have my taxes ready for the act.........so far so good

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
I hate when that happens, onarock. It is the most frustrating thing about the library, but the variety makes up for it, I think.

message 35: by D.G. (new)

D.G. | 1370 comments Lyn M wrote: "I hate when that happens, onarock. It is the most frustrating thing about the library, but the variety makes up for it, I think."

My library rocks. Most books I request make it to my branch in less than a week (provided they are available of course.)

message 36: by onarock (new)

onarock | 107 comments Lyn M wrote: "I hate when that happens, onarock. It is the most frustrating thing about the library, but the variety makes up for it, I think."

i do love my library.......i am sure it costs a lot to send books back and forth from this remote area.....

message 37: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 2687 comments hmm, I have a couple of the Brother Caldefel books on the pile that I bought from an ebay auction...my tenative list for the month keeps growing

Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My second choice w..."

message 38: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My second choice w..."

Let me know if you like the Cadfael book. I loved the tv movies but I couldn't make it through the first book. I want to know if I should hang in there.

message 39: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Lyn M wrote: "I hate when that happens, onarock. It is the most frustrating thing about the library, but the variety makes up for it, I think."

I think the cost makes up for it! LOL My local library pretty much sucks but I take a list of about 30 books from the shelf of the month and end up checking out whatever the library DOES have. I have read some great books that I probably wouldn't have gotten around to any other way. Especially from the science shelf.

message 40: by LynnB (new)

LynnB | 1738 comments Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My second choice w..."

I hadn't heard of The Goose Girl before, but it looks good. I'm adding it to my TBR list.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Don't get me wrong. I love my library, it is huge, with 30 or more branches to order books from. But I have the opposite problem that onarock has. I live in a highly populated area, so even if they buy a large amount of copies of the newest books, there are usually huge lists to go with them. Once I was 267th on the list for a book, I forget which one, though. Usually I have just waited, but it is hard when a lot of the book groups choose them as their group reads, lol.

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
onarock wrote: "Lyn M wrote: "I hate when that happens, onarock. It is the most frustrating thing about the library, but the variety makes up for it, I think."

i do love my library.......i am sure it costs a lot..."

Where do you live, onarock?

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Lynne wrote: "Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My..."

You didn't like the Cadfael books, Lynne?

message 44: by Lynne (new)

Lynne (lmsindel) Lyn M wrote: "Lynne wrote: "Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's ..."

Nope, loved the series of movies...couldn't make it all the way through the first book.

message 45: by Susan (last edited Mar 29, 2011 05:12PM) (new)

Susan | 3703 comments Mod
Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My second choice w..."

I really like the Cadfael books!

message 46: by Arlene (new)

Arlene | 145 comments Susan wrote: "Carolyn wrote: "I think I will read The Goose Girl. It got great reviews, and my library has 15 copies available! It looks interesting. It is an adaptation of a Grimm's fairy tale. My..."

I like the Cadfael books too. I have read several. I am sure that I have several books on my "not-yet-read" bookshelf in the bedroom or den that will fit this challenge.

message 47: by Lauren (new)

Lauren | 247 comments I am going to tackle (finally) The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It's one I've been putting off for a while.

message 48: by onarock (new)

onarock | 107 comments Lauren wrote: "I am going to tackle (finally) The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It's one I've been putting off for a while."

u will not be disappointed........i loved it and it has opened up a whole new reading world to me........u guys....this whole group.......is a very very bright spot in my life......thanx

message 49: by onarock (new)

onarock | 107 comments Lyn M wrote: "onarock wrote: "Lyn M wrote: "I hate when that happens, onarock. It is the most frustrating thing about the library, but the variety makes up for it, I think."

i do love my library.......i am sur..."

i live on a rock in the nw pacific ocean......lol...Haida Gwaii(queen charlotte islands)


Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) | 2895 comments Mod
Cool, onarock. I looked them up on Google. Neat area.

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