SA Book & Challenge Lovers discussion

Retired Topics > October SA word challenge!

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message 1: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
The word is CAKE. Lets get started!

You use the first letter of a book you have read in August (A, an, the.. you can leave out). Or you can use the first letter of the Authors name or Surname.

Good luck everyone!

message 3: by Lauren (last edited Oct 27, 2010 09:16AM) (new)

Lauren Smith C - Charlaine Harris - Dead Until Dark
A - Douglas Adams - Life, The Universe and Everything
K - King Rat by China Mieville
E -

message 4: by Naz (last edited Oct 16, 2010 01:30PM) (new)

Naz (nazz) C - Carrol Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
A - Alex Flinn - Beastly
K - Keri Arthur - Beneath a Rising Moon
E - Scarlett Thomas - The End of Mr. Y

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

message 7: by Shannon SA (new)

Shannon SA C
Eternal City, The - Domenica de Rosa

message 8: by Shannon SA (new)

Shannon SA Naz wrote: "C - Carrol Lewis - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
A - Alex Flinn - Beastly
K - Keri Arthur - Beneath a Rising Moon
E -"

Naz, did you read these books in September? CAKE is October's word! LOL!

message 9: by Naz (new)

Naz (nazz) I read them over the weekend. October started on Friday hun.

message 10: by Shannon SA (new)

Shannon SA Yikes that's quick! Well done, Naz!

message 11: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod
Nice almost there Naz!

message 12: by Naz (new)

Naz (nazz) Done :)

message 13: by Lu (new)

Lu | 12672 comments Mod

message 14: by Naz (new)

Naz (nazz) Thanks :)

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