The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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message 1: by Kiri (last edited Aug 31, 2010 11:08AM) (new)

Kiri | 94 comments 30.6 - Exploration & High Adventure! (Kiri's Task)
It's Fall, time to return from our summer travels and lazy days, but we don't have to give it all up. In honor of GIS Day (the 3rd Wednesday of November!) Read two books of non-fiction that travel the world exploring the boundaries of existence. This page might help you.
A. Read one book focusing on an extreme experience involving travel or exploration of some sort (example climb everest, reaching the south pole, discovering the amazon) (See Requirements for further explanation)

B. Read about an explorer, navigator, discoverer, adventurer, or journeyer you've never heard of (or read) of before.

     • It must be a narrative.
     • No Frommers, Lonely Planet, etc
     • Must meet basic SRC guidelines (over 100 pages for each book)
     • Task A does not include X-treme sports like skateboarding or something in the Red Bull games. This is exploration and endurance in terms of exploration and travel ONLY. Climbing everest in that capacity qualifies. Someone climbing Everest only to break a world record - doesn't.

     • Task B is for more regular "arm-chair" travel and exploration. Although it can still be in the extreme category if the reader would like. Broaden your horizons, go somewhere you've never been or are likely to go - even on vacation - especially in a way you've never thought of.

Questions: I will answer questions as quickly as possible. My schedule this fall is past insane. I'll ask for a little leeway if I don't get back to you immediately. I am out here just incredibly busy. No questions will go unanswered. =)

For your convenience I'll do my best to keep a list of approved and unapproved books in posts 2 & 3, hopefully with links to the why on the unapproved.

There are several book from this group Survivalist that would qualify for either task, although I do think most will fall into Task A.

This page from Wikipedia might help you too.

message 3: by Kiri (last edited Aug 31, 2010 11:13AM) (new)

Kiri | 94 comments Unapproved Books For Fall 2010
The Terror ( why )

message 4: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments Cool! For Part A, would you take The Terror? I believe it is a fictionalized account of a true voyage of two ships attempting to find the Arctic Passage back in the mid-1800s. I'm not sure if this fictionalized history sort of book would count.

message 5: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 638 comments This book may work for both tasks: 1421 The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies 1421: The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies. I've read it and it is a VERY interesting and compelling arguement for China discovering the Americas (and other continents) long before Europeans even had the technology. It discusses individual Chinese explorers as well as the extreme conditions under which they explored. Of course, ultimate approval lies with Kiri, but I do recommend it as a great read.

message 6: by Christine US (new)

Christine US (christineus) | 575 comments Would this work for Task A?
The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon
They were exploring the Amazon before they got lost.

message 7: by JC (new)

JC (jmnc) | 638 comments Another possibilily for A: Alicia by Alicia Appleman-Jurman Alicia by Alicia Appleman-Jurman. She travels extensively for survival, hiding from Nazis. Very similar to Anne Frank, but this woman survives. My husband met her when she came to speak at his high school!

message 8: by Kiri (new)

Kiri | 94 comments Ashley FL wrote: "Cool! For Part A, would you take The Terror? I believe it is a fictionalized account of a true voyage of two ships attempting to find the Arctic Passage back in the mid-1800s. I'm no..."

Ashley it looks like a great book, and I hope you can fit it into another task, but this task requires non-fiction. =)

message 11: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments Kiri wrote: "Ashley FL wrote: "Cool! For Part A, would you take The Terror? I believe it is a fictionalized account of a true voyage of two ships attempting to find the Arctic Passage back in the ..." I was planning to use it for the wilderness task, so no worries.

Since so many non-fiction narratives have fictionalized parts (conversations, etc.), do you have any pointers? Should we go by whether it is shelved as fiction or non-fiction?

message 12: by Kiri (new)

Kiri | 94 comments JenC. wrote: "This book may work for both tasks: 1421 The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies 1421: The Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies. I've read it and it..."

I'm going to approve it for Task B. =)

message 13: by Cindy AL (new)

Cindy AL (cangelmd) | 645 comments This one might work for part B: Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. It is supposed to be wonderful, but it is almost 1200 pages - not for the faint of heart! I keep it in my to-read pile, but it is a challenge all on its own.

message 15: by Melissa Wiebe (last edited Aug 31, 2010 11:40AM) (new)

message 16: by Dlmrose, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Dlmrose | 18433 comments Mod
Please post your questions in the 30.6 Kiri's task thread

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