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Themes, Topics & Categories > Bilingualism As a Theme?

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message 1: by Zoe (new)

Zoe (playingbythebook) | 18 comments Dear all,

I'm looking for kids' books which explore what it can be like to be bilingual, for example:

Speak English for Us, Marisol! by Karen English, illustrated by Enrique O. Sanchez
Grandfather Counts by Andrea Cheng, illustrated by Ange Zhang
book:The Wakame Gatherers|2689558] by by Holly Thompson, illustrated by Kazumi Wilds
Uncle Rain Cloud by Tony Johnston, illustrated by Fabricio Vandenbroeck
Class Mom by Margaret McNamara, illustrated by Mike Gordon (early reader)
Halmoni’s Day by Edna Coe Bercaw, illustrated by Robert Hunt
A Day’s Work by Eve Bunting, illustrated by Ronald Himler
I Speak English for My Mom by Muriel Stanek
The Walls of Cartagena by Julia Durango, illustrated by Tom Pohrt NB This is a novel aimed at young teens
Minutka: The Bilingual Dog by Anna Mycek-Wodecki (various language combinations including English with Italian / Polish / Turkish / German)
Pepita Talks Twice =: Pepita Habla DOS Veces by Ofelia Dumas Lachtman and Alex Pardo Delange

If you have any more titles to suggest I'd love to hear about them. I'm NOT looking for books which are simply bilingual in their presentation ie a story printed in two languages, or books which include a sprinkling of words in a second language but rather stories where bilingualism is one of the themes explored.

Thanks in anticipation,


message 2: by Cheryl, Newbery Club host (new)

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 8102 comments Mod
Too bad this thread is so old. Because we have done this theme a few times since 2010, in both discussions and just topic lists like this, I'm bumping this thread....
And adding some of these titles to my to-read lists!

message 3: by QNPoohBear (new)

QNPoohBear | 7496 comments Oh gosh I'm sure there are so many! The primary population in the city is Spanish-language speakers and the library has a section of Spanish language books and a section of dual language books.

I found
I Am René, the Boy / Soy René, el niño
The Little Doctor / El doctorcito

Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo! sounds cute, adding that to the stack of books to look at when it's safe to stay at the library for more than 10 minutes.

Other languages
Cooper's Lesson (Korean)

Yoko Writes Her Name (Japanese) I read this one a long time ago when my friend Keiko's American born daughters were small. It was cute but unmemorable.

The Name Jar (Korean) I read this too when oldest niece was little. She had a Kindergarten classmate who was in the same situation as the girl in the book.

message 4: by QNPoohBear (new)

QNPoohBear | 7496 comments Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo! is absolutely adorable but the bilungual/multilingual theme isn't quite what you might think! Chico's mother is multilingual. She speaks Spanish, Italian, English, cricket, spider, dog, cat ... Little Chico likes to pick up new words from his mother and it comes in handy one night!

message 5: by Celia (new)

Celia Buell (celiafutureteacher) | 376 comments The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi kind of fits here. It's about a Korean girl who feels pressured to take an English name due to bullies at school. It discusses the bridges children have to make between their two languages.

Amazing Faces compiled by Lee Bennett Hopkins has a poem called Me x2 / Yo por dos by Jane Medina. I had to read it a few times to understand the bilingual message, but it stands out, and the illustration does a really good job of representing it.

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