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message 251: by Robo (new)

Robo Pete (robopete) | 98 comments Just finished Mile Zero, the sequel to Geek Mafia which I read last weekend and I'm now re-reading the Hitchkiker's Guide series (because of all the references in Geek Mafia!).

Having a very lowbrow phase at the moment...

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments Reading First Among Sequels by Jasper Fforde on e reader, loving it. Laught out loud stuff!

message 253: by Adrienne (last edited Jul 26, 2010 07:04AM) (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments I've just started The Pindar Diamond by Katie Hickman after finishing The Aviary Gate. I loved TAG a great great read spanning 400 years between the Ottoman Empire and Modern day Oxford/Istanbul.

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments Jo wrote: "Fiona wrote: "Lynne wrote: "Jsut listening to The Passage by Justin Cronin I downloaded it this month from audible and its in 5 parts of 7 hours or so. I am really e..."

Yes well I do a subscription to so got it with my credit!

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments PS I only bought 2 from the book barn on saturday and one of them was a copy of one I already had that was part of a set I collect with nice red binders!

message 256: by ModernAlexandrian (new)

ModernAlexandrian Currently reading Torment
Definitely living up to it's angsty first novel ~.~' it's getting a bit tiresome atm... Let's hope it picks up a bit!

message 257: by Dani (new)

Dani H (pentopaperreads) | 117 comments I started The Book of Fires by Jane Borodale yesterday, and I'm loving it so far. It took a while to get into, but I'm past page 100 now, and really getting into it!

Has anyone else read it?

message 258: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I've never read anything by Diana Wynne Jones, what's she like?

message 259: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Cheers Fiona, I;ve added it to my list and will keep an eye out for her books at the library/shop. I'm all for books for younger readers, anything 9+ is fair game as far as I'm concerned and anything younger again, I just read with my own kids!

message 260: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Jo wrote: "Fiona wrote: "Lynne wrote: "Jsut listening to The Passage by Justin Cronin I downloaded it this month from audible and its in 5 parts of 7 hours or so. I am really e..."

Just managed to resist a very strong urge to buy more books. There I was standing in the bookshop, surrounded by so many I wanted. I had a pile of 6 in front of me and then I heard the policeman in my head say 'Move away from the bookshelves and put the pile of books down.'
I shall save the cash (and the trees) and get them from the library.... still, nothing quite like a pristine new book - *sigh*.

message 261: by Yassemin (new)

Yassemin (yas666) Just starting Still Life by Joy Fielding

message 262: by Nick 2E0NAQ (new)

Nick 2E0NAQ (nick196742) | 694 comments I started Sail by James Patterson by James Patterson

message 263: by Gill (new)

Gill (lockwdg) | 99 comments Great book Nick. I "sailed" through it whilst on holiday last year. Real quick page turner.

message 264: by Nick 2E0NAQ (new)

Nick 2E0NAQ (nick196742) | 694 comments I find that all James Pattersons are quick page turners. I'm glad you sailed through sail HEHE!

message 265: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Fiona wrote: "I hope you'll like it. DWJ books are great for all ages I found her when I was nine but didn't really get to read any more of her books until I acquired an Amazon account many, many year later!"

I readCharmed Life by Diana Wynne Jones when I was about ten (I think it was the first book in a series?) I loved it, she's a great story-teller. Hope to introduce her books to Max when he's a bit older.

message 266: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Fiona wrote: "You haven't read that one (Dragon Tattoo) until now? Hehe you're lucky and in for a treat! Ooh I just finished watching the film last night. (Utterly fantastic!)"

Hey, I haven't read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yet either (there are a few of us left!) It is on my 'to read' list, looks like I need to hurry up...

Why is it that no matter how many books you read, the 'to read' list just gets longer & longer? I'm about to add a few more to mine...

message 267: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I'm about 100 pages into The Outcast by Sadie Jones which is proving to be very good so far, it puts me in mind of Atonement.

message 268: by Yassemin (new)

message 269: by Em (last edited Jul 30, 2010 06:02AM) (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I loved Never Let Me Go, hope you do too...

message 270: by Yassemin (new)

Yassemin (yas666) I am REALLY enjoying it. I think its going to be a 5s book!

message 271: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments It was for me!

message 273: by Amy (new)

Amy | 177 comments I was doing so well at using my library and not buying new books and then I saw that waterstones had 3 for 2 on ALL their paperback fiction! I did quite well though and only came out with 3 which was a miracle!

Got Captured
The Good Parents
The Things That Keep Us Here

Am currently reading Heartland

message 274: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Those three for two just get you everytime! Love to hear what you think about The Good Parents, I read it recently and was really impressed by it.

message 275: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Fiona, Let me know how you find Trespass. I enjoyed The Colour and Music & Silence is one of my favourites...

message 276: by Amy (new)

Amy | 177 comments Em wrote: "Those three for two just get you everytime! Love to hear what you think about The Good Parents, I read it recently and was really impressed by it."

I think it was your recommendation that put it on my books to read list! I'll let you know what I think

message 277: by Lynne - The Book Squirrel (last edited Aug 02, 2010 11:53AM) (new)

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments Currently reading (still) not really enjoying it though Mainspring by Jay Lake so started The Day The Ravens Died by Timothy Pilgrim (Paul Rix - old geezer's book and loving this one!) last night on my shift, will probably finish it tonight all being well or at least try to!

message 278: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I've just started Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy and got The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry on audio for the car.

message 279: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Well, I've listend to one and half CDs so 6 and half remain and already I like it alot. Having an audio book to listen in the car, takes the edge off of rush hour traffic.

message 280: by [deleted user] (new)

I've just embarked on The Stand. 1344 pages. eep. :)

message 281: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments 1344 pages may seemdaunting but I'm sure once you start you'll whizz through itno trouble:)

message 282: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments I'm reading PNR The Burning (Companion, #3) by Susan Squires third in a series,quite good so far (I'm on pg 78)

message 283: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Peter wrote: "I've just embarked on The Stand. 1344 pages. eep. :)"

Not one to drag around with you on the bus etc!

message 284: by [deleted user] (new)

I downloaded it as an ebook. ;)

message 285: by Yassemin (new)

Yassemin (yas666) Amy wrote: "I was doing so well at using my library and not buying new books and then I saw that waterstones had 3 for 2 on ALL their paperback fiction! I did quite well though and only came out with 3 which w..."

LOL I saw that when I went to Waterstones for a "browse" on Sunday on a London trip, it would have been rude to not buy!

Reading Saturday and The Skeleton Crew

message 286: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Peter wrote: "I downloaded it as an ebook. ;)"

What reader do you have?

message 287: by [deleted user] (new)

A Sony 505. My most favourite gadget (until I got my Android phone recently).

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments I have a Sony 505 and touch version too. I downloaded The Stand too the other day. I am going to re read it yet again as I love it, now its on the reader it will same my precious hardback copy!

My ambition is to download all Stephen King's novel to my readers so my first addtions are kept crisp and clean.

message 289: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Peter wrote: "I've just embarked on The Stand. 1344 pages. eep. :)"

Ahhhh sensible!

message 290: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments OK there are pages and pages of SK books on here about 195 I think *groans* far too mny to look through, anyway I noticed one of his books which has been published with diffrent covers, one had a man on the front, another a woman, there seemed to be two or three variations going on....quite a novel idea I thought even though it does seem a tad gimmicky. So any one know what the book's called? There you could say gimmickery has done it's job.

message 291: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Peter wrote: "I downloaded it as an ebook. ;)"

Good thinking!

message 292: by [deleted user] (new)

Adrienne... I think it's Under the Dome? I saw that on a display in Heathrow last week and it had multiple covers.

message 293: by [deleted user] (new)

Liz.. one advantage that I've found of using the electronic version is that I can also load it onto my laptop. That way, when I'm at work I can read the same book without having to remember my reader. :)

message 294: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Thanks Peter, I was in Sainsbury's, I read the first and 100th page and it seemed quite good, I wasn't able to buy it at the time though.

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments They have just bought out the paperback edition of Under the Dome with different people on the front a man on one and a lady on the other, both looking up at the sky.

message 296: by Lynne - The Book Squirrel (last edited Aug 05, 2010 12:06PM) (new)

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments They are new out saw them the other day in Waterstones! And yes I came out WITHOUT buying a single book! lol!

message 297: by Nick 2E0NAQ (new)

Nick 2E0NAQ (nick196742) | 694 comments oh wow lynne what an a chevement hehe :p

message 298: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Just got back from my book club (it's 11pm here in Singapore). A good night, plenty of red wine and a good book to discuss: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time

All this talk of Steven King, I will have to get on & read The Stand, but when? I seem to have a bit of a backlog of library books at the moment...

message 299: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I've also started The Summer Book The Summer Book by Tove Jansson by Tove Jansson I've read it before, it's an episodic story about an elderly Grandmother and her 6 year old granddaughter as they spend summer on small Finnish island. The author also wrote the Moomin books, if anyone remembers them!

message 300: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments The Summer book is one of my Favs, have you read the Winter Book or any of her novels?

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