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message 1: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Thought this might be a nice addition.

I'm currently reading Lover Mine (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #8) by J.R. Ward I've read all of the books in this series and can recommend them for fans of Kick A$$ vampires who want romance as well as action.

message 2: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I'm reading Catch 22 by Joseph Heller and Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel both for the first time and also Robinson Crusoe for at least the 2nd time on I like the sound of your book Adrienne!

message 3: by Robo (new)

Robo Pete (robopete) | 98 comments I just read Anthem by Ayn Rand at the weekend and have now started on At The Mountains of Madness which is my first foray into Lovecraft so I'm a bit trepidatious!

message 4: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Thanks Em this one series I just can't get enough of.

message 5: by Gill (new)

Gill (lockwdg) | 99 comments I'm reading The Valley of Horses leant to me by my sister-in-law. Read the first one at Christmas, another 2 to go after this one. They're BIG books too.

message 6: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Gill, I enjoyed The Clan of the Cave Bear so I'm keeping an eye out for the others in the series - I'll be interested to know what you think.

Robo, your new book looks scary - I am a right wimp though! Why are you trepidatious?

Jirinka (sony08) (sony08) I am reading The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold and it's very strange but very good. I am about mid way through now.

message 8: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I'm reading Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid, #5) by Richelle Mead

message 9: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Fiona ~ I started to read these but way out of order, is this the latest one?

message 10: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Yes, and so far its good.

message 11: by Robo (new)

Robo Pete (robopete) | 98 comments Em wrote: "Robo, your new book looks scary - I am a right wimp though! Why are you trepidatious?"

I think it's just because of the huge mythos that surrounds Lovecraft and his dark, psychological horror - I feel as though I'm crossing over to the dark side somehow!

message 12: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I'm not good with horror books or films - when I was 12 I watched Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and Creep Show 2 back to back and couldn't sleep for a week! I think I was traumatised!

message 13: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments My neither, I remember watching a film from the 60's where a group stay in a haunted house ,there's lots of very loud banging, so scary for something so dated! after that every creek in the house made my blood run cold.

message 14: by Gill (new)

Gill (lockwdg) | 99 comments Em wrote: "Gill, I enjoyed The Clan of the Cave Bear so I'm keeping an eye out for the others in the series - I'll be interested to know what you think.

Robo, your new book looks scary - I am..."

About half way through. Bit slow in places but very racy!! in others.

message 15: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Hahah racy and in quick or as in hot:)

message 16: by Gill (new)

Gill (lockwdg) | 99 comments Adrienne wrote: "Hahah racy and in quick or as in hot:)"

Hot in some places and the two main character's haven't even met yet!!

message 17: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I am listening to Sail by James Patterson

message 18: by Gill (new)

Gill (lockwdg) | 99 comments Read it on holiday last year and really enjoyed it.

message 19: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Gill wrote: "Read it on holiday last year and really enjoyed it."

You mean Sail? I have the book, but the audio is better for me today x

Lynne - The Book Squirrel (squirrelsend) | 3626 comments I am listerning to The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James while finishing my new knitted throw for my library sofa!

message 21: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Where do you ladies buy your audio books from? I'm having terrible trouble finding anything on either iTunes or audible.

message 22: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I get mine from library Adrienne x

message 23: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Finished listening to Sail by James Patterson and have now gone back to reading Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid, #5) by Richelle Mead

message 24: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Fiona (Titch) wrote: "I get mine from library Adrienne x"

Thanks Fiona I'll see what ours has to offer.

message 25: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Adrienne wrote: "Fiona (Titch) wrote: "I get mine from library Adrienne x"

Thanks Fiona I'll see what ours has to offer."

See if you can order any from other libraries, some places like mine can get others that ur wanting as well x

message 26: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I'm listening to What to do When Someone Dies by Nicci French

message 27: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Fiona wrote: "Just gonna start Any Human Heart by William Boyd. It's nerve wracking starting a new book by a new author especially coming from the safety of a re-read such as North and South."

I haven't read that one yet Fiona but I have read others by William Boyd, in particular this one: Restless by William Boyd was fantastic - I can't praise it enough. I've made everyone I know read it!

message 28: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Finished What To Do When Someone Dies - Nicci French.

message 29: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments I'm now reading The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks as my day/downstairs read , and STILL reading The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1) by A.N. Roquelaure when I get the opportunity, hence the inordinate amout of time it's taking me to finish.....

message 30: by Liz, Moderator (new)

Liz | 3939 comments Mod
Fiona wrote: "Just gonna start Any Human Heart by William Boyd. It's nerve wracking starting a new book by a new author especially coming from the safety of a re-read such as North and South."

Any Human Heart is on my TBR list - a friend of mine recommended it. Let me know how it goes...

message 31: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I picked up The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister yesterday and already flown through to page 50! I am really enjoying it so far.

message 32: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Ok, I've finished the The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks then started and finished Being Elizabeth Bennet Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure by Emma Campbell Webster This was a great way to spend a sunday afternoon, despite being killed off following a silent Reel with Mr Darcy, and, after I really thought I was on my way to a HEA , finaly being sent to prison for causng an horrific accident. Just trying to find a niceday read as the ANR CoSB remains a no go for reading in company.

message 33: by Robo (new)

Robo Pete (robopete) | 98 comments Em wrote: "I'm not good with horror books or films - when I was 12 I watched Nightmare on Elm Street 3 and Creep Show 2 back to back and couldn't sleep for a week! I think I was traumatised!"

Finished Mountains of Madness today - really enjoyed it actually but it was quite unsettling at parts. Lovecraft's really good at conjuring up an atmosphere of dread without too much horror actually taking place.

Fortunately I finished it on a warm, sunny day sitting in a bright conservatory so the unease didn't get to me too much!

message 34: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Good strategy - bright sunlight! I read The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition on the beach - not so much pure horror as unsettling - but alot less so than late at night on your own, worrying yourself about a worldwide plague.

message 35: by Em (last edited May 17, 2010 01:23PM) (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Yeah, in fact best avoided by hypochondria sufferers in general...

message 36: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Over the next few days I am gonna be reading the following:

Life's Too Short (Quick Read) by Val McDermid , [image error] , Money Magic Seven Simple Steps to True Financial Freedom (Quick Reads) by Alvin Hall , We Won The Lottery Real Life Winner Stories (Quick Reads) by Danny Buckland , Traitors of the Tower by Alison Weir , Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid, #5) by Richelle Mead and Worst Case A Detective Michael Bennett Novel by James Patterson

message 37: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Finished books 1, 2 and 4 lol x

message 38: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Gosh that's quick! I'm currently reading Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks and yes The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1) by A.N. Roquelaure I really want to read the TCoSB as it's part of the TAbboo books challenge I'm taking part in.

message 39: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Adrienne, the 1st 5 books are Quick reads sweetie. I read 1 while I was on a bus going to Asda and read a lot more while I was waiting for 2hrs for bus to turn up and I finished the book before I arrived at my stop lol x

message 40: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne | 264 comments Ha ha there was me thinking you were bionic LOL

message 41: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) Oh I am wishing lol x

message 42: by Robo (new)

Robo Pete (robopete) | 98 comments Em wrote: "Good strategy - bright sunlight! I read The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition on the beach - not so much pure horror as unsettling - but alot less so than late at night on your o..."

Gosh, it's like a The Stand crossover thread...that's what I'm now currently reading. And probably will be for the foreseeable future!

message 43: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I wasn't good company while I was reading it either - I was on holiday with my then boyfriend and vitually ignored him. What's worse is it was his book and I pinched it! It can't have been good for his ego that I was more into his book than him!

message 44: by Dan (new)

Dan Smith | 173 comments The Stand? Good book. I read it a couple of times, many years ago. Might go back to it sometime. I'm currntly reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

message 45: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments I've just reaslised it's been about 18 years since I read The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition - blimey! I didn't realise I was that old! Seriously, it is probably about time I also re-visited this book.

Dan, how are you finding The Book Thief - I loved it but I notice not everyone is as enamoured as myself!

message 46: by Dan (new)

Dan Smith | 173 comments Hi Em - Actually, I'm struggling a bit with it at the moment. Not sure if it's the book's fault or mine, though. I'm working on something of my own at the moment and unless I'm drawn straight into a novel, it can lose me. I'm going to persevere with it, see where it takes me.

message 47: by Dan (new)

Dan Smith | 173 comments Yep, Fiona, Death can really get in the way of things - how true. And those little scrolled sections telling you what's coming up ... I dunno.

message 48: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I'm just about to go back to reading Succubus Shadows (Georgina Kincaid, #5) by Richelle Mead

message 49: by Dan (new)

Dan Smith | 173 comments Succubus Shadows? Haven't heard about that one. Looks saucy!

message 50: by Em (new)

Em (emmap) | 2925 comments Fiona wrote: "I didn't really like The Book Thief... I could see he's a good writer but I didn't really get what the fuss was. I didn't think there was much story or that it was amazing.

I guess I like historic..."

Whereas I really liked the devices used to tell the story, even the bits when Death chips in and tells you what happens before you get to it!

I thought it was poignant and I was particularly moved by how precious an item a book is to Liesel when we take for granted our own over-stuffed book shelves. It's crazy how differently we all react to the same book isn't it?

Dan, I know what you mean when you say you're not sure if it's the book or you - how can we not bring a little bit of what's going on with us to the book we're reading? Also, my husband has been working on this football miscellany book for the past few months and I notice he's read virtually nothing. I think the writing gets in the way of the reading or vice versa.

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