Kids/Teens Book Club discussion

Games > Title Game!

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message 1: by ★ Jess (last edited May 04, 2010 02:57AM) (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
OK, so, in this game I will list a title of a book and author, then the next person will make another title from that book, using one word in common.
Confused? Here is an example!

PERSON 1) Percy Jackson and the lightning Thief- Rick Riordan

PERSON 2) The book Thief-Marcus Zusak

PERSON 3) The Thief Lord- Cornilia Funke

PERSON 4) Lord of the Flies - William Golding

Understand? Each title has one word in common.

PS: when you are linking words, try to to link AND, THE, IN etc...

like Harry Potter and the deathly hallows
Percy Jackson and the lightning thief
Though you can still use those titles, just not the little words !


message 2: by ★ Jess (last edited May 04, 2010 02:58AM) (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
I will start

The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold

(((You dont have to add the link)))

message 3: by Cormick (last edited May 04, 2010 09:28AM) (new)

Cormick      (Cormick) the city of bones-Cassandra Clare

message 4: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas | 975 comments The City Of Ashes- Cassandra Clare

message 5: by Cormick (last edited May 04, 2010 09:35AM) (new)

Cormick      (Cormick) The city of Glass- Cassandra Clare

message 6: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas | 975 comments A Tale of Two Cities
by Charles Dickens

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine.

message 8: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien well i'll say The Princess Bride

message 9: by [deleted user] (new)

The Princess Diaries
by Meg Cabot

message 10: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas | 975 comments A Diary Of A Whimpy Kid

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

the diary of anne frank

message 13: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments Greenwitch by Susan Cooper.

(Does that count, since it's all one word?)

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

((good enough))

withces by roh dahl I know I got the last name correct don't know about the first

message 15: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments (Roald Dahl! Loved his books when I was younger!)

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

roald dahl I knew it was something to that extent

message 17: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
Please dont connect words like THE, IN, OF, AND.
its not fun.

so Raven said The Witches

I say Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

message 19: by [deleted user] (last edited May 05, 2010 07:05AM) (new)

message 20: by Nicholas (new)

Nicholas | 975 comments The Witches of Worm
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) The Witch of Blackbird pond by Elizabeth George Speare.

message 23: by Lindsey (last edited May 05, 2010 02:47PM) (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments (you stole mine, now I don't know if I can thing of another.) hmmm... xD

message 24: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien lets split blackbird and i'll say Black Beauty. xD is that ok?

message 25: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments I'd say yes. The Black Stallion by Walter Farley

message 26: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
Black House by Stephan King and Peter Straub

message 27: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Little House on the Prarie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

message 28: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
The Three Little Pigs by unknown (please dont link the "the")

message 29: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

message 30: by Rebekah Faith (last edited May 05, 2010 03:43PM) (new)

Rebekah Faith (musicalradiance) | 6788 comments A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

message 31: by Miss Amelia (new)

Miss Amelia (missameliatxva) Princess of the Midnight Ball - Jessica Day George

message 33: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Princess Acadamy by Shannon Hale

message 34: by Rebekah Faith (new)

Rebekah Faith (musicalradiance) | 6788 comments The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket

message 35: by Miss Amelia (new)

Miss Amelia (missameliatxva) Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

message 37: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien Spiderwick Chronicles: The Seeing Stone, Holly Black

message 38: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Chronicles of Narnia- C.S. Lewis

message 39: by Macabre (new)

Macabre | 45 comments The Enchanted Forest Chronicles~Patricia C. Wrede

message 40: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine

message 41: by Marianne (new)

Marianne | 202 comments "Just in Case" by Meg Rosoff

message 43: by Marianne (new)

Marianne | 202 comments "The adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain

message 44: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Selby Speaks: More Adventures of a Talking Dog

message 45: by Marianne (new)

Marianne | 202 comments The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
by Mark Haddon

message 47: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Dark Whispers (Unicorn Chronicles, #3) by Bruce Coleville

message 48: by Marianne (new)

Marianne | 202 comments Whisper by Isabel Abedi

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