The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

BEST & WORST BOOKS OF... > Best for Book Clubs?

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message 1: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments (hope this ok to put here!)

I just read "Shutter Island", which I know was a Group Read several challenges ago and thought it would make a *great* book club read -- lots to talk about!

What other books have you read as part of a Seasonal Reading Challenge that you thought would be good discussion in a book club?

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2969 comments I read some of my book club books for Season Reading Challenge. I read "Istanbul", "The City of Falling Angels" I can't think of any others.
I read Tenth Circle. I think that make a good book club book. I read "Snowflower and the Secret Fan" which was a bookclub book over the summer.

message 3: by Usako (last edited Mar 17, 2010 07:30PM) (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 1256 comments The Help

I think it's self-explanatory if you check out all the reviews. There's a lot of varying positions on the book. And the Goodreads Groups that have had this novel for their Group Reads have produced a NUMBER of messages for the one thread. It's great!

message 5: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments Thanks, Bridget! We've done several of those, so I will add the others to the list! For next month I talked them into Harvesting the Heart, which I am using for Stephanie Anne's task ;)

message 6: by Juniper (last edited May 07, 2010 09:24AM) (new)

Juniper (jooniperd) Hi Ashley.

Here is a list of the books that triggered the best discussions at the book group I attend:

A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry (great choice Bridgit!!)
Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
Cloudstreet : A Novel by Tim Winton
The Girls by Lori Lansens
March by Geraldine Brooks
Sweetness in the Belly by Camilla Gibb
Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
My Antonia by Willa Cather
The Outlander by Gil Adamson
Too Close to the Falls by Catherine Gildiner

I hope there is something new and interesting here for you.

message 7: by Cait (new)

Cait (caitertot) | 648 comments I just finished reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I gave it 5 stars and think it would be a great book club selection.

message 9: by Tammy AZ (new)

Tammy AZ (tammyaz) | 1105 comments My book club, that does NOT read classics recently read The Jungle and we had a great discussion.

message 11: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments Thanks, everyone, these look great!!

message 12: by Juniper (new)

Juniper (jooniperd) I have just finished two awesome books that, I think, would make for great book group discussions:

The Gin Closet and Hurry Down Sunshine.

message 13: by Lori (last edited Aug 11, 2010 08:29AM) (new)

Lori  (batchelorxyz) | 218 comments We just did The Art of Racing in the Rain and we had a very interesting discussion.

message 14: by Cindie (new)

Cindie | 1783 comments Cait wrote: "I just finished reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I gave it 5 stars and think it would be a great book club selection."

Our book club did that too -- it was a great choice!

message 15: by Linda (new)

Linda Cait wrote: "I just finished reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I gave it 5 stars and think it would be a great book club selection."

Our club is about to do this one but there has been a great deal of chatter as we've been reading. I expect it to be one of our best discussions to date (we've been in existence for 3 years now).

message 16: by Linda (new)

Linda Lori (BNPL) wrote: "We just did The Art of Racing in the Rain and we had a very interesting discussion."

Our club did this one too. I got passed over when it was first suggested but then several individual members read it outside of the club and brought it back the following year. It was a very good discussion. Not quite what anyone was expecting.

message 17: by Linda (new)

Linda Stranger in a Strange Land was a good one for our club as well.

message 18: by Manday (new)

Manday | 307 comments My classic book clubs just did Middlemarch and it was great.

Books I would have liked to have a book club for and didn't: The Help, The Poisonwood Bible, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Never Let Me Go, The Remains of the Day

message 19: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 11182 comments I just finished A Thousand Splendid Suns and think it would make a great book club book. Lots to discuss in this one...

message 20: by Stacy (new)

Stacy (stacybinnj) | 2 comments I read Peace Like a River with my book club and ended up giving it 5 stars. It's excellent! The story is such that it makes for good discussion.

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