The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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OLD TASK HELP THREADS > 25.4 (Diane's Task - The Name Game)

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message 1: by Cynthia (last edited Feb 27, 2010 08:24AM) (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments 25.4 - Diane's Task - The Name Game
A. Read a book written by an author that shares your first, middle, OR last name. (My name is Diane Joyce Phillips. I might choose a book by Diane Setterfield, Joyce Carol Oates, James Joyce, or Susan Elizabeth Phillips). Spelling variations are acceptable (i.e. Dianne instead of Diane) as are name shortenings (i.e. Sue for Susan).
B. Read a book from an author who shares a name created with a random name generator. Go to . Select gender(s) of choice. Set obscurity factor to 3, 4, or 5 (or if you really want a challenge, try 34, 35, 43, or 45!). Pick an author who shares either a first or last name with the 3rd, 4th, or 5th generated name on your list.
C. Read a book with a character’s name in the title (i.e. Sarah’s Key or Dear John. Not acceptable: Breaking Dawn, since there isn’t a character named Dawn in the book).

message 2: by Dlmrose, Moderator Emeritus (new)

Dlmrose | 18433 comments Mod
fun task! But had some trouble with the link.

message 4: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments This task is SWEET because I was just wondering if Nicole Krauss had any other books (I loved The History of Love and she does! So I am definitely reading Man Walks Into a Room for the first part. Must review my TBR and such to decide on my second part!

love this task!!!!! luckily, Nicole is a great name. LOL. :)

message 5: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments So right off the bat, my grandmother recommended Rebecca to me this morning!

Also, would Dracula work, since his name is Count Dracula?

I think I am going to have a hard time choosing!

message 6: by Cynthia (new)

Cynthia (pandoraphoebesmom) | 1332 comments The link didn't work because of the period at the end but I adjusted it.

message 7: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Okay. So I decided on Man Walks Into a Room and The Late, Lamented Molly Marx: A Novel (since that has been on the TBR for a while).

message 8: by Petra (new)

Petra Nicole, you've got to fit Rebecca in somewhere. I don't think you'd regret it.

message 9: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Petra wrote: "Nicole, you've got to fit Rebecca in somewhere. I don't think you'd regret it."

We still have a lot of unnamed tasks! I am sure I will read it one of these days!!!!

message 10: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments Amanda wrote: "Nicole- Rebecca is one of my favorite books of all time. It is how suspense should be..the tension in that book builds so slowly and subtly you don't even realize how taught you're feeling until th..."

Okay. I am heavily considering switching to Rebecca for the second part of the task.

message 11: by Krista (last edited Feb 27, 2010 11:08AM) (new)

Krista (kacey14) Nicole wrote: "This task is SWEET because I was just wondering if Nicole Krauss had any other books (I loved The History of Love and she does! So I am definitely reading [book:Man Walks Into a Room|44..."

Isn't just ONE book required for this task?
Part A) Read a book written by an author that shares your name.
Part B) Use the random name generator, then read a book with one of the "generated" names in the title.

message 12: by scherzo♫ (new)

scherzo♫ (pjreads) Krista wrote: "...
Isn't just ONE book required for this task?
Part A) Read a book written by an author that shares your name.
Part B) Use the random name generator, then read a book with one of the "generated" names in the title"

one book for either Part A OR Part B
plus one book for Part C

C. Read a book with a character’s name in the title (i.e. Sarah’s Key or Dear John. Not acceptable: Breaking Dawn, since there isn’t a character named Dawn in the book).

message 13: by scherzo♫ (new)

scherzo♫ (pjreads) Does the spelling variations rule apply to Part B as well as Part A?

If one of my random gen choices is Diana, can I use Diane?

message 14: by Krista (new)

Krista (kacey14) pjreads wrote: "Krista wrote: "...
Isn't just ONE book required for this task?
Part A) Read a book written by an author that shares your name.
Part B) Use the random name generator, then read a book ..."

Okay, now I think I have it....
The second book has to has the name of a character from the book in the book title.

Thanks for the clarification. :-)

message 15: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) I am gonna do:

Clare Francis or Claire Seeberfor Part A. My middle name is Clare (but it can be spelt either way obviously).

For part C, can I read either Schindler's List or We Need to Talk About Kevin?

message 16: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Nicole wrote: "So right off the bat, my grandmother recommended Rebecca to me this morning!

Also, would Dracula work, since his name is Count Dracula?

I think I am going to have a hard..."

Yes, Dracula works for part C.

message 17: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments Ha! I was having problems with this one, and then I looked at my pile of books already waiting for the challenge and realized my maiden name (that I still legally have) is Roberts, so I have Nora Roberts to use! Talk about a lot of choices.

message 18: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments pjreads wrote: "Does the spelling variations rule apply to Part B as well as Part A?

If one of my random gen choices is Diana, can I use Diane?"


message 19: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Fiona (Titch) wrote: "I am gonna do:

Clare Francis or Claire Seeberfor Part A. My middle name is Clare (but it can be spelt either way obviously).

For part C, can I read either [bo..."

They all work for this task.

message 20: by Katie (new)

Katie | 1 comments Hi Diane,
Would a plural last name work for part C? I was thinking of Inventing the Abbots and Other Stories I see that you okayed Schindler, but I just want to check because this book and I have a sordid history. I was going to use it for the 345 task, so I started it to lock in the rating. Then I thought I had misunderstood the task, so I switched it to Reading in Bed. Then I accidentally took it on the train...heh. So I doesn't work for that task now. Then I realized I really could have used it for 345, but I already started a new book to lock that one in... So, you see why I want to double check. :-)

message 22: by Coralie (new)

Coralie Nicole, I was thinking of using Rebecca for 5.4 as it was mentioned in the Feb 2009 newsletter.

message 23: by Helen (new)

Helen Southall (hsouthall) | 356 comments Diane - my middle name is Jean -- could I read a novel by Jean-Dominique Bauby. Am not sure if the Jean must be stand-alone for your task.

message 24: by TMBookluvr (new)

TMBookluvr (tmb1981) | 271 comments ok, so my last name wont work, but I'm sure there are a ton for my first and middle, now just need to find them (i do know Tracey Chevaliar)


message 25: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Katie wrote: "Hi Diane,
Would a plural last name work for part C? I was thinking of Inventing the Abbots and Other Stories I see that you okayed Schindler, but I just want to check because this boo..."

Plural names are fine.

message 26: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Helen wrote: "Diane - my middle name is Jean -- could I read a novel by Jean-Dominique Bauby. Am not sure if the Jean must be stand-alone for your task."

Hyphenated names are fine.

message 27: by Angela (new)

Angela | 812 comments I am going to read Jessica Z. by Shawn Klomparens for part C. Also Angela and Elizabeth (middle name) gave me so many choices for part A. Awesome task Diane!

message 29: by Coralie (new)

Coralie Could I use Cora, Coral or Cory?

message 30: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Angela wrote: "I am going to read Jessica Z. by Shawn Klomparens for part C. Also Angela and Elizabeth (middle name) gave me so many choices for part A. Awesome task Diane!"

Thank you!

message 31: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Coralie wrote: "Could I use Cora, Coral or Cory?"


message 32: by Coralie (new)

Coralie Diane wrote: "Coralie wrote: "Could I use Cora, Coral or Cory?"


Thank you. I will probably use my middle name of Susan though. Much easier to find.

message 33: by Katy (new)

Katy | 769 comments Tracey wrote: "ok, so my last name wont work, but I'm sure there are a ton for my first and middle, now just need to find them (i do know Tracey Chevaliar)


If you like biography, Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, a Man Who Would Cure the World by Tracy Kidder was WONDERFUL.

For Part B, I also have read and really liked Giovanni's Room, Finding Nouf, and Looking for Alaska (Alaska is a character's name in the book).

message 34: by BJ Rose (new)

BJ Rose (bjrose) | 811 comments My middle name is Joan - are all these spellings OK? Joan, Joanne, Joanna, Johanna
What about Jo as in Jo Goodman and Jo Beverly?

message 35: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments BJ Rose wrote: "My middle name is Joan - are all these spellings OK? Joan, Joanne, Joanna, Johanna
What about Jo as in Jo Goodman and Jo Beverly?"

Yes, that's fine. Don't forget Joni!

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2969 comments Can I do the name James for Jayme?

message 37: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Jayme wrote: "Can I do the name James for Jayme?"

That's too much of a stretch since it is a different gender.

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2969 comments well I am open to suggestions My first name is Jayme pronounced Jay me, middle name Maria and last name is Henry so I am open to suggestions.

message 39: by Diane (last edited Feb 28, 2010 08:31PM) (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Jayme wrote: "well I am open to suggestions My first name is Jayme pronounced Jay me, middle name Maria and last name is Henry so I am open to suggestions."

Jayme here are a few you could use:
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips
Daisy Miller, The Turn of the Screw , or Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
also, books by Henry Miller, Henry David Thoreau, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry Fielding.

Actually, I will accept James, since it is very similar, and there are quite a few male authors named Jamie.

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2969 comments I think I will go the name generated route. The name Alison came up so I think I will do Alison Weir.

message 41: by Rach (new)

Rach (rachlovestv) | 261 comments My middle name is Marie - is it OK to use Mary? I think it probably is, but I thought I should check. :)

message 42: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Rachel wrote: "My middle name is Marie - is it OK to use Mary? I think it probably is, but I thought I should check. :)"


message 43: by Usako (new)

Usako (bbmeltdown) | 1256 comments YAY!!! Cleopatra's Daughter!!!

Pondering what to read for my last name - Peterson.

message 44: by Sara ♥ (last edited Mar 01, 2010 08:08AM) (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) | 1114 comments For Part A, I think I'm going to read something by Sara Zarr.

As for Part B, more suggestions (esp. for YA readers...):
Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life
Being Nikki
Enna Burning
Gregor the Overlander
Just Ella

message 45: by Juli (new)

Juli (julifabulous) | 61 comments Hi Diane

I saw that you okayed Katie's book using a last name, but just wanted to check.

I borrowed The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters from the library for the last challenge and am now having trouble figuring out where to fit it into this one. Would this be okay with you?

message 46: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Juli wrote: "Hi Diane

I saw that you okayed Katie's book using a last name, but just wanted to check.

I borrowed The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters from the library for the last challeng..."


message 47: by Erin (NY) (new)

Erin (NY) (erin_p) | 628 comments For part A can I read My Life in France if my middle name is Alexandra? The main author is is Julia Child but it is coauthored by Alex Prud'homme. Thanks!

message 48: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Erin wrote: "For part A can I read My Life in France if my middle name is Alexandra? The main author is is Julia Child but it is coauthored by Alex Prud'homme. Thanks!"

Yes. Co-authors names are fine.

message 49: by Ashley FL (new)

Ashley FL | 721 comments When I did the name generator, I got "Brian" (no last name?? That was odd!). Can I use an author whose last name is Brian?


message 50: by Diane (new)

Diane  | 741 comments Ashley wrote: "When I did the name generator, I got "Brian" (no last name?? That was odd!). Can I use an author whose last name is Brian?


That's odd. You can use Brian for either name.

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