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message 1: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments we do to much on reading so now you may write stuff. lets say this is like a good reads blog. write about the stuff you what to write about because this is the good reads blog starting now

message 2: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) LOL, great idea Zia! I'll post something ASAP! :P

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

Ok... I'm not a writer persay. But I could blog about some stuff or/and reviews about books that I read.

message 4: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) That sounds like a good idea too. We're on a roll this week! :D

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

I wonder if her plan is that we would have individual folders. That is what I am thinking. Blogs all in one spot is kind of a good idea. But I'd leave personal very personal info out.

message 6: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Deff....

message 7: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments you can rite reviews. wen i said this was a good reads blog i meant write about what you want to write about.

message 8: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Oh, thanks Zia. Well I'll come up with something before I get off.

message 9: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments kk

message 10: by [deleted user] (new)

Ok. I'm not really a writer. I haven't written anything for about 10 years but I'll do some blog type stuff and some reviews. Maybe I'll try to write if I can get the creative juices flowing.

message 11: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Same here. Why'd you take the pic off Zia? (I like the one where you have the hood over your head the best!)

message 12: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments food. i know rite

message 14: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments you have a lot of stories and i will read them wen i get the chance. (:

message 15: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Same as Zia. :) I'm pretty sure they're wonderful! C:

message 16: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments zakiya i'm writing a story and its called reborn and i what you to take a look at it.

message 17: by Zakiya (last edited Jan 11, 2010 01:51PM) (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Ayunda & Zia--Those were great!

message 18: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Should we just post a link to our writing?

message 19: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Yes! That's fine!! :)

message 20: by Lydia (new)

message 21: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) I'm looking at yours now. I really like Someone's Always There so far.

message 22: by Lydia (last edited Jan 11, 2010 02:05PM) (new)

Lydia Thanks Zakiya for rating my story Someone's Always There.

message 23: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) You're so welcome. Like I said before, I'll post something as soon as possible. Have been really busy with school.

message 24: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Me too.

message 25: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments thanks zakiya

message 26: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Welcome Zia.

message 27: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. you know it aint finshed

message 28: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Thanks again, Zakiya, for rating my writing.

message 29: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments did you rate mine

message 30: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Me? No, sorry. I'll read it right now.

message 31: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments ok. i'm about to read yours if i get a chance.

message 32: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Kay.

message 33: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments um i just cometed on some or two

message 34: by Lydia (new)

Lydia Okay. Thanks! I commented on Reborn.

message 35: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments ya i saw that. i love writing i'm just not a good speller or will thats it i gues

message 36: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) It's okay, we all understand you. And you're welcome for the ratings Lydia. Will critique yours Zia oif I haven't already.

message 37: by Lydia (new)

Lydia I like it so far, though. I'm not trying to be mean when I say that stuff. I'm just a grammar freak. I can't read a piece of writing without noticing grammar and spelling mistakes.

message 38: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments ok but ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww on the tiping im trying to do my home--work

message 39: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) That was great Zia!

message 40: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments what my story or the fact that you need to ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww down on the tiping im trying to do my home--work.

message 41: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Sorry but I type really fast. And I was referring to youur story actually. So do you have any hw today?

message 42: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments i will call you wen i get home

message 43: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) OK, sorry I missed the call. Didn't feel my phone vibrate

message 44: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments pleas turn it on i will call in 5 secons

message 45: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) Well I have to go eat, sorry I didn't answer....again. LOL. Really am sorry though. Will call tomorrow after I get home and do my hw.

message 46: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments kk

message 47: by Zakiya (new)

Zakiya LadyWings (zladywings) :)

message 48: by Zia (new)

Zia (zrg1) | 380 comments :->

message 50: by Aviva (new)

Aviva (newtimelord) | 551 comments BTW 3 OUT OF 4 ARE SHORT

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