Reading with Style discussion

Summer 2024 > General Questions

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message 1: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments Please post any general questions about the summer 2024 challenge in this thread.

message 2: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments Locking in Poison for Teacher by Nancy Spain at 2.99 ratings.

message 3: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1761 comments Will a short story collection work for the Olympic Scavenger tasks if the sport occurs in only one story? Thanks.

message 4: by Elizabeth (Alaska) (last edited May 15, 2024 08:19AM) (new)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Re: Opening Ceremonies

I would like to consider something by Erich Maria Remarque. His GR profile says he was born in Osnabrück, kingdom of Prussia, German Empire. Will he count for Germany?

message 5: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Re: Opening Ceremonies

I would like to consider something by Erich Maria Remarque. His GR profile says he was born in Osnabrück, kingdom of Prussia, German Empire. Will he count for ..."

Yes, the usual idea is to go with where the place is now, and it's in Germany, so that's fine.

message 6: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments Denise wrote: "Will a short story collection work for the Olympic Scavenger tasks if the sport occurs in only one story? Thanks."

Yes, the whole book doesn't have to focus on the sport, it just needs somebody to engage in the activity somewhere in the book (or the word to appear once if you're scavenging for the word).

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Thanks, Rosemary!

message 8: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1761 comments Great, thank you.

message 9: by Valerie (new)

Valerie Brown | 3068 comments Because it would really!! annoying if something changed before I get to this book: True Colors - I would like to lock in the 400 pages.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Olympic Scavenger:

Is "horse or horse-riding" one entry only or can you read two books for this?

message 11: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments Elizabeth (Alaska) wrote: "Olympic Scavenger:

Is "horse or horse-riding" one entry only or can you read two books for this?"

Just one! But you can use both option A and option B.

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Ah, I missed that wrinkle. :-)

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Also, I apologize for not seeing that the How to Play threads were open for questions for those specific games and cluttering up this General Questions thread.

message 14: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments No need to apologise! It is an unusual format this season :)

message 15: by Karen Michele (last edited May 18, 2024 08:30AM) (new)

Karen Michele Burns (klibrary) | 5068 comments I would like to lock in for high ratings, Decathlon High Jump:

Brotherless Night 4.44
Lost Birds 4.39

message 16: by Connie (last edited May 23, 2024 03:02PM) (new)

Connie G (connie_g) | 1742 comments I would like to lock in:

A Bigamist's Daughter for a rating of 2.96

The Frozen River for a rating of 4.45

Family Family for a page count of 400 pages

message 17: by Joanne (last edited Jun 02, 2024 05:15AM) (new)

Joanne (joabroda1) | 452 comments Does anyone know if Gabriel García Márquez ever became a Mexican citizen? The black hole I went down in Google did not tell me anything 🥺

message 18: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments Joanne wrote: "Does anyone know if Gabriel García Márquez ever became a Mexican citizen? The black hole I went down in Google did not tell me anything 🥺"

No, I don't think he ever did. We have him as Colombia/Colombia in the database, and I can't find any mention of him having taken Mexican nationality online.

message 19: by Joanne (new)

Joanne (joabroda1) | 452 comments Thanks

message 20: by Deedee (last edited Jun 06, 2024 12:24AM) (new)

Deedee | 2190 comments I would like to lock in

The Story of Land and Sea for a rating of 2.98

Bookworm for a rating of 2.96

I have them both on hold right now, and once they come in I'll decide which to read -----

Also, lock in

Forgetting to Remember for a rating of 4.33


message 21: by Marie (new)

Marie (mariealex) | 979 comments Locking in Merlin, Intégrale Tome 1 with 2.8 rating and Seuls sont les indomptés with 2.79 rating.
Thanks !

message 22: by Deedee (new)

Deedee | 2190 comments Locking in Lula Dean's Little Library of Banned Books with a rating of 4.33

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2525 comments For Scavenger Hunt, would you accept rowed forowing or do you need the exact word?

message 24: by Anika (new)

Anika | 2542 comments Jayme(theghostreader) wrote: "For Scavenger Hunt, would you accept rowed forowing or do you need the exact word?"

Option A is if they are actively engaged in the listed activity so the word itself won’t matter as you’re not quoting a sentence but explaining how it fits the task.
If you’re going with Option B, it must be exactly one of the words listed in the challenge description, no variations. So “rowed” would not be viable for Option B.

Hope that sufficiently answers your question!

Jayme(theghostreader) (jaymetheghostreader) | 2525 comments Yes thank you.

message 26: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1761 comments The Couple Next Door: Collected Short Mysteries by Margaret Millar

There are six stories, published in 1942, 1943, 1954, 1954, 1962, and 1987. The collection was published in 2004. Would it count for "before 1999" points?

Elizabeth (Alaska) | 13901 comments Denise wrote: "The Couple Next Door: Collected Short Mysteries by Margaret Millar

There are six stories, published in 1942, 1943, 1954, 1954, 1962, and 1987. The collection was publis..."

Changed the original pub date to 1987. It is GR policy to set original pub date for collections as the latest date of included material.

message 28: by Denise (new)

Denise | 1761 comments Thank you, Elizabeth!

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