Reading with Style discussion

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message 1: by Rosemary (last edited Mar 07, 2024 12:19PM) (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments 10.1 Rewind to Winter
Read a book by an author you enjoyed last season. This task may be used up to three times, but you must use the same author every time. This task cannot be used for combos.

10.2 The Dispossessed
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin was published 50 years ago in spring 1974. Read a book with a two-word title starting 'The'. (Subtitles can be ignored.)

10.3 St. Patrick's Day
According to folklore, people wear a shamrock on St. Patrick’s Day because the saint used its three leaves to explain the Trinity. Read a book with the word "three" in the title, the third volume of a series, or published in a year ending in "3."

10.4 Baby Boom
Read a book by a Boomer Generation author born in the 10 years 1950-1959.

10.5 Golden Broadway Shows
Read a book whose title contains a word from the title of a Broadway show in the 1974-1975 season as listed here: (The following words are excluded: a, an, and/&, in, of, on, the, this.) Plurals and possessives are allowed, but no other variations.
Please tell us which word you are claiming when you post.

10.6 Modernism
One hundred years ago, modernism was in full swing. Read a book first published during the main period of modernism in literature, 1910 to 1939.

10.7 Strange New Worlds (Karen Michele's task)
Visit a strange new world without leaving your chair by reading a one of the first 150 books from one of these lists:
Cli-Fi: (including all books numbered 150)
Space: (the first 3 pages)
If the book is in a series, all books in the series work.

10.8 Elemental (Tien's task)
Our family has been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender. There are 4 elemental powers in Avatar: Water, Earth, Fire, and Air. Read a book where one of the title words is water, earth, fire, or air. Plurals and possessives will be accepted but no other variations on those words, so Above the Waterfall or Airspeed is Life: True Love is Dangerous wouldn't qualify, but Little Fires Everywhere or Earth's End would be acceptable.

10.9 Anniversaries (Apple's task)
This March I have been married for 25 years, and in May it will be 10 years since my mum passed, and I will have been at my current job for 10 years. Read a book whose page number (most popular edition) ends in 2, 5, 1, or 0.

10.10 Group reads
Read one of the following books recommended by fellow RwS readers:
Anika: Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus
Joanna: Poverty, by America by Matthew Desmond
Rosemary: Reflex by Dick Francis
Marie: Listening to Whales: What the Orcas Have Taught Us by Alexandra Morton
Elizabeth: The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum by Heinrich Böll
Connie: The Measure by Nikki Erlick
Joanne: The Mapmaker's Daughter by Katherine Nouri Hughes
Deedee: Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Ed: The Crow Trap by Ann Cleeves
Lagullande: The Artful Egg by James McClure
Mary: Bambi by Felix Salten
Jayme: Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin McKinley
Valerie: The Killings at Badger's Drift by Caroline Graham
Tawallah: The Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Wharton
Katy: True Biz by Sara Nović
chunwui: If I Had Your Face by Frances Cha
Kathleen: The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann

message 2: by Rosemary (last edited Mar 04, 2024 12:44PM) (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments 20.1 The National Gallery
The National Gallery in London celebrates its 200th anniversary in May 2024. Read a book that focuses on a particular piece of art or an art collection, or has a visual artist as a main character (painter, sculptor, or photographer).

20.2 The Virgin of the Rocks
by Leonardo da Vinci, c.1483
Da Vinci never received a formal education. He based all of his scientific and artistic innovations on his observations of the natural world. Read a book with main page genre (MPG) Nature.

20.3 The Madonna of the Cat
La Madonna del Gatto by Federico Barocci, c. 1575
Barocci depicts the Christian holy family in a happy domestic scene with the child John the Baptist and a household kitten. Read a book where a character has a pet cat. Tell us the name of the character (and if you like, the name of the cat).

20.4 The Fighting Temeraire
by Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1839
The Fighting Temeraire was a well-known ship because of her crew's heroic performance at the Battle of Trafalgar during the Napoleonic Wars. Read one of the first 150 on this list of Boat Books.

20.5 Surprised!
Surpris! or Tiger in a Tropical Storm by Henri Rousseau, 1891
Henri Rousseau was a self-taught painter with a naive style, often mocked at the time but later influential. This was the first of his imaginary jungle paintings. Read a book with one of the following punctuation marks in the title: exclamation mark ! question mark ? brackets ( ) apostrophe ' quotation marks " hyphen or dash - forward slash / colon : semicolon ; comma , ellipsis ... period .

20.6 Fruit Dish, Bottle and Violin
by Pablo Picasso, 1914
Cubism brought out different ways of viewing the world. In this picture, the objects are seen from different points of view - for example, we see the table from the side and also look down at it from above. Read a novel with at least 3 different characters' points of view.

20.7 International Travel (Owlette's task)
Read a novel or novella in which a main character makes a short trip to a country outside of her (or his) country of birth or usual residence. Tell us where she went. Fantasy worlds are excluded.

20.8 Fancy Meeting You Here (Anika's task)
Read a book where a fictional character from a different book/series makes an appearance. It can be a cameo (as in Gamache's appearance in State of Terror), a new story where the character is the main feature (The Beekeeper's Apprentice), or even a book that picks up where the original ended or prequel (Scarlett, Wide Sargasso Sea). A retelling of a story would work as long as their names don't change--so Eligible: A Modern Retelling of Pride & Prejudice would work, but Bridget Jones's Diary, another Pride and Prejudice retelling, wouldn't. Regular series books won't work as they are the same character written by the same author working in an already established "world".
Please explain how your book fits the task when you post.

20.9 Beware the Ides of March (Joanna's task)
the Ides of March (March 15 on the modern calendar) is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. Caesar was stabbed to death at a meeting of the Senate. As many as 60 conspirators, led by Brutus and Cassius, were involved. Read a book about a conspiracy or about conspiracy theories. Please explain how your book fits the task when you post, if you can do so without spoilers.
(A conspiracy is two or more people working together for a secret or criminal scheme or plan.)

20.10 World of Crime (Rosemary's task)
Read a book with main page genre Crime, Thriller or Mystery set at least 75% in a country where English is *not* the/an official language.

30.1 Go for the Green Redux
Let's turn some more countries green! For 30 points, read a book set at least 51% in any of the countries on the Group Project Spreadsheet that are not yet colored green.
See the Help thread for a list of countries. This is not a first-to-post task - no changes will be made to the spreadsheet until after the season is over.
This task is not required for a Mega finish.

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