Reading with Style discussion

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message 1: by Rosemary (last edited Dec 08, 2023 09:26AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments 10.1 Square Peg
Read a book that does not qualify for any other RwS task. This task may not be used for combos. You may only use this task once in the season.

10.2 Singular Mystery
Read a book with MPG mystery that is NOT part of a series.

10.3 New Year's Traditions
In honor of the Pappanji burning ceremony in Kochi, India, read a book set at least 75% in India or by an author born in India. If the author's birthplace is not in their GR profile, please post a link in the task thread before claiming the book for this task.

10.4 Leap Year
Even with an extra day, February is still the shortest month. Read a short book (MPE has 100-150 pages).

10.5 Jewish Writers
Read a book by a Jewish writer. If the writer's Jewish identity is not mentioned in their GR bio, please post a link in the task thread before claiming your book.
These lists may be helpful:
Jewish American novelists:
Jewish writers:
Israeli novelists:

10.6 Winter Birthdays
Our new moderators, Anika, Joanna, and Rosemary, all have their birthdays this season. To help celebrate them, read a book whose title begins with A, J, or R. Leading articles The and A/An are omitted, so A Game of Thrones would not work, but The Arbitrator would.

10.7 Feasting (Karen Michele's Task)
The holidays are often a time for special foods and drinks. Read a book with a food or drink named in the title. General food-related words, such as "feast," "lunch," or "dinner" are also acceptable. Plurals and possessives will be accepted, but no other variations.

10.8 "Fairytale of New York" (Valerie's Task)
This is probably the most famous song by The Pogues. Normally, we hear it around Christmas, and now that Shane MacGowan (the lead singer) has died I'm sure it will be on extra heavy rotation on music stations. Read a book published during The Pogues heyday, 1982 to 1996.

10.9 Summer, Not Winter (Apple's Task)
I am in the Southern Hemisphere, so it's summer and not winter for me. Read a book set at least 75% in one of my Southern Hemisphere "Neighbours": Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Chile, Comoros, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatani, Fiji, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Tanzania, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Zambia, or Zimbabwe.

10.10 Group Reads
Read one of the following books recommended by fellow RwS readers:

Anika: The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Joanna: Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin
Rosemary: Just Kids by Patti Smith
Elizabeth (Alaska): Happiness by Aminatta Forna
Joanne: The Winds of War by Herman Wouk
Connie: Songbirds by Christy Lefteri
Tien: The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai
chunwui: The Hidden Girl and Other Stories by Ken Liu
Kathleen (itpdx): Good Night, Irene by Luis Alberto Urrea
Kim: The Weaver and the Witch Queen by Genevieve Gornichec
Katy: Congratulations, the Best is Over! by R. Eric Thomas
Owlette: It’s Boba Time for Pearl Li! by Nicole Chen (this title does not qualify for styles)
Beth: Blue: In Search of Nature's Rarest Color by Kai Kupferschmidt
Deedee: The Sorcerer of Pyongyang by Marcel Theroux
Ed: Selfish and Perverse by Bob Smith

15.1-15.10 Ticket to Ride

message 2: by Rosemary (last edited Dec 05, 2023 06:25AM) (new)

Rosemary | 3957 comments 20.1 Shakespeare
2023 is the 400th anniversary of the publication of the First Folio of William Shakespeare's plays. Read one of Shakespeare's plays or a book whose title references or quotes from a work by Shakespeare. Just a name or single word from a Shakespeare title does not work for this task (e.g. Henry, Richard, Dream or Venice). See the task thread for ideas.

20.2 A Midsummer Night’s Dream
"Though she be but little, she is fierce."
Read one of the top 150 books from the list Wise Women, Witches, Midwives, Healers, and Strong Girls!

20.3 The Tempest
“…Lest too light winning Make the prize light."
Read any winning book (not nominees) from the British Fantasy Award.

20.4 Othello
"Men should be what they seem."
Read a book where a character's true identity is hidden. If it is not clear from the GR description, please explain how your book fits the task when you post.

20.5 King John to Henry VIII
"There is a history in all men's lives, Figuring the nature of the times deceased" (Henry IV, part 2)
Read a book published or set (at least 75%) between 1199 and 1547, the span of the reigns of English monarchs covered by Shakespeare's history plays, King John to Henry VIII.

20.6 The Sonnets
“In black ink my love may still shine bright.”
Read a book of poetry. You may use two books to make up the required 100 pages.

20.7 The Wild Life (Mary's Task)
Read a book with a word for a type of non-human animal in the title or subtitle. For example, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings or All the Pretty Horses.
Generic terms such as “animal,” or “beast” don’t qualify (i.e.: Animal Farm and Pet Sematary wouldn't work).
Titles including proper names for an animal only qualify if a specific animal word is in the title. e.g., Jonathan Livingston Seagull qualifies for “seagull”, while Charlotte's Web and Old Yeller do not qualify. Names of people or places will qualify if they refer to an animal, such as The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood or Wolf Hall.
The animal must live/have lived on Earth for real, so dinosaurs work, but mythological creatures don't.
Plurals and possessives will be accepted, but not other variations.

20.8 The Big 5-0 (Anika's task)
I'm turning 50 this year. Choose a life story to read from one of these top 50 lists:

20.9 Fresh Start (Joanna's task)
Read a book in which a character moves to a new city, a new house, or a new job. The move should be an important part of the story. Please explain how your book fits the task when you post.

20.10 Boxing Day (Rosemary's task)
In the UK, December 26 is Boxing Day and originated as a holiday when gifts were given to servants and poor people. Read any book where household servants, the poor, or an underclass are the main focus. Please explain how your book fits the task when you post.

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