The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

ARCHIVE - Buddy Reads 2022 > When women were dragons

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message 1: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Last one of the year guys!

message 2: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5827 comments Did you ladies see that there is a new 2023 folder? All set up for your next reads. :)

message 3: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Thanks kristie :)

message 4: by Kristie, Moderator (Retired) (new)

Kristie | 5827 comments You're welcome! :)

message 5: by Nishita (new)

Nishita (to_beread) | 63 comments hey guy's I'll start with it today.
Merry Christmas guys :)

message 6: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Merry Christmas guys!

message 7: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Hope everyone is having a lovely Christmas :)

message 8: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments What do you think of the book so far? Read about 40 pages. I think the writing is good and making the "dragoning" real history is interesting.

message 9: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments I agree I’m about 30 pages in

message 10: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments I will read some more today :)

message 11: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Some reactions to the mass dragoning are a bit absurd in chapter 9

message 12: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Ya idk about this one tbh I’m gonna keep trying but I’m kinda bored lol

message 13: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments I think it’s bc it’s TOO out there but I reading now so maybe I’m wrong

message 14: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Yeah...I'm not 100% sold on this one lol
Now it seems like very fragmented between the "scientific" accounts and Alex' memories from her childhood.

message 15: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments And the idea of some dragons trying to still be housewives seemed absurd to me...too cartoon like.

message 16: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments I will keep at it for the time being

message 17: by Nishita (new)

Nishita (to_beread) | 63 comments I just read about two chapters and honestly I'm not able to get into it so I won't be reading this one.

message 18: by Bella (new)

Bella | 1118 comments hi everyone! hope everyone had a great Christmas! I'm starting today and I'll try to catch up with you guys today as well ☺️

message 19: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Hi Bella...hope you had a good one too :)
I have to say guys I'm bored lol...struggling to pick this book up. I'm 25% in and other than the dragoning nothing much is happening...just day to day of this girl.

message 20: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Yeah I don’t think I’m gonna be finishing this one either.

Want to start Spells of forgetting or whatever lol

message 21: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Lol...I think so. I'm just not interested enough to read it. Bella, what do you think?

message 22: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Okay. I’m still waiting for Demon Coppherhead, the Celeste Ng book and Fairy tale but there’s so many I remember that I wanted to bring up

message 23: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments I have Demon Copperhead, Spells for forgetting and Our missing hearts on my shelves.
Others that I have and pop to mind The last housewife, Five survive, Her majesty's royal coven, A sorcery of thorns, Vicious, Pachinko...and more lol

message 24: by Bella (new)

Bella | 1118 comments omg same, I was falling asleep honestly! I had to stop and listen to music to wake up Gaga

message 25: by Bella (new)

Bella | 1118 comments Courtney, do you guys have Barnes and Noble stores in your area? they're having 50% off hardcover books yesterday and today! I was going to stop by after work to pick up Demon Copperhead since I've been waiting for it :) and I have Fairytale ready as well! I'm still waiting on Our Missing Hearts

message 26: by Bella (new)

Bella | 1118 comments I can start The Last Housewife soon! I'm on hold for Five Survive and Her Majesty's Royal Coven but the Coven will likely be available soon. I've read A Sorcery of Thorns and Vicious!

message 27: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments haha Bella...the chapter about getting your period was too much...I mean I understand the point the author was trying to make but still...
No Barnes and Noble in NZ, but I do have all those books already. Except Fairy tale but I'm now first in the queue at the library.

message 28: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Okay I do have it let me get online and buy the demon copperhead and the last housewife.

message 29: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments I love Barnes and noble so much :) haha and lady Gaga of course

message 30: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Corina I haven’t read Sorcery of Thorns yet and I’ve seen it everywhere for while now so I’m still down to read this one too!

message 31: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments The last housewife I’m like first in line and fairy tale I’m 2nd so I’m gonna buy Demon Copperhead

message 32: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Wish we had Barnes and Noble here...I bet the price for international delivery is not cheap, plus it probably takes ages.
Cool with me...let me know what you guys would like to start with when you have it :)

message 33: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Phaedra by Laura Stephenson comes out in January it’s a feminist take on mythology lol

message 34: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Barnes and Noble is usually pretty expensive but they do have some good deals.

message 35: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments I have Spells for Forgetting. Is everyone ready to start that or did we want to go in a different direction? Anything is good with me

message 36: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Lol there are a lot of myth retelling recently...the author of Elektra is coming out with a new one titled Atalanta I think..not sure when it will be out

message 37: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Hmmm yeah I just saw an Encyclopedia of Faeries or something lol

message 38: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Well bookstores here are expensive, hence why I usually order online either from Australia or the book depository

message 39: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Happy to start Spells for forgetting if we all have it :)

message 40: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Exactly I think they all are. I’m back and forth about it like, I usually want to support the author but at the same time I think all of us read too much to spend the money we would spend if we bought them from the book store every time

message 41: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments K :) I’m gonna make a page just to make one lol

message 42: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments True...I mean at the end of the day if you buy it, you support the author, at least that's my take on it :)
Haha...all good. Fingers crossed it will be a winner
Btw, when you guys feel like a gothic witch tale, try warned it can be considered a bit of horror as well lol

message 43: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Oooh good? A little horror isn’t too bad sometimes it’s exactly what’s needed to switch things up! I’m gonna look into it right now. But I am fixing to start the book FYI hope everyone has it

message 44: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments It has creepy illustrations to go with it lol

message 45: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Oh god lol

message 46: by Courtney (new)

Courtney Webb | 1334 comments Now I gotta know

message 47: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments Haha...have a look for it at Barnes and Noble

message 48: by Bella (new)

Bella | 1118 comments oh cool!! I'll definitely be putting Slewfoot on my TBR :))

message 49: by Corina (new)

Corina | 2615 comments :)) Its set in a puritan village so it definitely makes me mad too lol

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