°The Rainy Day Book Club° discussion

Mods > Mod Sign-Ups

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message 1: by River, MOTM Mod (new)

River | 461 comments Mod
Idk a lot
Very active
Of course
Talk to both sides in pms to try and figure out what happens and Bam if needed
Over 15 but I haven’t been keeping up on gr

message 2: by cori *ੈ✩‧₊˚, KINDA BACK <3 (new)

cori *ੈ✩‧₊˚ (corlnaa) | 361 comments Mod
Name: Lennon!!
How many groups do you mod?: none lol XD
How active are you?: very- on every day for at least 3-4 hours. (every now and then i am super busy i don't get on at all for a day but rare. )
Will you follow the rules?: absolutely
What will you do if a fight occurs?: solve the problem as professionally as possible, ask both of them to talk in pms, and delete all offending comments. warnings and bans given out if they conflict with the rules.
How many books have you read this year? 10! working on my 11th

Anna (Taylor's Version) Lantsov-Herondale-Valdez-Munson-Sencen-Parrish-Barnes  Fairchild-Lynch-Fahey-Gray-Pevensie-Zenik (annathefantasylover) | 213 comments Mod
Name: Anna
How many groups do you mod : 6 or 7
How Active are You : Very Active
Will you follow the rules: Yes ofc
What will you if a fight occurs:ask to see what's go on and how to fight happened
How many books have you read this year : 24

message 4: by danny (new)

danny Name: danny
How many groups do you mod?: 1
How active are you?: about 5 hours a day withe some checkups
Will you follow the rules?: obviously
What will you do if a fight occurs?: do research into what happened and issue warnings where needed and resolve properly
How many books have you read this year? 65

message 5: by Chanel (new)

Chanel (cocoreads) Name: Coco
How many groups do you mod?: None
How active are you?: Pretty active! I'm online a few times a week but have joined groups and such to motivate me to be more active and social on GoodReads.
Will you follow the rules?: Sure will!
What will you do if a fight occurs?: Defuse the argument objectively and without taking sides. I will make sure that both parties feel heard and understood using calm and respectful language.
How many books have you read this year?: 4 completed so far with 2 more to be finished quite soon! (I've gotta pick up my socks to reach my year goal of 10!)

message 6: by Lia (last edited Nov 02, 2022 07:51AM) (new)

Lia (lia017) Name: Lia
How many groups do you mod?: One group
How active are you?: Very active
Will you follow the rules?: I will
What will you do if a fight occurs?: Calm it down and judge fairly
How many books have you read this year?: Over 270

message 7: by Lia (new)

Lia (lia017) Do you have any questions about the BOTM? If so, Ask them here: What exactly am I required to do each month?

Do you know how to do the BOTM?: Pretty much, but if there's something I don't know, I'm a quick learner.

Will you be active and participate in the BOTM?: Yes!

If you can not do the BOTM for one of the months, Will you let the head mod know? I will.

message 8: by River, MOTM Mod (new)

River | 461 comments Mod
I think shes good raini

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