2024 Reading Challenge discussion

The Master of Whitestorm
This topic is about The Master of Whitestorm
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ARCHIVE 2022 > The Master of Whitestorm

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message 1: by SarahKat, Buddy Reads (new)

SarahKat | 5230 comments This thread is to discuss The Master of Whitestorm by Janny Wurts.

Pages: 563 pages

Length: 1 month (July)

Participants: Ashleigh, Saha

Everyone reads at their own pace during a Buddy Read. Because participants can be at different parts of the book at different times, it is extremely important to mark spoilers so that the book is not ruined for someone who is not as far along as others!!!

Mark spoilers by placing {spoiler} before the text and {/spoiler} after the text but use the < and > instead of the { and }.

message 2: by Ashleigh (new) - added it

Ashleigh Motbey (ashybear02) | 1684 comments I'm looking forward to this book! This is one of my randomly selected ones from the TBR Jar challenge for me haha!

The only other Janny Wurts I've read is the Daughter of the Empire series which she cowrote with Raymond E Feist and it was probably my favourite Feist series so I wonder if it was Janny Wurts that I liked 😉

message 3: by Ashleigh (new) - added it

Ashleigh Motbey (ashybear02) | 1684 comments Hi Saha! I've started this one now! Only on chapter 1 though :)

message 4: by Ashleigh (new) - added it

Ashleigh Motbey (ashybear02) | 1684 comments Gosh this book is difficult to follow!

message 5: by Ashleigh (new) - added it

Ashleigh Motbey (ashybear02) | 1684 comments I had to dnf this book. It was so hard to read.

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The Master of Whitestorm (other topics)

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Janny Wurts (other topics)