Children's Books discussion

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Themes, Topics & Categories > This is NOT a Promotional Folder

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message 1: by Manybooks (last edited May 27, 2022 12:18PM) (new)

Manybooks | 12530 comments Mod
Authors, please read through the group rules before posting about your own books, as those rules very clearly state that authors are only allowed to post about, to promote their own work in the author/promotional section and NOWHERE else, period. And this here folder regarding themes, topics and categories is thus not a promotional folder and any such post will immediately be deleted by the moderators.

Had to delete a promotional thread just now, and as this also keeps on happening, I am as one of the group’s moderators pointing out once and for all that this topic folder is not at all meant for authors, that the only section of this group where authors are allowed to write about their own books is the author/promotional section.

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