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Reading Challenges > Lost in a Good Book Maze

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message 1: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Feb 04, 2024 05:59AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod
entrance to a maze made out of books

Where are we? Where are we going? Will there be books when we get there? Can I listen to an audio book on the way? All very important questions to answer as NBRC gets sucked into mazes.

This particular portal into book world separates everyone into their own maze. Your goal is to make it to the end of the maze without getting lost. You will be provided with a link to your personal maze after you sign up and each maze will have its own password protection. Can you make it to the other side? Will you get lost in a book (or more) along the way? Only time will tell.

For instructions to make your maze, see post 3.

When in your maze, you must choose a direction to travel: North, South, East, West.
Each direction has a specific quality to the book you need to read.
🏆 North - Book title starts with A-M
🏆 South - Book title starts with N-Z
🏆 East - Even number of pages
🏆 West - Odd number of pages

There are 4 difficulty levels:
Novice: Only match the requirement for the direction you want to travel.
Easy, Medium and Hard: Match the direction requirement and a task.

The tasks will generate automatically when you change squares in the maze and come from a list of tasks that contains more difficult tasks depending on the level you sign up for. Each level has a longer list of tasks to select from so on the hard level you could receive a task from either the easy, medium or hard lists; while on easy it would just be from the easy list.

The book you read needs to meet the criteria for both the direction you want to travel and the task you have drawn.

For Example:
- Task: Read a book with the MPG Science Fiction.
- Wants to travel North (title first letter A-M).
- Ender's Shadow,

Fill in all the information requested, then hit submit to make your move.

screenshot of maze with a figure in the middle

Re reads are allowed (6 month rule)
Page count = minimum 100 pages
Any format is allowed

green uno skip card

Don't SKIP this message! I know you want to call a HALT to the tasks that make you want to PASS out and MISS the maze entirely. I don't want the fun to STOP so if you CAN'T complete a task, just ask for HELP and use one of the words in capitals as a spell out to fill the SPACE instead.

(*)Spell-it-Out Rules
Using the first letter in the book’s title, the first letter of the series name, the first letter in the author’s first or last name, or the first letter of a character’s first, last, or nick-name, or the first letter in the audio book narrator's first or last name.
If you are reading a translated version, you can also use the first letter of the translator's first or last name.

As always, if the first letter of a title starts with ‘A’, ‘An’, ‘The’, etc., you may use the first letter of the second word in the title to spell out your chosen word.

message 3: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Mar 22, 2024 04:57AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod
To enter your maze go to and press create an account in the top right corner. The access code is NBRC2023.

Once you have done this, there will be a blue button in the centre to create a maze. Pick your maze size (10x10 is standard and has been well tested) and difficulty (description above).

Update 22 March 2024 - you now have multiple options for task selection for your maze. You can use the traditional set (general) which has multiple difficulty settings, or you can pick one of the additional genre linked task sets (which are the same difficulty regardless of whether you select easy, medium or hard).

Any problems please either post here or message the Mod account (or Sophie directly).

message 4: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (last edited Mar 30, 2022 04:14AM) (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod

What do I put in the reader box?
Put your name. When/if these are used as a team challenge, the reader box will be more useful.

I did my first task wrong. I thought I was supposed to pick one of the three options. Having entered it and seeing how it looks, I'm guessing I was supposed to read a book that fit the first task given and either of the directions listed, too. Sorry for the foul up. Do you want to reset me or just have me go read a book that does work correctly and go from there?
No worries, just read a book that works for the task and the direction you want to go and carry on from there.

Read a book shelved/main genre (listed on the first page on GR) - Does this mean 1st page of tags or MPG?
On the 1st page of tags

Are we going by read date? If I started a book just before the challenge started, can I use it, or do you want us to start a new book after each turn?
You can start books whenever you would like, but their finish/read date has to be after the turn.
I.e I start reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Love in the Time of Cholera on 13/3 and finished them both on 17/3.
On 16/3 I get a task to read a book with MPG classics. I can use Love in The Time Of Cholera for this task.
On 18/3 My task is to read a book with a wizard in it. I can't use Harry Potter as I've already finished it.

My first task is as follows:
Task: Read a book that starts with the letter L
Direction: South (Title starts with N-Z)
How do I proceed? Do I read a book that starts with the letter L and another one with a title that starts with any letter between n and Z? If so, where do I post the two books as there is space for posting only one book.
A glitch in the matrix, sorry about this!
Instead of the title being L for the task, for now can you read a book where the author’s last name starts with L.
The same goes for anyone else who has this issue. If you get a task for a page number that ends so it is impossible to go East or West, then read a book that is that number in a series or has the number in the title.

Sorry for sounding so dense. How do I identify the directions in the maze? I see one opening but do not know whether it opens to East or North.
The top of the maze is North. If the opening is to the right, you can move East, on the bottom of the square is South. West is the left side.
So from the starting position you have the options of East or South depending on your individual maze.

Do not understand what is meant by "Read a book shelved (listed on the first page on GR) as first-reads - plurals and spelling acceptable"
Need some links for books shelved as first reads. I tried using the search key words as 'first reads' but landed with more than 20 pages of various lists which do not even resemble 'first reads'. I do not know what I am missing here. Further, can't understand what is meant by "plurals and spelling acceptable".
On the right hand side of the books page is yheir main genres. At the bottom is a link for top shelves. If you click there it takes you to the first page of tags. Searching through can sometimes get what you want, otherwise you can click on one of the shelves and edit the url to the tag you are looking for.

Plurals - for first reads tag you could also use first read (ie changing from plural to single or vice versa).
Spelling - colour vs color etc when there are variations across languages or mistypes on people's shelves.

Is lion shifter acceptable for the lion task? I think I may have one of those...
I'm feeling generous so shifters will be allowed.

I cannot find a book that has 2004 as a top shelf listed on the first page. Can anyone else? Can I instead choose a book that was published in 2004? Or is on a list marked 2004?
Remember that the top shelf includes the first page of tags, not just the book's main page. Going by published dates or presents on a list doesn't meet the task.

Regarding the isbn tasks- when searching my books there are two searchable isbn options. Isbn and isbn13. American books tend to have 13 numbers in the isbn, so that is what I assume I would search. Is that correct?
Which ever your copy of the book has; I don't think the tasks specify one over the other.

Read a book with fairies... Do they have to be referred to by that spelling? Or would Faeries work? Weird question but books do generally make a distinction about it, especially UF Faeries.
If they are recognisably fairies (even if called a variant i.e. Fae or Faeries) that's fine. The same goes for Vamphires etc.

message 5: by Lexi (last edited Feb 27, 2022 08:01AM) (new)

Lexi | 3957 comments Yay, I'm here and in

Edit: Hard too then

message 6: by Jenny (last edited Feb 27, 2022 07:52AM) (new)

Jenny | 7577 comments OMG, YES!
Please sign me up. Hard level please.

message 7: by KelB (new)

KelB (kelb24) | 32 comments Sign me up please. I'll try the Easy task level.

The other Sandy | 271 comments What's the duration of this challenge?

message 9: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5326 comments Mod
Thought there might be some enthusiasm for this one!

Duration is as long as it takes. We've got no plans to close sign ups and I have absolutely no idea how long the mazes will take to complete...

message 10: by The other Sandy (new)

The other Sandy | 271 comments Sign me up for the Easy level then.

message 11: by Oleander (new)

Oleander  | 18 comments I would also like the easy level. This sounds like a really cool challenge.

🐉  PrinzessBookDragon 👑🌶️ | 178 comments i will give this a whirl.... the medium level for me pls. thanks! 📚🤎

Maddielucy(Patti) | 305 comments I’ll try this. Hard level eeeeeekkkkk!c

message 14: by Mary (new)

Mary Hangen | 93 comments I'm in! I'm gonna do it...hard level!

message 15: by Marie (UK) (new)

Marie (UK) (mazza1) | 5541 comments I will try this I am going for medium please

message 16: by Vaidehi (last edited Mar 03, 2022 04:32AM) (new)

Vaidehi | 228 comments This sounds interesting. I am in~
sign me up for medium level please

message 17: by LittleRedRidingHood (last edited Mar 19, 2022 07:40AM) (new)

LittleRedRidingHood | 347 comments Sign me up for the easy level, please.

message 18: by Tricia (new)

Tricia (books2hooks) | 344 comments Please sign me up for Medium. Thanks :)

message 19: by Jessi (new)

Jessi (jazzykitty) | 1644 comments yes please!! Hard level for meeee

message 20: by Elli (new)

Elli | 158 comments This sounds fun! Medium please!

message 21: by Donna (new)

Donna (dkflynn33) | 2663 comments Hard level please

message 22: by April (new)

April Raimond | 83 comments Sign me up for medium please.

message 23: by JenniferJ (new)

JenniferJ | 202 comments Sign me up for hard to.

message 24: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments I missed this. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

Anyway, I want in. Hard mode, please.

message 25: by Sophie, The other one (new)

Sophie (drsophie) | 5326 comments Mod
Sonia wrote: "I missed this. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!

Anyway, I want in. Hard mode, please."

I did wonder after Jenny and Lexi signed up in minutes.

Happy to see all the enthusiasm from everyone!

message 26: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments *looks at date*

Oh, the weekend. Right. That explains it. I tend to shy from computers during the weekends... And I *hate* to check goodreads on my phone.

message 27: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11236 comments I guess it'll be hard level for me (which I will no doubt regret soon enough, lol!) :D

message 28: by Nuria (new)

Nuria | 1 comments Sign me Up please easy levels .

message 29: by Lisa Bianca (new)

Lisa Bianca (lisabianca) | 2 comments I would like to sign up to try medium level please

message 30: by Ilsen (new)

Ilsen | 28 comments Oooh this sounds fun! I want to sign up for the easy level!

message 31: by Eldarwen (new)

Eldarwen | 12487 comments Mod
Easy level for me please! :-)

message 32: by Deanna (new)

Deanna | 3388 comments Easy level for me please!

message 33: by stuti (new)

stuti (stuts) | 25 comments This sounds fun! Can you sign me up for medium?

message 34: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 9410 comments Mod
I'm in - for Hard please :)

message 35: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments So, the crazy ones are all in the hard way :P

message 36: by Jackie (new)

Jackie | 2065 comments I'm in - hard please.

message 37: by Carmen (new)

Carmen (TheReadingTrashQueen) (thereadingtrashqueen) | 166 comments I'd like to sign up for the Easy level please! If I wasn't still struggling to read I'd be all over Hard but alas akjhdfl I want to still have fun!

message 38: by Jenny (new)

Jenny | 7577 comments Sonia wrote: "So, the crazy ones are all in the hard way :P"

Who are you calling crazy, you nutty person?

message 39: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments The ones willing to read dubious books for challenges and points

Or just for kicks... like I do most of the time


message 40: by Judy (new)

Judy | 3655 comments ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm looking so hard! sign me up for easy task level please!

message 41: by Sammy (new)

Sammy (sammystarbuck) | 11236 comments Sonia wrote: "So, the crazy ones are all in the hard way :P"

Hey! I resemble that accusation!

message 42: by Sonia (new)

Sonia (darktalynn) | 11591 comments Sammy wrote: "Sonia wrote: "So, the crazy ones are all in the hard way :P"

Hey! I resemble that accusation!"

It wasn't an accusation... just stating a fact

message 43: by Alysa (new)

Alysa H. | 3816 comments I'm in for Medium.
What with my current reading pace, thanks for making the Duration "as long as it takes" :)

message 44: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod
Vaidehi wrote: "This sounds interesting. I am in~"

What level do you want to sign up at Vaidehi?

message 45: by Moderators of NBRC, Challenger-in-Chief (new)

Moderators of NBRC | 32694 comments Mod
Sign ups to here listed in post 2. Please double check that you are listed in the correct category level!

message 46: by Laila Jane (new)

Laila Jane (axlilxlala) | 1212 comments This sounds interesting. I'd like to sign up for Easy please =)

message 47: by Teri-K (new)

Teri-K | 2 comments I'd like to try medium, please. Thanks!

Lost in a Good Book Maze Challenge
Duration: As long as it takes!

message 48: by Snezana (new)

Snezana | 339 comments I'd like to sign up for hard please!

message 49: by Cindy (new)

Cindy | 118 comments I would like to try hard please!

message 50: by Natasha (new)

Natasha | 1034 comments I'd like to sign up for hard please.

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