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General - Group Business > Nominations for May 2022 Books of the Month

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message 1: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (last edited Feb 18, 2022 05:20PM) (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Some people are absorbed in the Olympics, some are getting ready for Super Bowl Sunday, and some, I hope, are itching to make nominations for our May 2022 Books of the Month. Each group member can make 1 science fiction and/or 1 fantasy nomination. A couple of suggestions to keep in mind:

1. Telling us a little about the book and why you think it would be a good group read can help get other members interested in reading (and voting for) your nomination. If possible, please use a link to the book and author in your nomination post. Click on “add book/author" for an easy way to do that.

2. To see if your nomination has already been read by the group, you can check:

a. The Beyond Reality Google spreadsheet of Previous Books of the Month, available at this link: To search for a specific title, use the "Find and Replace" option under the EDIT menu. Don't worry, you will be able to find a title but you will not be able to replace it since the spreadsheet is in "View Only" mode.

b. the group's bookshelf for Previous Books of the Month

c. these threads:
Master list of Previous Books of the Month 2018 - Present
Master list of Previous Books of the Month (Apr-Dec 2017)
Master list of Previous Books of the Month 2012 - 2017
Master list of Previous Books of the Month 2006 - 2011

Books the group has read in the past 2 years are not eligible for current consideration. Being chosen as a past BotM prior to that time is not an automatic disqualification, but be aware that it may hinder your nomination’s chances at the polls.

General guidelines:
• Feel free to re-nominate a book that didn’t win in the polls in previous months!
• For questions regarding specifics such as book formats, books in series, self-nomination and various rules for nominations, please see the group FAQ.
• Seconding is NOT necessary in this group.
• Friendly discussion & debate is strongly encouraged, but please keep things civil.

Poll schedule:
• Nominations will remain open through Friday, February 18.
• The first (preliminary) round of polls will open Saturday, February 19 and will run through Wednesday, February 23.
• The final run-off polls go up Thursday, February 24 and will be open through Monday, February 28.

Kathi, for the Mods

The Stranger Times by C.K. McDonnell
Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune
The Master of Whitestorm by Janny Wurts
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot by Patricia C. Wrede

Dark Universe by Daniel F. Galouye
When the Sparrow Falls by Neil Sharpson
Carnival by Elizabeth Bear
Backyard Starship by J.N. Chaney
Dauntlessby Jack Campbell

message 2: by Random (new)

Random (rand0m1s) | 1097 comments Science Fiction:
My husband recently finished this and then promptly woke me from a sound sleep to spend an hour telling me how much he enjoyed it.
Dark Universe by Daniel F. Galouye

For Fantasy I'm going to nominate something someone else initially nominated.
The Stranger Times by C.K. McDonnell

message 3: by Nachiket (new)

Nachiket | 86 comments For Fantasy- I will nominate Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune.

Described as a whimsical, warm-hearted fantasy that suggests it is never too late to make a positive change in life – or afterwards.

For Science Fiction- I will nominate When the Sparrow Falls by Neil Sharpson.

Sounds very interesting, some information about the book-
Set in the 23rd century, after the development of “contran”: a process for the quick and easy transfer of consciousness from one body to another, or from a physical body to a blissfully free existence in a virtual environment. Along with this great leap forward has come the erasure of any legal distinctions between people born the old-fashioned way and those formerly described as “artificial intelligences” – all are equal. The world has been transformed, everywhere except in the Caspian Republic, a deeply repressive society that considers itself the last outpost of humanity, forcing its mortal citizens to resist “the machine”. But, as State Security Agent Nikolai South knows, someone within the state is operating a secret contran system and smuggling people out to the free world on a new type of memory chip. An even more shocking discovery is to come. Thrillingly balanced between a grim, deliberately retro society and the possibilities of a utopian future, this is an original and gripping thriller.

message 4: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
I will (again) nominate The Master of Whitestorm by Janny Wurts for Fantasy. Her books are always excellent, and although this is one of her earlier p, stand-alone books, I haven’t read it yet.

And I will (again) nominate Carnival by Elizabeth Bear for SF. Came close last time around!

message 5: by Shel, Moderator (new)

Shel (shel99) | 2868 comments Mod
I see books that interest me already nominated above so I'm going to hold off this month :)

message 6: by Chris, Moderator (new)

Chris (heroncfr) | 862 comments Mod
For Fantasy, I'll nominate The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires. I don't know much about it, but I'm completely hooked by the title.

For Science Fiction, I'll nominate Backyard Starship. Because I'd like one, myself!

message 7: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Last day for nominations!

message 9: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Thanks for the nominations! The preliminary polls are now open and will remain open through Feb. 23.

Please vote!

SF Preliminary Poll

Fantasy Preliminary Poll

message 10: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Wednesday is the final day to vote in our preliminary polls for the May 2022 Books of the Month. Get your votes in soon!

message 11: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3993 comments Mod
Final polls are open to choose our Books of the Month for May 2022.
Please vote!

SF Final Poll

Fantasy Final Poll

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