The Perks Of Being A Book Addict discussion

ARCHIVE Team Challenge: UNO 2022 > Team Sherwood Forrest

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message 1: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (last edited Jan 16, 2022 06:01AM) (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments
Team Sherwood Forrest


Team Members:
Tammie - Captain
Amanda - Co-Captain
Jo Young
Ashley Elig

Team Spreadsheet

message 2: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments R

message 3: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments R

message 4: by UNO Pixie, Our UNO Helper (new)

UNO Pixie | 1701 comments R

message 5: by Tammie (last edited May 01, 2022 09:39AM) (new)

message 6: by Tammie (last edited Jan 18, 2022 06:11AM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Team UNO Shelves - Friend your's easier to see what everyone had read (REV)
✔ ❅ Tammie - Captain | uno2022
✔ ❅ Amanda - Co-Captain | uno2022
✔ ❅ Trio | uno-2022
✔ ❅ Jo Young | Uno-2022
✔ ❅ Ashley Elig | uno-2022
✔ ❅ Caipi | challenge uno
✔ ❅ Ingeborg | uno-22

message 7: by Tammie (last edited Jan 16, 2022 12:17PM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Helpful Resources

Need a word count-try arbookfind ->

Need Help finding a color cover? These shelves have been compiled by UNO Captains over the years...if in doubt about a color and if it sure to ask in our thread!
Yellow Covers
Blue Covers
Green Covers
Red Covers
For the color covers please be aware that different editions have different color covers and you will need to post the color cover that you read.

message 8: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments res

message 9: by Tammie (last edited Jan 16, 2022 11:56AM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments description

Hey Team Sherwood Forrest! Is everyone excited and ready for another round of UNO!!

*I've reserved the first spots in this thread for important LINKS and info for us to easily refer to. Once we get going, I'll be adding a timer to the end of the round if in doubt...check back at the top.

This challenge is very easy as it's not dependent on the number of pages read. The main strategy is to complete all the cards and pay homage daily to the UNO PIXIE to bring us the best hands possible :)

Let's start off by getting to know each other...some suggested share ideas...
1. If you've played UNO before, describe how long and what you loved about it
2. We are 'supposed' to be a chatty team...I hope you all enjoy reading about books...let's work to have some fun along the way shall we :)
3. If you are comfortable tell us a bit about yourself, pets etc
4. What's your favorite genre and
5. What book do plan to start reading the minute the UNO clock tells us we can start our reading?

message 10: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments I've played UNO at least 4 times... I love UNO because you can basically read what you want for the first 2 weeks of the challenge...before the mini challenge arrives...then we have to get a bit more specific.
I'm one of those challenge-aholics. I do read quite a lot, but have professed to actually read a bit less this year. We'll see how that works!
I'm a full time real estate agent so my schedule is sporatic...but right now it's extremely busy in RealtorWorld so at times I get quieter when I've a lot going on. My husband and I are empty-nesters and travel quite a lot. Looking forward to Maui/Kuai soon 🍹
I love to chime in and discuss mutual books or make recommendations. I read a lot of Romance paired with the suspense and PNR genres.

I plan to start with a chunkster... Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone (Outlander, #9) by Diana Gabaldon . It's quite a long book and I'll likely others read via audio at the same time I'm working on this one :)

I'm friending you all next and encourage everyone to do makes finding those REV cards really addition, Amanda and I will use your UNO shelves to keep track of your reading if needed...can't wait to start!

message 11: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Hello team!

This is my second time playing uno, but after last round I knew it was one that I would be playing every year and ask my friends about a billion times if they're playing until they say yes (Hi Trio and Caipi!). My favorite part is that you really do have a lot of wiggle room to read whatever you feel like reading, but the mini challenges also add some curveballs so that it never feels like it's just a reading log.

I'm a lawyer, but I don't do any litigation so I'm either reviewing written records (where I can listen to audiobooks) or reviewing video/audio records (where I can sometimes read a book). It's the perfect job to be able to read all the time!

I'm an MM romance reader primarily, and I also especially like PNR and Mysteries as well! I do branch out a little more with uno and actually have found books I was pleasantly surprised by while trying to fit a pesky reverse card.

I'm not a big planner reader, especially that far in advance, so not sure what I will be reading first. Probably will start scrolling through different peoples last year shelves to get some color cover book ideas!

message 12: by Trio (last edited Jan 16, 2022 02:23PM) (new)

Trio | 233 comments I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief that my first time playing UNO is on your team Amanda! You know how bad I am with directions and remembering everything LOL, so I appreciate how you're always patient with me 😂.

I read mostly LGBTQ books, but a bit of MF is in there too as long as it's dark, a mystery/thriller, or historical. I also love audiobooks because I can listen and walk my dogs at the same time.

Thank you Tammie and Amanda for captaining us, I'll send friend requests to anyone I'm not already friends with, and I'm looking forward to playing with you all!

message 13: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Welcome Trio! Looking forward to reading with you!

message 14: by Tammie (last edited Jan 16, 2022 04:44PM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Once you have checked in, there’s nothing to do for awhile. Please make a note to check back in 3 or 4 days before we start. I’ll post a working spreadsheet in about a week so we can all start claiming some books.

During this time, please ask any questions you may have about the challenge.

Happy reading everyone!

message 15: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments Hi everyone! I saw the friend requests coming in and decided I wanted to go hunting for my team... and here I am! I'm Ashley and I live in the United States (Ohio specifically). I am currently a SAHM to a 3 year old girl and almost 5 month old boy. We also have a dog who will turn 11 in early February.
I have been in a bit of a slow reading period, so I'm hoping UNO will help me pick up the pace. This is my 3rd year playing and my sister is the one who introduced me to the challenge! I also participate in an individual monthly challenge, so I will typically plan my month based on the prompts I get for that. I get my prompts on the 28th of each month and usually get a rough plan in place that is always subject to change if needed.
I kind of read all over the place, but thrillers are probably my favorite.
I'm not sure what book I'll be starting with for the challenge, but will definitely keep you posted. I'm so excited for another round of UNO and look forward to playing with you all.
I feel like I should know this, but my brain is mush - what does PNR mean?

message 16: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Welcome Ashley…it’s my shortcut for ‘paranormal’

Any favorite thriller authors you could recommend…I don’t like the horror genre…so nothing too scary

message 17: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Trio wrote: "I'm breathing a huge sigh of relief that my first time playing UNO is on your team Amanda! You know how bad I am with directions and remembering everything LOL, so I appreciate how you're always pa..."

I feel like you always think you don't remember everything but usually know it better than I do 🤣

message 18: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Welcome Ashley! I was a huge Steven King fan in HS (that's thriller right?), but now I'm like Tammie and nothing too scary for me!

message 19: by Tammie (last edited Jan 16, 2022 07:45PM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Ok…so Stephen king…I tried The Gunslinger…I hated it…very hard to follow. I haven’t tried another S.K. since.

Now I’m faced with a dilemma as I’m featuring him in a monthly challenge I’m working on for AMMP in a few months. Is there a SK that’s not too scary or hard to follow that someone who really prefers romance could read?

message 20: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments This is a question for my mom! I'll text her. She is OBSESSED with SK. My dad bought her some uber rare edition of The Stand for Christmas one year and I think she cried lol.

message 21: by Caipi (new)

Caipi (bookaholic17) | 48 comments Hi team! I'm Caipi from Germany, my timezone is Central European Time.
This is my first time playing UNO. But Amanda and another friend of ours had Trio and me convinced that we are gonna have fun here. 👍🏻 🙃
I'm not very good on planning a reading schedule ahead. I've usually some buddy reads coming up but otherwise I just look which book fits best with the next categories of all the challenges I'm playing at the moment and my current mood.
I have been reading exclusively mm romance for several years now but within this genre I enjoy a good mix of contemporary, mystery and paranormal. Not a fan of YA and seldom enjoy historical.
Besides reading I'm a spoiled housewife, married for 27 years now and mum of 3 adult kids, one still living at home.
Looking forward to starting this challenge and getting to know you all.

message 22: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Welcome visiting your country...can't wait to get back to traveling in that region someday.

message 23: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Okay here's the SK recommendations from my mom lol

"Gunslinger series is hard to read. Never could get into it.

Billy Summers has no supernatural in it.

Mr. Mercedes (more of a modern crime then horror).

Insomnia ( one of my personal favs and not too much scary in that)

The Green Mile would also be on my favorite list

if they read electronically “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption “ i is available as a short story by itself. And is an awesome story. "

Also from me not her, I remember enjoying 11/22/63 and it's not really a horror.

message 24: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Awesome...thank you!!

I didn't realize he wrote The Green Mile and totally clueless that Shawshank was even a the movie. I'll start by reading a short one to get the whole Gunslinger experience purged from my brain and move on from there...going to make my SK to read list now!

message 25: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments If I had to pick favorites, I'd probably say Linwood Barclay, Harlan Coben, Ruth Ware, or Riley Sager. Riley Sager is probably the only one that I feel like leans more toward the scary side. I guess I kind of like more psychological thriller types. I have actually never read any SK, because I feel like his books are all so long and I am intimidated by big books. I also think a lot of his popular titles border more on horror.

message 26: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments Now I'm questioning myself a bit. I'm not super great with genres, so maybe I like mystery/suspense more than thriller? I don't really know the difference. I just like to read those books that keep you turning pages. The Silent Patient and My Lovely Wife were others I've liked a lot over the past few years.

message 27: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Ashley wrote: "Now I'm questioning myself a bit. I'm not super great with genres, so maybe I like mystery/suspense more than thriller? I don't really know the difference. I just like to read those books that keep..."

I’ve had The Silent Patient on my list forever…I think I need to get that read.

One thing I do with longer books is read them on audio and via book both. I can be daunting if you don’t like the book…but reading a genre you love is key I think.

Doing these challenges doesn’t help with longer books though…I don’t read many because of that.

message 28: by Ingeborg (new)

Ingeborg (redrum) | 354 comments Hi, team!

I'm Ingeborg, from Norway. I'm a bioengineering student, but currently on a break. I have an Icelandic horse, and my parents have a dog, which is a bit mine as well. :)
I've played UNO every year since 2017 and I really enjoy the inspiration to read that it usually gives me. I like the liberty you'll mostly have within the challenge, but also the more narrow prompts for the mini challenges. Last year was a bit of a slow reading year for me, so I'm hoping to kickstart this one with UNO.
My favourite genre is fantasy, but I branch out to other things when the mood strikes me. Some historical fiction, some classics, but rarely crime or YA.
As for what to begin with, I haven't quite decided yet, but I think I'll start with the respectively second and third books in two series I've been reading recently.

Glad to finally meet you all! :)

message 29: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Welcome Ingeborg! Norway…I’d love to visit there someday! Thinking of the northern lights which are on my bucket list :)

message 30: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments I'm currently reading a long book and it is slow going for me. My MIL bought it for me years ago and it is her favorite book. I finally committed to reading it this month, and I like the characters, but it was written in 1930 something and there is a lot of description about the land and the houses and I don't visualize that kind of thing well, so all the detail just bores me. Hopefully no long ones once UNO begins.

I love the variety of countries represented on our team!

message 31: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Ashley wrote: "I'm currently reading a long book and it is slow going for me. My MIL bought it for me years ago and it is her favorite book. I finally committed to reading it this month, and I like the characters..."

Yes, I feel like books used to be a lot more long-winded and make it harder to read!

message 32: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Welcome Jo! What's the Buzzword Readathon?? I'm a challenge junkie lol.

message 33: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Welcome Jo!

…I loved It Ends with Us…Colleen Hoover is a favorite of mine…woohoo!

message 34: by Tammie (last edited Jan 18, 2022 06:17AM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments We’re all here!

I’ll post our working spreadsheet on Friday…check back then to claim a few spots if you like…I’m always around and don’t mind chatting…

message 35: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments I need to read some more Colleen Hoover. I have only read All Your Perfects.

I just realized that I will probably start the month with my book club reads. So I'll likely be kicking off UNO with The Next Together and The House in the Cerulean Sea. I usually have one audiobook and then either ebook or paper book going at a time.

message 36: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Oh I ADORE The House in the Cerulean Sea and the audiobook is amazing!

message 37: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments DITTO on The House in the Cerulean Sea…awesome read!

message 38: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments Everyone seems to love it. It isn't in my wheelhouse per se, but I think I'll still really enjoy it. (I'm not much for Fantasy, but love heartwarming.) I'm planning to do the audio, so I'm glad you agree with others I've talked to who thought it was excellent!

message 39: by Tammie (last edited Jan 21, 2022 06:49PM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments description
It's time to start planning our reading!

I'll add this link to our Working Spread Sheet (WSS) to the top of our thread - >

I'm going to make a few suggestions for claiming cards/books. Please let me know if you have questions or other suggestions.

1) Claim books for no more than what you'll read in a week
2) If you read a lot...there's 3 of us...let's hold back just a bit on claims to allow the other readers on our team to pick 1st...this will be especially important when the mini gets here
3) If you don't read a lot, please make a point to get your picks done. We'll all be more likely to be reading what we want if we take this approach.
4) When you post your claim, please link to the book version you are reading. This is especially important for 'colored cards'. I'll post instructions on how to link books if anyone doesn't know how to do this.
5) Let's get those colored cards and REV cards claimed 1st if possible. We have 8 REV cards and 12 Colored cards.
6) VERY IMPORTANT...please take time to list other options for what your book might work for. It may be necessary for us to move things around as we near the end of the challenge.

Please post your questions so we can answer debate whatever.

If in doubt on color, post your question here...we'll decide and if we can't, we can take it to the other captains, but I prefer we decide on our own if possible.


message 40: by Ingeborg (last edited Jan 22, 2022 02:24AM) (new)

Ingeborg (redrum) | 354 comments Could this work for yellow?

The Wonder Engine (Clocktaur War #2) by T. Kingfisher

I realise there isn't a lot of yellow there.

message 41: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Ingeborg wrote: "Could this work for yellow?

The Wonder Engine (Clocktaur War #2) by T. Kingfisher

I realise there isn't a lot of yellow there."

I would say not enough Yellow

message 42: by Amanda (new)

Amanda (bookoutbelow) | 634 comments Tammie wrote: "
It's time to start planning our reading!

I'll add this link to our Working Spread Sheet (WSS) to the top of our thread - >"

I will say as far as reverses go Trio, Caipi and I all read the same genre and A LOT of the same books so can probably fill those up relatively easy

message 43: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Ingeborg wrote: "Could this work for yellow?

The Wonder Engine (Clocktaur War #2) by T. Kingfisher

I realise there isn't a lot of yellow there."

works for 2 or skip though :)

message 44: by Trio (new)

Trio | 233 comments Yes, I'm pretty easy to please and I'll read almost anything!

message 45: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments So I feel like every time I play UNO, each team does things slightly differently. Are we to claim cards directly on the spreadsheet? I plan to read The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune first. It will probably take me 2 weeks but I'll definitely finish in February. I'm doing the audiobook. I know at least a couple of you have read it, so it can be a reverse or maybe even blue? Also, will the colored cards all be listed together somewhere for a super easy look at those or do we just scroll through the spreadsheet to see what is needed?

message 46: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Yes please claim directly on the WSS. I’ve played UNO several time and have found this to be the easiest way…a lot less confusion. I’d you don’t feel comfortable just let us know…we can enter for you or teach you the ins and outs too.

I think the book is shy a bit on blue…maybe use it as a Draw 2…hand 2 has a REV and a 2 that will work

message 47: by Ashley (new)

Ashley Elig | 587 comments Tammie wrote: "Yes please claim directly on the WSS. I’ve played UNO several time and have found this to be the easiest way…a lot less confusion. I’d you don’t feel comfortable just let us know…we can enter for y..."

Okay, I'm not REALLY sure how the draw 2 works... so maybe just verify that I did it correctly?

message 48: by Tammie (last edited Jan 22, 2022 08:36PM) (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Ashley wrote: "Tammie wrote: "Yes please claim directly on the WSS. I’ve played UNO several time and have found this to be the easiest way…a lot less confusion. I’d you don’t feel comfortable just let us know…we ..."

I corrected…you were close :).
The draw2 card is a card we receive no points for…the less of these the better…but it does enable us to use the same book for 2 cards in a hand. Basically 1 book for 3 cards…has to be in the same hand

@ALL there’s also an example tab if you aren’t sure

Amanda and I will be checking in often and we’ll appreciate your questions along the way! Anyone can help if you know the answer :)

message 49: by Caipi (new)

Caipi (bookaholic17) | 48 comments Okay, it's all still a bit confusing but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it with time. 🤞🏻🤞🏻😅
I added my first book to the SS. Please take a look if it is correct, Tammie.

message 50: by Tammie (new)

Tammie | 1178 comments Caipi wrote: "Okay, it's all still a bit confusing but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it with time. 🤞🏻🤞🏻😅
I added my first book to the SS. Please take a look if it is correct, Tammie."

Looks great!

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