The Book Lovers Haven discussion

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message 1: by Sreehitha, BOTM & Challenges Mod (new)

Sreehitha | 160 comments Mod
Book Haven Name:Sreehitha's NerdVana

message 2: by i f f a t , Book Debates & Buddy Reads Mod (new)

i f f a t  (iffattheavidreader) | 895 comments Mod
Book Haven Name: Iffat's corner of screaming and vomiting sparkly butterflies and glitters and confetti
Your Name: Iffat

message 3: by Sophia (new)

Sophia | 154 comments Book Haven Name: Sophia's World of Books
Your Name: Sophia

message 4: by Bonnie, Games Mod (new)

Bonnie (thedaylightreader) | 149 comments Mod
Book haven name: Bonnie’s Beautiful Book Haven
Name: Bonnie

message 5: by Ayathma (new)

Ayathma Book Haven Name: Can't get a name for my nook. just put a title suit with my name.
Your Name: Ayathma

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

Ayathma wrote: "Book Haven Name: Can't get a name for my nook. just put a title suit with my name.
Your Name: Ayathma"

All done! :)

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