A Stitcher's Book Club discussion

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Archives > Sept/Oct General Nominations

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message 1: by Jenny (last edited Jul 29, 2020 05:14PM) (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) | 94 comments Hello, fellow A Stitcher's Book Club Readers,

Nominations for our Sept/Oct General Book Discussion are now open.

**IMPORTANT** -- Your nominations can be from any GENRES.

message 3: by Tracey Allen (new)

Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum (carpelibrum) | 1030 comments I'd like to suggest One Star by The Behrg. It's a short story, only 17 pages long and I downloaded it for free on Kindle in December last year.

You said it could be from any genre, and this one is a horror. In it, the main character posts a 1 star review of a book on her blog, and things go from there. Could be fun?

message 4: by Jenny (last edited Jul 30, 2020 06:59AM) (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) | 94 comments Tracey Allen wrote: "I'd like to suggest One Star by The Behrg. It's a short story, only 17 pages long and I downloaded it for free on Kindle in December last year.

You said it could ..."

Perfect, Tracey. Thank you for your nomination. Tracey, I have added your nomination to the running list.

Tracey looks like an exciting book to read.

message 5: by Eden (new)

Eden | 1018 comments Mod
Get these nominations in!
Mine will go up tomorrow

The poll goes up tomorrow evening!

message 6: by Tracey Allen (new)

Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum (carpelibrum) | 1030 comments Eden wrote: "Get these nominations in!
Mine will go up tomorrow

The poll goes up tomorrow evening!"

Great to hear from you Eden, how are you feeling and how is your grandpa?

message 7: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) | 94 comments Tracey Allen wrote: "Eden wrote: "Get these nominations in!
Mine will go up tomorrow

The poll goes up tomorrow evening!"

Great to hear from you Eden, how are you feeling and how is your grandpa?"

Tracey, Eden grandfather died.

message 9: by Eden (new)

Eden | 1018 comments Mod

I nominate The Year of the Witching


Atomic Love

message 10: by Tracey Allen (new)

Tracey Allen at Carpe Librum (carpelibrum) | 1030 comments Jenny wrote: "Tracey, Eden grandfather died...."

Oh no! I'll send her a PM.

message 12: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) | 94 comments Janice wrote: "I nominate the following:

The Bear and the Nightingale
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
Stillhouse Lake"

Wow, interesting books you have nominated, Janice. Thank you

message 13: by Eden (new)

Eden | 1018 comments Mod
Tracey Allen wrote: "Eden wrote: "Get these nominations in!
Mine will go up tomorrow

The poll goes up tomorrow evening!"

Great to hear from you Eden, how are you feeling and how is your grandpa?"

Hi Tracey!
Thank you for asking about me, and my sweet Papa.
He passed on July 22nd. It absolutely stinks and has been so so hard, but I'm making it day by day *Hugs*

message 14: by Eden (new)

Eden | 1018 comments Mod
Janice wrote: "I nominate the following:

The Bear and the Nightingale
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
Stillhouse Lake"

I think I missed all of the comments after the 11th. I am the worst apparently XD

We are gonna have an honorary book genre called "Janice's book picks that Eden missed" next round XD I am sorry AGAIN

message 15: by Jenny (new)

Jenny (diggensjenny) | 94 comments Eden wrote: "Janice wrote: "I nominate the following:

The Bear and the Nightingale
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse
[book:Stillhouse Lake|33128934..."

Sorry, Eden - my fault - I thought I was doing the right thing and organising a running list of all the books nominated.

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