The Bookworm Challenge discussion


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message 1: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments For all the fans of Stacia Kane, Kelley Armstrong, and Charles de Lint!

Read up to 5 Urban Fantasy books.

message 2: by Mathew (new)

Mathew Carruthers | 72 comments

"The Getaway God" by Richard Kadrey, book six in the Sandman Slim series. My favorite anti-hero Nephilim is back in action, saving all of creation from ancient gods and a dead sorceror who just won't stay dead for more than a book or two, but he's low on smokes and almost out of booze.

message 3: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments I love Sandman Slim! I even got my hubby reading those... so good!

message 4: by Mathew (new)

Mathew Carruthers | 72 comments I just finished Kadrey's "Dead Set" a few days ago, really great story. More YA in tone than his other works, but still gritty with a punk rock sneer to it. Worth a read.

message 5: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments Finished (and loved!):

Saint Odd by Dean Koontz

message 6: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments Just finished:

Night Shift by Lilith Saintcrow

message 7: by Sam (new)

Sam (ecowitch) | 306 comments Got my first with The Night Watch

message 8: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments Finished:

Cracked by Eliza Crewe

message 9: by Sam (new)

Sam (ecowitch) | 306 comments Got my second for this with The Day Watch

message 10: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Douglass (rdouglass) | 379 comments This might be more "suburban fantasy," but it's definitely a mix of real and fantasy worlds and great fun:
The Mystic Accountants by Will MacMillan Jones.

message 11: by Sam (new)

Sam (ecowitch) | 306 comments Got another two for this with The Twilight Watch and The Last Watch

message 12: by Sam (new)

Sam (ecowitch) | 306 comments Got my fifth and last for this with The New Watch :-)

message 13: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments Sam wrote: "Got my fifth and last for this with The New Watch :-)"

All five by the same author, wow! I really must move The Night Watch to the top of my TBR...

message 14: by Sam (new)

Sam (ecowitch) | 306 comments It was rather handy, read them together for another group challenge aimed at finishing off series' to got a double whammy.

message 17: by Connie (new)

Connie Cote | 567 comments Mod
I'm a little unsure of what the criteria is for this category but I am thinking that this one works.

I read Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice.

Anybody have any other ideas?

message 18: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments Connie wrote: "I'm a little unsure of what the criteria is for this category but I am thinking that this one works.

I read Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice.

Anybody have any ..."

Connie, I like Urban Fantasy but I don't much care for "paranormal ropmance". Try checking out this list:

This list also has a long list of other lists (sheesh)! You're sure to find something you'll like!

message 19: by Connie (new)

message 20: by Melki (new)

Melki I've finished my first (and possibly only) title for this challenge - The Shambling Guide to New York City. It was okay, but this is not really my genre.

message 21: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca Douglass (rdouglass) | 379 comments Okay, maybe Bloodsucking Fiends. Probably the only vampire novel I'll ever read.

message 23: by Melki (new)

Melki I'd like to count The Sculptor under this category, if I may. It is indeed a fantasy, and the city plays such a big part - the artist uses the actual sidewalks and buildings in his sculpture - that it's almost a character.

message 24: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephanie-somanybooks) | 719 comments Melki wrote: "I'd like to count The Sculptor under this category, if I may. It is indeed a fantasy, and the city plays such a big part - the artist uses the actual sidewalks and buildings in his ..."

I'll take it. I think "Magical Realism" and "Urban Fantasy" can be inferred on the more literary works of this genre.

message 25: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Renee (runaway_dna) My favorite books so far in the Urban Fantasy genre are A Dirty Job and the sequel Secondhand Souls by Christopher Moore. The absurdly humorous stories are set in San Francisco and among the many characters, you will find Grim Reapers, Hellhounds, raven-demon birds, a homeless man with a pack of dogs, a goth girl, a thrift store owner, a record dealer, a detective, and a Buddhist monk. Expect epic battles, badass cars, heartwarming human connection, and a whole lot of sarcasm! :)

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